It’s the 16th annual CSBG DC/Marvel Tournament! This time around, you will be voting on which DC/Marvel character would win in a fight!
In the past, I split the four brackets into “street level” for DC, “street level” for Marvel, then “more powerful characters” for DC, and “more powerful characters” for Marvel, but this time around, I’m just putting all of DC’s characters into two brackets, and the same with Marvel. So we’ll be getting some perhaps silly early matchups (like Superman vs. the Joker), but I think it’ll set up better later matchups in the Final Four (instead of the best of the weak characters having to beat an over-powered character).
The 64 superheroes were chosen from the top 32 DC and top 32 Marvel characters from the 2023 Top 100 DC and Marvel Character Poll that you all voted on. The selection committee then seeded those 64 characters from the most likely to win to the least likely to win and then created the tournament (I still eliminated characters like Lois Lane, as, well, come on).
The first round of voting begins now! You’re going to be voting on two regions today.
Simply choose which characters you think would win in a (non to-the-death) fight in the following match-ups. The voting concludes 40 hours from right now!
Each competitor has, let’s say, a half hour to prepare (so it’s not like Superman just walking up to the Joker and punching him. The Joker would be prepared), and can use whatever weaponry you figure would be typical for that character (so Spider-Man can use whatever weapons you would expect him to normally use, but he can’tt go get, I dunno, the Infinity Gauntlet, or whatever).
Use this hashtag to find the posts on social media – #csbgdcmarvel24
I am trying Facebook polls this year. I don’t love it, since you have to have a Facebook account to vote, but unless you know of a free poll place that allows thousands of responses, then, well, we’re stuck with these options.
1. Superman vs. 16. The Joker
2. The Captain vs. 15. Batgirl/Oracle (Barbara Gordon)
3. The Martian Manhunter vs. 14. Green Arrow (Oliver Queen)
4. The Flash (Barry Allen) vs. 13. Robin (Tim Drake)
5. Swamp Thing (Alec Holland) vs. 12. Poison Ivy
6. Green Lantern (John Stewart) vs. 11. Lex Luthor
7. Green Lantern (Kyle Raynor) vs. 10. Nightwing
8. Raven vs. 9. Aquaman
1. Thor vs. 16. Moon Knight
2. Silver Surfer vs. 15. Ms. Marvel (Kamala Khan)
3. Doctor Strange vs. 14. Deadpool
4. Captain Marvel (Carol Danvers) vs 13. Iron Fist (Danny Rand)
5. Iron Man (Tony Stark) vs. 12. Black Panther (T’Challa)
6. Scarlet Witch vs. 11. Wolverine (Logan)
7. Invisible Woman vs. 10. Spider-Man (Miles Morales)
8. The Thing vs. 9. Spider-Man (Peter Parker)
Come back tomorrow for the other two regions for the first round!
“}]] It’s the 16th annual CSBG DC/Marvel Tournament! Round one of you voting on which DC and Marvel characters would win in a fight! Read More