
Kraven the Hunter has known little satisfaction in his long life. Once the world’s greatest big game hunter, Sergei Kravinoff was plagued by existential ennui. A fateful encounter with Spider-Man would change everything for him and increase his hunting grounds dramatically.

Kraven has set his sights on the greatest heroes (and sometimes villains) of the Marvel Universe, leading to several noteworthy battles. From the concrete jungles of NYC to the Savage Land, these battles led Marvel’s would-be apex predator to all corners of the globe. Though some were memorable one-offs, others would establish him as a potential rival for other Marvel heroes.


10 Best Kraven the Hunter Variants, Ranked

Kraven the Hunter is an important member of Spider-Man’s rogues gallery, and fans have seen a few different exciting variants of the Marvel villain.

10 Kraven Attempted to Put Old Man Logan to Rest

Old Man Logan #41-42, 2018

Given Wolverine’s status as one of Marvel’s most lethal fighters, an encounter with Kraven was inevitable. However, their most memorable meeting did not involve the 616-Universe Wolverine (as he was dead then), but Old Man Logan instead. The popular variant had found himself stranded in Marvel’s main timeline following 2015’s “Secret Wars,” struggling to accept his waning powers and tragic past.

The Hunting Ground:

Having easily subdued the aged hero, Kraven released Old Man Logan in the Savage Land, his favorite hunting locale.

Kraven almost found a kindred spirit in Old Man Logan, hoping to give the hero the honorable death he felt he had been denied. Largely toying with his prey throughout the fight, Kraven forgot an important rule in hunting: a wounded animal is most dangerous when cornered. The former X-Man unleashed one final offense, putting the hunter down for the count. This battle stands out for its brutality but also for its striking art.

9 Kraven Stalked the Woman Without Fear

Daredevil: Woman Without Fear #1-3, 2022

Elektra has the reputation of being one of Marvel’s deadliest women, but recent stories have pushed her to evolve. Having adopted the mantle of her lover, Daredevil, she has also adopted his policy not to take any lives. Though this was a noble cause, it placed her at a great disadvantage when confronted by Kraven. Having been deputized by Mayor Wilson Fisk, Kraven relished the chance to subdue the legendary assassin.

The Hunting Ground:

With the first round of combat in a snowy forest, the second round concluded in a dark Manhattan school theater.

Elektra is initially hesitant in battle, as she has not yet figured out how to operate as Daredevil. This hesitation nearly costs her her life, with Kraven dominating the initial phases of the fight. Falling back on her ninjutsu roots, Elektra manages to move the fight to a dark, confined theater. Though Kraven’s heightened senses help him track her down, the Woman Without Fear summarily dispatches the hunter with several nerve strikes. This would prove to be a pivotal trial-by-fire for Elektra, helping her learn to navigate her new status as a preserver of life.


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8 Face to Face With the Lethal Protector

Venom #155-158, 2017-2018

As two of Spider-man’s marquee villains, Venom and Kraven cemented their status as Marvel icons. While they had already battled other versions of each other as members of the Sinister Six, it would take years for Eddie Brock and Sergei Kravinoff to do battle on their own. When they finally did, a cacophonous brawl ensued, nearly sinking an entire city block into the ground. Having once more adopted the role of protector, Venom must defend a group of underground dinosaur people from Kraven while keeping his ravenous urges in check.

The Hunting Ground:

In the heart of New York City’s sewer system, the Lethal Protector goes toe-to-toe with Marvel’s best hunter.

Kraven initially took advantage of the preoccupied anti-hero, bringing a building down on him with help from fellow Spidey-foe Shriek. Receiving aid from his dinosaur allies, Venom reentered the fight with unbridled furor. Making short work of Kraven and Shriek, Venom is stopped short of administering the coup de grâce to the hunter. Though he did not walk away the victor, Kraven now knew Venom’s measure and a prospective rematch could lead to a very different outcome that fans would love to see.

7 A Three-Way Duel with Spider-Man and the New Vulture

Amazing Spider-Man #49, 1967

As the half-brother of the Chameleon and a founding member of the Sinister Six, Kraven is no stranger to working with other supervillains to further his goals. However, he’s also not one to share the spotlight. Following his first major victory against Spider-Man (who had come down with the flu) in Amazing Spider-Man #47, Kraven was furious to hear ersatz-Vulture Blackie Drago boasting that he had dispatched the wall-crawling hero.

The Hunting Ground:

Kraven and Vulture plummet from the sky into “The Explorer’s Exposition,” a jungle-themed exhibit in NYC’s Exhibition Hall.

