After 61 years, the X-Men have finally revealed the true meaning of a founding member’s codename. The X-Men is a sprawling franchise with many characters, many of them taking their cues from the original founding members. Earth’s mutants are heading into the From the Ashes era, but now new secrets are coming to life, including the truth of a founding member’s name, as revealed in X-Force #1.
X-Force #1 is written by Geoffrey Thorne and drawn by Marcus To. In the issue’s opening sequence, Forge watches a clip of Hank McCoy, AKA the Beast, years before he mutated into his blue, furry form. Addressing a group of scientists, McCoy stresses the need for science to better understand mutations. While McCoy’s tone is ambiguous, there is a hint he wishes to be cured as well. McCoy concludes his talk by saying science is about “taming the beast.”
Forge notes the irony in this: in trying to run from his mutation, the Beast actually got a huge upgrade.
The Beast Is One of the Most Fascinating Members of the X-Men
The Beast’s Contradictory Nature Has Made Him a Fan Favorite
The Beast is a study in contradictions as well as a character who subverts expectations. The Beast’s mutation is purely physical. Initially portrayed as a hulking man-brute, the Beast quickly evolved into the eloquently-spoken brains of the X-Men. The Beast’s natural intelligence and affable nature were at odds with his appearance. In 1972’s Amazing Adventures #11, the Beast, trying to rid himself of his mutation, only altered himself further. At first, Beast had gray fur, but over time it became the trademark blue. The Beast was now even more monstrous.
Then something amazing happened afterward: the Beast seemed to have found himself. The X-Men were on hiatus at the time of his mutation, and he would drift between the Avengers and the Defenders, before reuniting with the other founders to become X-Factor. By trying to flee from his true nature, the Beast (seemingly) paid the price. Hank realized that being a mutant was not a bad thing, and he would come to find joy in it. The Beast, regardless of team, was always a great morale officer, full of hard-earned empathy and compassion.
After 23 Years, the X-Men Finally Accept a Fan-Favorite Hero Into Their Ranks
Not every mutant can be as powerful as Wolverine or as savvy as Cyclops, but one former X-student has finally risen in the ranks to join the X-Men.
The Beast’s Arc in the Marvel Universe Has Been Epic
The Beast’s Codename Reflects His Heroic Journey
The holographic clip Forge watches in X-Force #1 is a reminder of how far the Beast has come over the past six decades. The Hank McCoy fans see in this issue is at the beginning of his career, and wishes nothing more than to be “normal.” The Beast of today would not talk like that, and, as seen on Krakoa, would go to great lengths to protect mutantkind. This change in this founding member of the X-Men has been a profound one, and made for a satisfying character arc, and the origin of his codename shows that.
X-Force #1 is on sale now from Marvel Comics!
“}]] A cool connection. Read More