Wolverine is easily one of the most iconic heroes/antiheroes in Marvel Comics history, and a big reason for that is his costume (or, costumes). Wolverine’s character design, and his many redesigns, have a level of recognizability that few other characters can boast, which is one of the main reasons why he’s so popular – everyone knows who Wolverine is by sight alone (even those who have never actually read a comic book in their lives).
Of course, it’s also fair to say that some of Wolverine’s costumes are more iconic than others. His classic 80s/90s-era X-Men suit, for instance, is obviously the most recognizable, as are the ones that are basically the same design but with a different color scheme. But, what about the really ‘out-there’ redesigns? Should those be included in the reasons why Wolverine is so well known, or are some of them just too much of a deviation from his more widely-recognized look? Well, that’s what’s being explored today with the 10 best Wolverine costume-redesigns in Marvel lore, ranked!
Tron Wolverine
Wolverine’s ‘Tron’-Look is Interesting, but Not His Best
2010’s Wolverine #4 by Jason Aaron and Renato Guedes had a variant cover by artist Brandon Peterson celebrating the release of Tron: Legacy, and it featured Wolverine in a Tron-inspired costume. While Wolverine never wore the suit in an actual Marvel Comics story, the cover alone gives fans a good look at what that story would have been. Indeed, if Wolverine found himself trapped in the virtual world of Tron, that is exactly how he’d look, and he’d be taking on the evil/reprogrammed red Tron just as he’s doing on this cover.
Truth be told, the artwork is a triumph, and perfectly captures the merged aesthetic of Wolverine and Tron. Unfortunately, when compared to other Wolverine costumes, this one doesn’t really match-up, and would be super weird if it lasted longer than a brief stint on a variant cover.
Feral Wolverine
Wolverine’s De-Evolved State May Have Been Too Different
After Magneto ripped the adamantium from his bones in Fatal Attractions, a chain reaction took place regarding Wolverine’s mutation, which eventually led to his de-evolution, giving life to the infamous ‘Feral Wolverine’. Apparently, the adamantium grafted onto Wolverine’s skeleton was holding back his mutation, and with it gone, he was free to become this hyper-animalistic version of himself. Bone claws (that were much longer and more jagged than before) matched with toe and fingernails akin to Sabretooth’s, with razor-sharp teeth, a mind that ran on pure instinct, and a lack of a nose (yes, really).
This redesign is loved by few and hated by most, and easily stands as Wolverine’s most controversial redesign to date. But, no matter one’s personal stance, it’s fair to say that it’s a good thing this particular look was short-lived.
Fantastic Four Wolverine
Wolverine’s Fantastic Four Costume is Cool, Just Not Very On-Brand
2020 gave fans the New Fantastic Four, consisting of Valeria and Franklin Richards (who inherited their positions from their parents, Mr. Fantastic and Invisible Woman), as well as Spider-Man and Wolverine. While Valeria and Franklin were born to wear the iconic Fantastic Four suits, Spider-Man and Wolverine had to change their appearances considerably – most notably Wolverine. His suit was more-or-less the same in terms of overall design, but the color scheme is that of the Fantastic Four – blue, black, and white – without a hint of Wolverine’s iconic yellow, brown, or blue color-combos.
This look is cool, to be sure, especially since it indicates that Wolverine is a member of the Fantastic Four. But, that’s the thing: it’s a Fantastic Four costume, not a Wolverine costume, which detracts from the character’s personal brand a bit more than other redesigns.
Wolverine’s Adamantium Suit
Wolverine’s Adamantium Suit is Badass, but It’s Good It’s Not Permanent
When Wolverine briefly lost his healing factor during the Sabretooth War event (which took place at the tail-end of the X-Men’s Krakoan Era), he wore a costume that looked like his classic suit, but was made entirely out of adamantium. He also wielded the Muramasa Blade while he wore this suit, which honestly made him look more like the Silver Samurai than Wolverine. Logan wore it to take on Sabretooth, as the suit would protect him while the blade would allow him to deliver blows that Sabretooth wouldn’t be able to heal from.
In the end, the adamantium suit proved integral to defeating Sabretooth, meaning it was always more about utility than style. And thank goodness for that, because this suit would have gotten real old real quick if it had stuck around.
Wolverine as the New Nova of Marvel-2099 is Unexpected & Badass
When Marvel Comics decided to expand its 2099 continuity beyond what it had done in the ’90s, it launched an all-new Nova 2099 series starring Wolverine. As an old man, Logan took on the role of Nova in Marvel’s 2099 reality, complete with the classic Nova costume.
