Throughout its existence, The DC Comic Universe has given various superheroes and supervillains. Among them, Superman is one of the most beloved of them all. The DC comic superhero character has been brought to life by many renowned faces including, Christopher Reeve, Dean Cain, Brandon Routh, Henry Cavill, and the list goes on.
However, these were the actors who successfully played the character, as there were even those who almost played the iconic character, but couldn’t play it due to some or other reasons. Nevertheless, they aced the role in other superhero films successfully.
Christopher Reeve as Superman
When the actor for the role of Superman was being finalized, one name that came to the creator’s mind was Robert Redford. Since the actor is known for portraying some serious and dramatic roles, it would have been interesting to see him in a superhero role. However, unfortunately, the actor turned down the role, despite being offered a whopping amount.
Robert Redford
After rejecting the role of DC superhero character, Redford later appeared in the Marvel film, Captain America: The Winter Soldier, as Alexander Pierce.
Just like Robert Redford, Nick Nolte also rejected the role of Superman, which many still dream of being a part of. However, Nolte turned down the role for a bizarre reason. During an interview, (via Movie Web), Nolte said,
“Oh, they were interested in me, but I turned them off by saying that I would only do it if I could play him as a schizophrenic. That’s sabotage. It would have been very strange to play that.”
Nick Nolte
Looking at Nolte’s unconventional approach towards the superhero character, it’s good that he rejected the role. However, later the actor ended up being part of another superhero franchise and was cast in a villainy role in Marvel 2003 film, Hulk as Brain Banner.
Paul Newman
Paul Newman was a renowned actor known for his various endeavors including, filmmaking, philanthropy, entrepreneurship, car racing, etc. The multitalented actor was also approached for the Superman film.
Surprisingly, the actor was not just offered the titular role, but he was also offered the role of Superman’s father Jor-El, and arch-nemesis Lex Luthor. However, unfortunately, the actor turned down the iconic role.
Although, if the actor accepted the role of Clark Kent, it would have been interesting to see him donning the red cape.
The list of contenders for the role of Superman is indeed long, but there are actors who turned down the role, just to be cast in other superhero franchise. Read More