
(Image Source: Marvel / Alan Davis)


Chris Claremont is widely regarded as the definitive X-Men writer. His legendary 16-year run on Uncanny X-Men redefined Marvel‘s mutants and set a new standard of quality in comics’ writing. Chief among his accomplishments are the development of Logan and his co-creation of Kitty Pryde. This year, four decades after Claremont teamed the two heroes in a limited series, he is returning to tell another tale in Wolverine and Kitty Pryde.

Claremont will be joined on the new limited series by artist Damian Couceiro. A rising star at Marvel, Couceiro is best known for his work on X-Men Unlimited and the Groot solo series. Wolverine and Kitty Pryde will also feature covers by artists Alan Davis, Adi Granov, Marcus To, and Rickie Yagawa.

The three variant covers for Wolverine and Kitty Pryde may be viewed below.

(Rickie Yagawa Cover)(Marcus To Cover)(Adi Granov Cover)

The new limited series is set shortly after the end of 1984’s Kitty Pryde and Wolverine. The classic X-Men miniseries found Logan and Kitty traveling in Japan. It was here that Logan began training the young teenager in combat. It was also where Kitty almost lost her soul to the demonic Ogun.

“Obviously, that Kitty Pryde and Wolverine miniseries is so iconic,” noted Editor Mark Basso. “But there was a clear gap between the end of the Ogun situation and when Wolverine and Kitty arrive in New York in Uncanny X-Men #192. We were thrilled Chris was ready to show what happened in that intervening window. Why was Kitty in such a different headspace when they got back? And hey, where’d Kitty’s father get to? Now you’ll get to see.”

Beyond filling the gap and telling this untold tale, Wolverine and Kitty Pryde will pit the two X-Men against a new threat. A mysterious force follows student and sensei, as they visit Wolverine’s one-time lover, Mariko Yashida. The battle which follows will further cement the bond that redefined Kitty and Logan as characters.

Wolverine and Kitty Pryde #1 arrives in comic shops everywhere on April 30, 2025.


”}]] Legendary X-Men author Chris Claremont will spin a sequel story 40 years in the making, with Wolverine and Kitty Pryde.  Read More  
