The following contains major spoilers for The Immortal Thor #21, on sale now from Marvel Comics.
The God of Thunder has just handed his mantle over to a classic rival.
After months of tireless searching, the titular hero of The Immortal Thor #21 has finally come to the gates of Utgard, only to be met with two ferocious foes both ready to strike the God of Thunder down where he stands. While the Utgard-Loki, under the guise of Thanos, is content with watching the fight before them unfold, the other, Skurge the Executioner, is willing to personally lead the charge. When Skurge makes it clear that he isn’t backing down from the chance to take the God of Thunder’s place on the quest that lies ahead, Thor gives him the opportunity to fight at his side by handing over Mjolnir and all the power that comes along with it.
Jeph Loeb Is Returning to Marvel
Jeph Loeb, co-creator of the Age of Apocalypse and Eisner Award-winning writer, is heading back to Marvel Comics for a major milestone celebration.
Written by AL EWING
Letters by VC’s JOE SABINO
Main cover art by ALEX ROSS
The mighty hammer Mjolnir has been a part of the Marvel Universe for decades, with its debut coming right alongside the God of Thunder’s own in Stan Lee, Larry Lieber, and Jack Kirby’s opening story to 1962’s Journey Into Mystery #83, “The Mighty Thor and the Stone Men from Saturn!” Forged from enchanted Uru within which the God Tempest had been trapped by Odin, Mjolnir is a tremendously powerful Asgardian artifact that truly has no equal, even in spite of having numerous successors such as Tormod and Stormbreaker. As its iconic inscription reads, “Whosoever holds this hammer, if he be worthy, shall possess the power of Thor,” as Mjolnir imparts a plethora of divine abilities on any capable of lifting it for themselves.
Skurge the Executioner is by far one of Asgard’s mightiest and most fearsome warriors, as well as one of its oldest menaces. Skurge was introduced alongside another of Asgard’s most infamous figures, the Enchantress Amora, in 1964’s Journey Into Mystery #103 in Stan Lee and Jack Kirby’s “The Enchantress and the Executioner!” Although Skurge has long played the role of a villain in Marvel Comics, he has just as often ended up playing that of an unlikely hero, usually teaming up with other Marvel powerhouses such as Beta Ray Bill. More recently, Skurge has once again aligned himself with Amora, as well as the dreaded CEO of Roxxon himself – Dario Agger.
A Classic X-Men Villain Turns the Next Krakoa into a Marvel Nightmare
One of the most terrifying enemies the X-Men have ever known just kicked off a whole new Krakoan Era, and it could be the end of NYC.
Despite having been introduced to the Marvel Universe as the Land-of-True-Things nearly 40 years ago, it was only with the release of Immortal Thor that the strange land known of Utgard and the Elder Gods who inhabit it began coming into clear view. When the Demiurge was called upon to lay waste to the Elder Gods eons ago, a select few managed to escape its wrath, with those who ventured to Utgard forming their own pantheon. For untold centuries, Gaea held the only key to their realm, and since their recent release, the Utgard-Gods have largely tormented Thor and his fellow Asgardians with attacks both against the God of Thunder personally and the realms he calls home.
The Immortal Thor #21 is available now from Marvel Comics.
Source: Marvel Comics
“}]] Marvel might have a brand-new God of Thunder, and all because Thor has finally recognized the true might of one of his oldest rivals. Read More