
Marvel Comics has revitalized the Ultimate Universe with Earth-6160, a new and largely unexplored corner of the Marvel Universe. The new Ultimates, consisting of Iron Lad, Doctor Doom, Thor, Lady Sif, and Captain America, are uniting to put this twisted universe shaped by the Maker back on track towards a hopeful future. The upcoming Free Comic Book Day issue will continue the storyline from 2023’s Ultimate Universe, answering questions about the fate of the heroes, Captain America’s status, and the involvement of other characters/storylines including Ultimate Spider-Man, Ultimate Black Panther, and Ultimate X-Men.

Marvel Comics has officially revitalized the Ultimate Universe, and while it has a clever link to the original Earth-1610 with the multiversal villain, the Maker, this new universe of Earth-6160 is an entirely new and barely explored corner of the Marvel Universe. And now, the heroes of this world are uniting into the ‘new Ultimates’, as these Avengers variants are about to kick off their first-ever mission as a team, and they’ll be doing so for Free Comic Book Day 2024.

On January 5, 2024, Marvel announced the Free Comic Book Day 2024 lineup, and among the titles offered, one of them (which is actually a two-in-one) is Spider-Man/The Ultimate Universe #1. The Ultimate Universe story within this comic is by Deniz Camp and Juan Frigeri.

In FREE COMIC BOOK DAY 2024: SPIDER-MAN/THE ULTIMATE UNIVERSE #1, see the start of the next ongoing series set in the Marvel’s new Ultimate line! By the time it comes out, readers will have met the new Ultimate Spider-Man, Ultimate Black Panther, and the new Ultimate X-Men. Now, a new team of ULTIMATE heroes emerge to help put this twisted universe on track towards a hopeful future in a story by Deniz Camp and Juan Frigeri.

Based on the information that’s given in the official solicitation – as seen above – it seems this Ultimate Universe comic will be an integral step in furthering the wider plot of the overarching storyline. That plotline was set up in the four-part miniseries Ultimate Invasion, the one-shot comic Ultimate Universe, and the three ongoing series that will have already released their debut issues by Free Comic Book Day: Ultimate Spider-Man, Ultimate X-Men, and Ultimate Black Panther.


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The new Ultimate Universe launches its first ongoing titles in 2024, and fans have many expectations for these books, from plot, to tone, to themes.

Marvel Comics’ New Ultimate Universe Has Many Questions That Need Answers

Excluding Spider-Man and Green Goblin (as they belong to the Earth-616 Spider-Man storyline), the cover for this FCBD’s Ultimate Universe comic features Earth-6160’s Captain America, Iron Lad, and Doctor Doom (Reed Richards). This indicates that the story will pick up right where 2023’s one-shot comic Ultimate Universe left off, which means a few unanswered questions are sure to be answered.

In 2023’s Ultimate Universe #1 by Jonathan Hickman and Stefano Caselli, Iron Lad and Doctor Doom recruit Thor and Lady Sif to join their new team in order to right the wrongs the Maker brought upon this new Marvel world. In the end, Thor, Lady Sif, Iron Lad, and Doctor Doom are all official members of this nameless squad, and it’s even revealed that they found Captain America’s frozen body, but have yet to unfreeze him. However, the team’s formation was short-lived, as their location was shot with a powerful space lazer, seemingly obliterating all of them at the end of the issue.

FCBD’s Ultimate Universe Will Pick Up Right Where The Continuity Left Off

While the end of 2023’s Ultimate Universe confirmed that the heroes were still alive after the lazer blast, fans still don’t know what happened to them, or what they’re going to do next. Also, the cover of the upcoming Free Comic Book Day issue features Captain America – have the other heroes found a way to revive him? Not only that, but what is this new team calling themselves? In the original Ultimate Universe of Earth-1610, ‘the Avengers’ were called ‘the Ultimates’, which means it’s just as likely that this team could be called the new Ultimates as they could be called the new Avengers. Plus, at this point, Ultimate Spider-Man, Ultimate X-Men, and Ultimate Black Panther will have already had their debut issues, meaning it’s all-too possible those characters/continuities could be tied into this story as well.


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In a new preview for Ultimate Spider-Man #1, fans are given the best look yet at how the new Ultimate Universe is rewriting Peter Parker’s whole life.

Free Comic Book Day’s Spider-Man/The Ultimate Universe #1 could potentially name the new team, confirm Captain America’s status, reveal if/how other heroes will be involved, and explain not only how these heroes survived the events of 2023’s Ultimate Universe, but what they’re going to do in response to that attack. There is a lot of excitement surrounding this Ultimate Universe story, and Marvel Comics fans will just have to wait until Free Comic Book Day 2024 to find out what’s in store for the new Ultimates.

Spider-Man/The Ultimate Universe #1 by Marvel Comics will be available on Free Comic Book Day on May 4, 2024.

Source: Marvel

 Marvel assembles the new Ultimates in The Ultimate Universe Free Comic Book Day special.  Read More  
