
Venom takes center stage as the ultimate antagonist in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2, surpassing even Kraven in importance. The symbiote plays a significant role in the game’s narrative, starting as a force for good but becoming a major threat to Peter Parker and the citizens of New York City. Harry Osborn is the primary host of the symbiote before giving it to Peter Parker, resulting in the iconic black and white symbiote suit and causing Peter’s behavior to become more aggressive and dangerous. It’s ultimately returned to Harry, however, who fully succumbs to its influence and becomes Venom.

Although Kraven was briefly hinted at occupying the role of the ultimate antagonist in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2, in reality, that distinction goes to one of the most universally recognized antagonists from the Spider-Man franchise, the amorphous sentient alien symbiote, Venom. While numerous figures have held the unenviable role of playing host to Venom in the franchise’s numerous movies, comics, and video games, in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 the dishonor belongs to Peter Parker and MJ’s friend, Harry Osborn.

[Warning: The following article contains spoilers for Marvel’s Spider-Man 2]

Most notably hosted by Eddie Brock, Mac Gargan, and Peter Parker himself, Venom holds a place of distinction among the pantheon of Spider-Man franchise supervillains, as one of Spider-Man’s three archenemies – the others being the Green Goblin and Doctor Octopus. In Marvel’s Spider-Man 2, the Symbiote plays an enormous role in the game’s narrative from its very beginning. Though, like in many other depictions of Venom, it is initially used as a force for good, it very quickly becomes one of the biggest threats to Peter Parker, Miles Morales, and the citizens of New York City – if not the world.

The Symbiote Saves Harry’s Life

Harry Osborn Suffers From A Genetic Disorder That Killed His Mother

After a brief recapitulation of the events from the previous game with a voiceover from Peter Parker, Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 begins with a short scene set two years before the events of the game. During this scene, Harry Osborn, his father Norman Osborn, and Dr. Curt Connors are shown to be meeting in a lab at Oscorp. The room is lit with an eerie incandescent green glow that emanates from a tank containing the Symbiote. The Father and Son share a tense conversation while watching the pulsating Symbiote, before the screen suddenly goes black and Harry is shown in the tank as the Symbiote begins to take over his body.

The next time Harry shows up comes during the scene in which he is reunited with MJ and Peter. Though the trio plans to meet at Coney Island for a night of carnival fun, before this, Harry and Peter get up to, and reminisce about, some mischief in their high school – including a rendition of Rick Astley’s magnum opus, “Never Gonna Give You Up.” During one of the flashback scenes in the high school, Harry is shown to, in a deeply emotional scene, collapse at the feet of his father after finding out some personally devastating news – his mother has passed away. After this, Harry shows up in a number of scenes that reinforce his close friendship with Peter.

The next important Harry scene, and the first in which his powers are shown to Peter, comes during the trip to the carnival. Though there are hints before, such as at the High Striker, it is during the chaos that engulfs the rollercoaster that Harry’s true Symbiote powers become clear as his tentacles manage to prevent the crumbling rollercoaster from collapsing until Peter can secure them in his web. Following this, Peter escorts Harry to safety on a rooftop where Harry explains to Peter about his experimental self-learning exosuit treatment. It very quickly becomes apparent that Harry only possesses a tenuous grip on his powers, a grip that rapidly slips.

Harry Gives The Symbiote To Peter

Peter Parker Dons The Iconic Black & White Symbiote Suit

Over the next several scenes that feature Harry, he is clearly enamored with his new powers, but he struggles to control them – a fact that causes him to destroy a computer lab. During a few battles against Kraven’s men, Peter is joined by Harry, now clad fully in a Symbiote suit. During one of these battles, Peter is seriously, possibly mortally, wounded, dragged out of harm’s way by MJ, and while crouched over his friend, begging him to stay awake, Harry sacrifices his powers and transfers the Symbiote to Peter – a gesture that saves him and turns his red and blue suit into the equally iconic black and white.

Peter’s health is rejuvenated by the Symbiote suit, and though it takes a while to have notably pernicious effects, straight away it is shown to be unsettling to the often incredibly composed and righteous Spider-Man. After the battle against Kraven and his men concludes, Peter attempts to return the Symbiote to Harry; however, as it seemingly has a mind of its own, it refuses to revert to its previous host. In the absence of the Symbiote, Harry’s health begins to rapidly deteriorate, a major motivation for Peter to find Dr. Connors – leading to a boss battle against the Lizard, but not to a resolution to Harry or Peter’s Symbiote problem.

Throughout the mid-game, the corrupting power of the Symbiote clearly has a negative impact on Peter. He has become more aggressive, less compassionate, and a danger to his friends and loved ones – a trend that leads to a point of conflict between Peter and Harry and MJ. This results in one of Marvel’s Spider-Man 2‘s pivotal moments, the battle between Miles and the Symbiote-controlled Peter. After losing this fight, Peter manages to rid himself of the Symbiote and captures it – returning it to Oscorp so it can be destroyed; however, Harry has a different plan as he allows the symbiote to once again take over him.

Related: Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 Answers Who’s The Best Spider-Man, Miles Morales Or Peter Parker

Harry Becomes Venom

The Symbiote Succeeds In Fully Corrupting Harry

After Harry regains the Symbiote suit, it is clear that the second time around is very different. No longer clad in a suit that appears similar to Spider-Man, Harry has now lost all control and the Symbiote has become exponentially more dangerous – it is now Venom. Still in Oscorp, Norman’s Oscorp Security team attempts to non-lethally defeat Venom; however, they stand little chance against such a formidable foe. Venom runs through numerous waves of opposition while in the process of escaping the Oscorp facility and after making it to the streets of New York City, Venom is met by the hunter, Kraven – for one of Spider-Man 2‘s best boss battles.

Though Kraven puts up a good fight, he is simply no match for the ferocity and overwhelming force of Venom. After defeating his adversary permanently, Venom dispatches him in one of the darkest and most graphic scenes in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 – Venom decapitates Kraven with a single bite before discarding his headless corpse, dropping it to the ground. After this battle, Venom goes to the grave of Harry’s Mother, Emily Osborne, where Harry begins to hear his deceased mother’s voice urging him on. After this, a cut scene showing the entire globe being taken over by the Symbiote plays as Venom delivers a voiceover proclaiming its plans for world domination.

After Peter and Miles witness the carnage caused by Venom, Peter video-calls MJ and informs her of the danger Harry poses; however, during the call, Harry interrupts MJ by arriving at Peter’s house. Peter rushes home to check on MJ, but when he gets to her, he finds Harry sitting across from her at the dining table. What ensues next is one of the most unexpected boss battles in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2, as Venom spawns and imbues MJ with the Symbiote Scream. Though Venom leaves Scream to fight Peter, he is not gone for long as Peter, immediately after defeating Scream, has to rush to the scene of Venom’s latest atrocity.

Related:Marvel’s Spider-Man 2: Final Boss Fight Walkthrough

Soon after his encounter with Scream, Peter arrives at Oscorp to save Norman Osborn from Venom and to attempt to reason with Harry; however, his pleas go unanswered. The next meeting is the final one, the game’s final boss – it is both an incredibly challenging and moving fight. Venom is in the process of taking over the city and is at his most powerful. The only way this most dangerous adversary can be toppled is through the combined efforts of Miles, Peter, and MJ. After defeating the Symbiote, Harry is left in a weak state, close to death after being killed to destroy the Symbiote and subsequently revived by Miles’ bioelectric powers. Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 concludes with Harry airlifted to a hospital in a coma.

 The Venom Symbiote is a key narrative component.  Read More  