This redesign is similar to when Wolverine became a member of the Fantastic Four, as this suit isn’t really a ‘Wolverine’ costume, but rather a ‘Nova’ costume. That being said, Nova 2099 is Wolverine; an entirely original character that came as a result of an unexpected (and badass) combination of two pre-existing characters, which offers Wolverine a level of ownership over his redesign that he didn’t have as a member of the Fantastic Four. In other words, Nova 2099 is now synonymous with Wolverine, and that includes the costume.
Wolverine’s ‘Patch’ Redesign is a Bold Alternate Look for the Character
Patch is Wolverine’s alter ego when he’s on Madripoor, as it allows him to blend in without drawing attention to himself or his affiliation with the X-Men. As Patch, Logan drinks, gambles, and involves himself in the goings-on of Madripoor’s crime syndicates, allowing him to act as an undercover antihero. While Patch is a cool facet of Wolverine’s personal Marvel Comics lore, what’s more striking is his costume, which is a bold design choice for the normally animalistic character.
Wolverine is famously a savage who charges into battle claws-first. Everything about him is animalistic, with a name and costume to match. But, as Patch, Wolverine is refined, covert, and even charming, with his white suit and eye patch contributing to his overall persona. Honestly, Wolverine doesn’t even seem capable of being someone like Patch, but the very existence of Patch proves otherwise – and his redesign perfectly captures that.
Original Wolverine
Wolverine’s Original Costume Still Holds Up
While some might think the classic costume Wolverine wears as a member of the X-Men is his original suit, they would be wrong, as Wolverine’s actual original costume was featured upon his debut in The Incredible Hulk. Originally, Wolverine wasn’t an X-Men hero at all, but rather a Hulk villain. The idea that Wolverine was actually something of a villain is shocking enough, but his costume at the time makes his appearance even more bizarre.
Wolverine’s original suit had the same color scheme as his classic costume, but with the addition of whiskers on his mask and a slightly different cowl (specifically around his eyes). His original costume really played into his ‘Wolverine’ codename in a way that no suit has since, and honestly, the original design actually holds up, and is just as iconic as any of his other popular suits.
Weapon X (Age of Apocalypse)
Wolverine’s Age of Apocalypse Design is Insanely Badass
Easily one of the most badass Wolverine redesigns in Marvel Comics history, Age of Apocalypse‘s Weapon X is an awesome take on the character, throwing Wolverine into a post-apocalyptic/cyberpunk wasteland, pitting him against arguably the greatest villain the X-Men have ever faced: Apocalypse. The entire setting and overall aesthetic of Age of Apocalypse is second to none, and that includes Wolverine’s costume.
Wolverine (aka Weapon X) has a blue/black and red suit with matching markings on his head, with the biggest alteration being the fact that Weapon X only has one hand, and a metal stub where the other hand used to be – though he’s still able to pop his claws from that arm. Age of Apocalypse‘s Weapon X is a perfect example of a complete redesign while still keeping the spirit of the character intact.
Weapon X (Earth-616)
Wolverine’s Weapon X Appearance is As Iconic as His Classic Look
While Age of Apocalypse’s Weapon X is cool, the version of Weapon X in the prime continuity of Earth-616 is even cooler. Wolverine’s original Weapon X design includes a mechanical helmet/visor with wires extending from the helmet that are connected to packs worn around his waist. Weapon X also has markings all over his body that indicate where adamantium was surgically implanted and fused with his skeleton, which only adds to his ‘mutant experimentation’ aesthetic.
Not only is Weapon X’s look hardcore, but it’s also the design of Wolverine’s origin as an unwilling subject of the Weapon Plus Program, which made him the Wolverine fans know and love today. Sure, this one isn’t a costume in the more classic sense, but that doesn’t make it any less iconic.
Ultimate Wolverine (Earth-6160)
Ultimate Wolverine is the Character’s Coolest Redesign
Wolverine’s all-time coolest redesign comes from the newly-created Ultimate Universe of Earth-6160. In this reality, Logan isn’t the version of Wolverine fans know today, but is rather the Ultimate Universe’s Winter Soldier. His origin is roughly the same as his Earth-616 counterpart, but in the Ultimate Universe, ‘Wolverine’ was created by Colossus, Magik, and Omega Red’s regime after they were given such power by the Maker. While the specifics of Ultimate Wolverine’s origin are fascinating (and require a bit of an explanation), one of the coolest parts about him is his costume.
The design for Ultimate Wolverine, aka the Winter Soldier, is super hardcore, with a black and red color scheme, familiar ‘Wolverine’ cowl, and a mask over his mouth to make him look even more intimidating. That’s why this is the best of the 10 coolest Wolverine redesigns in Marvel Comics.
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