Marvel and DC Comics have announced that they’re going to start crossing over again, which is great news for fans of both companies. Marvel and DC’s last crossover — 2003’s JLA/Avengers — was the high water mark of intercompany crossovers, and since then both companies have employed even more amazing writers and artists who can give readers the kind of crossovers they want. For years, fans of Marvel and DC have talked about who they want to cross over; most comic book readers have lists of characters who they want to meet each other. With new crossovers on the horizon, that means that many of those dreams will become reality.

Looking at Marvel and DC, there definitely some characters who should cross over. These characters would give fans both exciting battles — what’s a crossover without some fisticuffs? — and also make great teams against what ever villains they face. These Marvel and DC team-ups are the ones fans want to see, and would make these new crossovers some of the best of all time.

Wally West has proved his place as the greatest Flash, mastering the Speed Force and slotting into the Justice League as if he was born for it. He’s also one of DC’s quippier heroes, which is why he would go great with Spider-Man. Wally West and Spider-Man have a lot in common. Both of them have been heroes since they were young and both of them have become two of the greatest heroes in their respective universes. Seeing them together would be amazing because they would definitely play well off each other.

Wally and Spider-Man would make for a spectacular team. They’d gel as heroes and make a connection as human beings outside of the costume. It would be better if Spider-Man was still married, since they’d have that in common, but even without it, Wally West and Spider-Man would be an extremely entertaining team-up.

Most of these crossovers would be actual team-ups, ones that probably started with a fight, but cooled down as the characters got to understand each other, ending with them working together as, well, if not friends than professionals. The Superman and Hulk wouldn’t be that and no wants it to be. Fans got a taste of Superman vs. Hulk in the classic Marvel vs. DC miniseries, but that fight was voted on by fans and was honestly barely a fight. That’s why fans wanted a full-on battle between the two characters, one that pit the Man of Tomorrow versus the Green Goliath.

Superman and Hulk is the superhero fight that everyone has an opinion on. Superman is almost certainly stronger at a base level, as well as faster and more mobile, but Hulk’s infinite strength potential, invulnerability, and healing factor could allow him to survive long enough to take Superman down. Superman vs. Hulk is exactly why crossovers exist, and seeing the two of them tangle in a full length story would be a license to print money.

Captain America and Deathstroke are both supersoldiers, but that’s where the similarities end. Captain America is a symbol of freedom and justice, always fighting the good fight for the ideals that the United States was founded on. Deathstroke was a soldier who became a mercenary, working for the highest bidder, and having no ideals other than self-aggrandizement to fight for. Captain America and Deathstroke make for an intriguing team-up because of how much they’d clash in the process of their team-up.

Imagine if Captain America and Deathstroke were both after the same target. They’re forced to work together, and bond a bit over their experiences in war, but right when Deathstroke tries to kill the target, the battle is on. Cap and Deathstroke are probably equal in terms of strength, speed, and durability, so the fight would come down to who is the greater fighter; and that’s just one possibility. This one is an out of left field team-up, but it would still be extremely entertaining.

Wonder Woman is a somewhat patriotic hero, so it would make sense for her to team up with Captain America. She’s the top superheroine in her universe, so another easy pairing could be with Captain Marvel, Storm, or even Wasp. However, there’s one Marvel hero who she should definitely team up with, one who she has nearly everything in common with — Thor Odinson, the God of Thunder.

Wonder Woman and Thor both grew up in mythological kingdoms, raised by the monarch who ruled their realm. They are both highly trained warriors and two of the best fighters in their respective kingdoms. The funniest thing is that both of them are attracted to people who look like them — Wonder Woman likes blonds and Thor is known for liking dark haired women — making their team-up perfect in every way.

Batman is DC’s most popular hero, giving his all to fight evil in Gotham City and around the world. Batman is one of the most formidable fighters in any comic universe, training his body to the peak of physical perfection. There are several Marvel characters that could have great crossovers with Batman, however, the one that would be the best is another character who writer/artist Frank Miller redefined — Daredevil.

Daredevil and Batman have loads in common. They both lost their parents, spurring them on to fight crime. Both of them are highly trained fighters and master ninjas. Both of them are OP, beating pretty much everyone they fight. Seeing Batman and Daredevil clashing before teaming up would be one of the greatest fights in the history of comics. Once they worked that out, seeing them work together would be a thing of beauty. Batman and Daredevil would make for an excellent team, and it’s shame they can’t co-exist at all times.

 Marvel and DC Comics have announced that they’re going to start crossing over again, which is great news for fans of both companies. Marvel and DC’s last crossover — 2003’s JLA/Avengers — was the high water mark of intercompany crossovers, and since then both companies have employed even more amazing writers and artists who can  Read More  