Though the more experienced Kraven possessed the upper hand over Drago, a re-invigorated Spider-Man showed up to intervene. This threw both villains off their game, with Drago being incapacitated by a blast meant for Spidey. Kraven then attempted to go blow-for-blow with the arachnid hero but was crumpled by a staggering body blow. This defeat would question Kraven’s prior victory, re-igniting his obsession with Spider-Man.

6 Kraven Brought Out the Beast in Young Hank McCoy

X-Men: The Hidden Years #17, 1999

Following several fruitless pursuits of Spider-Man, Kraven sought out a new challenger to sharpen his skills. He targeted Beast, whose simian-like strength and agility provided the ideal challenge. Having already poisoned X-ally Avia, Kraven promised to deliver the antidote provided that Beast agreed to face him in combat. Kraven initially gained the upper hand with an arsenal of poison-infused weaponry and traps. However, these same poisons proved to be Kraven’s folly.

The Hunting Ground:

Setting various traps across the estate of the Xavier Institute, Kraven uses Beast’s home-field advantage against him.

With his inhibitions lowered by the toxins in his system, the normally articulate Beast erupted into a torrent of feral strikes on the Hunter. If it had not been for the intervention of his teammates, he would have torn Kraven limb from limb. In the battle’s fallout, Kraven honored his promise of the antidote, curing both Avia and Beast. Still, the gentle X-Man wondered if this encounter awakened something dark within himself. This fight showed the extreme lengths Kraven was willing to go to test himself against superheroic threats like Beast and the X-Men.

5 Kraven the Hunter’s First Encounter With Spider-Man

Amazing Spider-Man #15, 1964

After narrowly avoiding escape at the hands of the wall-crawler, a frustrated Chameleon pondered how Spider-Man could be disposed of. Fortunately, Chameleon knew of an “old friend” who was more than up to the job. Soon after, news came of a legendary hunter arriving from Africa. Being rushed down to the pier by J. Jonah Jameson, Peter Parker (and, by extension, the reader) got his first glimpse of Kraven the Hunter.

The Hunting Ground:

After intensive study, Kraven led Spider-Man into Central Park, where various traps awaited the hero.

Kraven made quite the first impression: after apprehending a group of uncaged gorillas quickly, the world-famous hunter announced his intention to capture Spider-Man. Though the teenaged Spider-Man is overwhelmed in their initial bout, he perseveres against Kraven by the end of the issue. While this is far from their greatest fight, Kraven’s first encounter with Spider-Man sets the stage for their long, complex relationship.


Kraven the Hunter’s Relationship with Chameleon, Explained

Two of Spider-Man’s original supervillains, Kraven the Hunter and the Chameleon, have a surprisingly toxic Marvel connection, but what is it?

4 Kraven the Hunter Faced Tigra, the Feline Fury

West Coast Avengers #3, 1984

Tigra is one of Marvel Comics’ premiere animal-themed heroes. As the chosen champion of the enigmatic Cat People, Greer Grant-Nelson’s feline strength and agility have enabled her to punch far above her weight class. Unsurprisingly, this has also made her a frequent target of Kraven’s. The co-founding West Coast Avenger has had several memorable battles against the Hunter, creating a long-lasting hostility between the two.

The Hunting Ground:

Tigra pursued Kraven to Los Angeles’ Griffith Park, blurring the lines between predator and prey.

During their third fight with one another, Kraven was simultaneously amazed and intimidated by how strong Tigra had grown since their last encounter. At the time, the Feline Fury was experiencing fluctuations between her human and feline sides, making her impulsive and reckless. Though she possessed the edge in strength and ferocity, Kraven’s poise and patience in battle ultimately netted him the victory. Were it not for the intervention of teammates Hawkeye and Mockingbird, Tigra may have found herself the centerpiece of Kraven’s mantle.

3 Kraven Loved to Challenge the Lord of the Savage Land

Astonishing Tales #1-2, 1970

Were it not for his obsession with Spider-Man, Kraven would make for a fitting arch-nemesis for Ka-Zar. The parallels between the two are brilliantly contrasted by their differences, with Kraven almost serving as a dark reflection of the Savage Land’s king. Out of all of Kraven’s many opponents, Ka-Zar may very well be his closest match.

The Hunting Ground:

Beginning in Ka-Zar’s native Savage Land, the second round of this fight takes place in Kraven’s luxurious Arlington Arms penthouse.

