A multiplayer game set within the universe of the Marvel’s Spider-Man series on PlayStation was reportedly canceled at developer Insomniac Games. This past week has been a tumultuous one for those at Insomniac as the studio has suffered a cyber attack which has leaked the personal details of numerous employees along with plans for the company over the next decade. In the wake of this hack, Insomniac has since released a statement on the matter saying that it has been a “distressing” time for the studio. Now, an additional report has come about that sheds more context on one major game that was thought to have been leaked. 

According to a recent article from Bloomberg, leaked documents that pointed a multiplayer Spider-Man project as part of this Insomniac leak are dated and are no longer accurate. The report notes that this multiplayer title was scrapped “a long time ago” based on sources that have knowledge of Insomniac and its inner workings. When taking this into account, it makes it even more apparent that much of what has leaked on the internet as a result of this hack of Insomanic may no longer be accurate as plans have surely shifted over time. 

Long before Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 ever released, fans theorized that the highly-anticipated sequel could contain multiplayer in the form of co-op. Although this didn’t end up coming to fruition, the idea made sense given that Spider-Man 2 centered around a pair of co-protagonists in Peter Parker and Miles Morales. Clearly, Insomniac toyed around with this concept for itself in one manner as well before eventually ending its work on this concept. Still, it’s interesting to know that Insomniac was at one point mapping out a multiplayer title in any capacity and raises more questions about whether the developer will return to this idea in the future. 

How would you feel about a multiplayer-centric Spider-Man game from Insomniac? And do you believe that we’ll one day get a game in this style? Let me know your own thoughts either down in the comments section or reach out to me on social media at @MooreMan12

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