Marvel Studios is rumored to be focusing on female X-Men characters for the team’s introduction to the Marvel Cinematic Universe and are seeking a writer who can “balance comedy and drama.”

X-Men #1 Variant cover by Terry Dodson (2013), Marvel Comics

This latest rumor comes from scooper Daniel RPK via MCUFilmNews. MCUFilmNews reports that Daniel RPK detailed that “Marvel Studios is looking for a writer who can expertly balance comedy and drama.”

The account further notes the films will “focus on the female characters” and Marvel “want to introduce new characters, ones that haven’t been in live-action before, alongside the main ones we all know.”

READ: Rumor: Marvel’s Initial Idea For X-Men Is To “Focus More On The Female Members Of The Team”

The idea that Marvel Studios wants to focus on female members is something that Daniel RPK claimed back in December. reported on his scoop writing, “The initial idea is to focus more on the female members of the team.”

Furthermore, the outlet noted, “Kevin Feige is believed to want to make the movie as different to the 20th Century Fox franchise as possible, which also means no Magneto for the time being.”

The report also indicated the main villain being posited right now is Mister Sinister.

Sins of Sinister: Dominion #1 (2023), Marvel Comics

A previous report from Deadline in July 2022 claimed that Marvel Studios was not going to use X-Men in the film’s title, but would be calling the movie The Mutants. That report came in the wake of former Marvel Studios executive Victoria Alonso informing YouTube channel Nuke The Fridge in 2019 that the X-Men name was outdated.

Alonso stated, “I don’t know where the future is going. It’s funny that people call it the X-Men, there’s a lot of female superheroes in that X-Men group, so I think it’s outdated.”

She continued, “I don’t know where it’s going to go. We’ll see. They just now have joined. They actually have a movie [Dark Phoenix] coming out soon, which under that banner is their last film. So, we’ll see what time will tell.”

What do you make of this latest rumor?

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 Marvel Studios is rumored to be focusing on female X-Men characters for the team’s introduction to the Marvel Cinematic Universe and are seeking a writer who can “balance comedy and drama.”  Read More  
