In 1996, Marvel and DC Comics released a conjoined dream crossover, titled DC Versus Marvel (or Marvel Versus DC, as the series switched the order depending on the issue). It was a ’90s kid’s dream-turned-reality to see each company’s best heroes and villains square off. Where else could you see Thanos show respect to Darkseid, or Storm embarrass Wonder Woman in a fight?
Ron Marz, Peter David, Dan Jurgens, and Claudio Castellini’s Marvel Versus DC miniseries was a true milestone achievement, but believe it or not, the hero vs. hero fights weren’t the most enticing elements of the series – at least to me. The fights were exciting, sure, and they lived up to expectations as a selling point, sure, but they weren’t what kept me reading from issue-to-issue.
To me, the heart of DC Versus Marvel was its understated romance between Jubilee and Tim Drake’s Robin. I can’t help but reflect on this one, as I think there’s a small possibility that their romance could be making a comeback.
The Romance at the Center of the Classic DC vs. Marvel Comic Book Crossover
Robin and Jubilee’s Love Affair, Explained
In the first issue of DC Versus Marvel, the heroes and villains appear and disappear out of thin air into unfamiliar territory with no understanding of how they got there. In one instance, Daredevil’s nemesis, Bullseye, pops into the Batcave without explanation or either party knowing how they got there. As Batman (who hits harder than Daredevil) and his Boy Wonder fend off this mysterious foe, Robin vanishes. When Tim Drake comes to, he appears beside the X-Men’s Magik and Jubilee, and Jubilee immediately takes a liking to the mystery fashionista in her room.
From the get-go, Jubilee is completely enamored with Robin’s costume and his fashion sense, letting him know every chance she gets. As they get to know each other, the heroes discover that the merging of their worlds was orchestrated by two god entities who exist in the Marvel and DC Universe, respectively, bringing the universes together to fight on their behalf as their champions. Weird, I know, and even Jubilee writes in her diary about how confusing it all is. But one thing for certain is that Jubilee and Robin are begrudgingly pitted against each other, much to their chagrin.
Marvel vs DC Turned an Iconic X-Men Hero into the New Robin
After the Amalgam Universe was born, where Marvel and DC characters were fused together, one powerful young mutant shockingly became the new Robin!
Moments before their fight, though, they admit their feelings for each other with a kiss. Robin defeats Jubilee, but that does not put a damper on the honeymoon phase for the besotted new acquaintances. While anarchy ensues with the rest of the heroes and villains interlocked in battle, Robin and Jubilee enjoy a boat ride across Venice, with the narration reading, “Robin and Jubilee have no idea how they got there … and don’t care.” The “date” ends when everyone is sent back to their respective universes, with Tim and Jubilation mourning losing each other in their respective worlds.
A Superhero Version of Romeo and Juliet
Compared to the biggest focal point of Marvel Versus DC (which is obviously the Marvel vs. DC fights), a romance may seem like a moot point, butit’s how the series doesn’t put such an emphasis on the side-story that makes it stand out to me as something worth praising. It doesn’t get in the way of the main story, but leaves an impression as an addition to the story rather than an overbearing side quest. It feels like a welcome break from the action rather than a side plot that overstays its welcome.
It’s Romeo and Juliet, if Romeo and Juliet were forced to fight each other to save their respective worlds.
Beyond the execution of the story, the romance itself is incredibly sweet – probably Robin’s sweetest romance he’s ever had. The story is simple and doesn’t try to overcomplicate itself. Two young superheroes are immediately enamored of each other despite their feuding “families,” and despite getting caught in the crossfire, the battle doesn’t damage their affection for each other. It’s truly Shakespearean – if Romeo and Juliet were forced to fight each other to save their respective worlds.
How Could DC or Marvel Revisit the Jubilee and Robin Romance Today?
Could Gail Simone Make It Canon Again?
While it doesn’t end as grimly for Robin and Jubilee as it does for Romeo and Juliet, it nonetheless ends in tragedy, as their love story never gets a proper conclusion. What’s most depressing to me isn’t that they’re split by going back to their worlds, but they are forced to keep the memory of having loved someone they will never see again. The thought of that just kills me, almost as much as knowing there was no proper conclusion – but there might be now.
Gail Simone is currently writing Jubilee in Uncanny X-Men. Recently, Simone posted on X about her love for Robin and Jubilee in this event – which, hey, same, but it’s a deep-cut ’90s reference that almost comes out of the blue. It could just be a passing thought that Simone had about the couple, but it could also be foreshadowing for her series. Don’t expect Robin to actually show up in a Marvel book unprompted, but if she maintains the memory of Tim, Jubilee could have a throwaway line reminiscing about her would-be boyfriend. All it takes is one line to bring the couple back into Marvel and DC Comics continuity.
DC Versus Marvel is available now from DC Comics.
Source: Gail Simone
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