In their very first encounter, Kraven actually pays little regard to Ka-Zar. He was more interested in abducting the hero’s companion: the sabertooth tiger Zabu. Though he put up a valiant effort, Ka-Zar was overwhelmed by Kraven and his hired henchmen and was left for dead in the ocean. To Kraven’s amazement, Ka-Zar crossed the ocean to rescue Zabu, proving that even the best hunters can underestimate their prey. Both men gave no quarter, and the battle ended in a stalemate.


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2 Kraven Held A Grudge Match with Kaine

Scarlet Spider #21-23, 2013

During 2010’s “Grim Hunt” storyline, various members of Kraven’s family conspired to bring him back to life. They aimed to achieve this through an arcane ritual involving Spider-Man’s sacrifice. Seemingly successful, it is revealed that flawed Spider-Man clone Kaine took Peter’s place, corrupting the ritual. This resulted in Kraven being virtually immortal, believing he could only meet death at the hands of Spider-Man.

The Hunting Ground:

Kraven’s machinations to push Kaine over the edge culminated in the Houston Zoo, where the Hunter hoped to find rest once more.

Enraged by this, Kraven set his sights on the recently-revived Kaine, who had built a life for himself as the newest Scarlet Spider. Because he was Spider-Man’s clone, Kraven believed that Kaine could fulfill the conditions of his demise. Months of meticulous planning culminated with the abduction of Kaine’s closest friends, who Kraven threatened to kill if his terms weren’t met. Kaine seemingly relents, only to restart Kraven’s heart, seemingly ending the hunter’s immortality.

1 Kraven Was Tragically Triumphant In His Last Hunt

Web of Spider-Man #31-32, The Amazing Spider-Man #293-294, Peter Parker, the Spectacular Spider-Man #131-132, 1987

Please make no mistake: while this is Kraven’s greatest victory over Spider-Man, his final battle was always against himself. Years of defeats at the hands of the wall-crawler and others had left Kraven apoplectic with grief and self-doubt. With the thrill of the hunt long gone, Kraven started conceiving his magnum opus.

The Hunting Ground:

Though his major victories occurred in Manhattan’s streets and sewers, the core conflict of “Kraven’s Last Hunt” took place in the eponymous Hunter’s troubled psyche.

Many years before Otto Octavius would declare himself “Superior,” Kraven assumed the role of Spider-Man after finally defeating and burying the hero alive. After brutalizing Vermin (a villain Spider-Man couldn’t defeat himself), Kraven offered no fight when the hero finally returned. Having already beaten his nemesis in every way that mattered, Kraven then made the tragic decision to take his own life. “Kraven’s Last Hunt” doubles as the hunter’s greatest triumph and tragedy and is the story against which every subsequent Kraven story has been measured.

Kraven the Hunter

Kraven the Hunter is one of Spider-Man’s most iconic foes in Marvel Comics. He started stalking the Wall-Crawler in 1964 and while he’s sometimes been considered one of Spider-Man’s more dubious enemies, the story “Kraven’s Last Hunt” in Amazing Spider-ManWeb of Spider-Man, and Peter Parker, the Spectacular Spider-Man cemented his position as the Arachknight’s most ruthless foe.

Kraven is known for hunting superhumans for sport and usually eschews guns in favor of knives, nets, and herbal potions that enhance his peak-human physical abilities. The original died in 1987 but was replaced by his Last Son, a clone who hunted his own siblings to extinction.


Since his first appearance in 1962, Spider-Man has almost always been Marvel Comics’ most popular character. Known for his sense of humor and bad luck as well as his selflessness and super-strength, Spider-Man has helmed countless titles over the years, Spider-Man’s most prominent comics include The Amazing Spider-Man, Web of Spider-Man, and Peter Parker, The Spectacular Spider-Man.

Peter Parker was the original Spider-Man but the Spider-Verse has become an important part of the character’s lore in recent years. Multiversal and future Spider-Men include Miles Morales, Spider-Gwen, Miguel O’Hara and Peter Porker, the Spectacular Spider-Ham. This provided the premise for the popular Spider-Verse film trilogy, which makes Miles its primary hero.

Spider-Man is also the basis of several live-action film franchises and numerous animated television series. He is one of the most recognizable characters in the world. While he’s changed a lot over the decades, Steve Ditko and Stan Lee gave the world an unforgettable hero when they created Spider-Man.

“}]] One of Spider-Man’s oldest foes, Sergei Kravinoff, has tested his mettle against several of Marvel’s toughest heroes as the vicious Kraven the Hunter.  Read More  
