The original Ultimate Universe was exciting for Marvel Comics, introducing new versions of Spider-Man, the Fantastic Four, the X-Men and more, all while Marvel continued to publish their classic heroes and villains of Earth-616. Recently, Marvel created a new version of the Ultimate Universe created by the Maker. Despite the success of both Ultimate Universes, notable alternate realities in Marvel’s multiverse deserve more praise.
Readers who enjoyed the creative choices made in Ultimate comics will love some of the wild alternate universes that exist in other comic titles, like Amazing Spider-Girl, House of M or the many Age of Apocalypse spin-off X-Men titles. The Ultimate Universes were just the tip of the iceberg. These Marvel universes hold so much depth, taking Marvel’s heroes and villains in completely new, interesting directions.
10 Awful Things The Maker Did to Create the New Ultimate Universe
The Maker has done some of the worst things of any villain in the Marvel Universe, and it all resulted in the creation of the new Ultimate Universe.
Spider-Man’s Daughter & A New Generation Of Heroes
A few years before the launch of the Ultimate Universe, Marvel created another alternate reality that could have taken off in popularity, but never quite found the legs the Ultimate Universe did. At first glance, the MC2 had a lot of potential. A-Next was a young team of new Avengers and the star of this universe was Mayday Parker, Peter and Mary Jane’s daughter.
First Appearance
What If…? #105
Notable Comics
Amazing Spider-Girl, Spider-Girl, A-Next
Mayday became this world’s Spider-Girl, following in the footsteps of her father. She fought a new version of the Green Goblin and was even teased in Amazing Spider-Man (vol. 5) to appear in future comics. The MC2 deserves a return if only to explore Mayday’s character beyond Spider-Verse and Spider-Geddon events.
Spider-Man 2099 & The Avengers Of The Future
Spider-Man 2099 was a brand-new concept, not connected to any Spider-Men of the past. Miguel O’Hara wasn’t a Spider-Man clone. He wasn’t even directly tied to Peter Parker, only teaming up with the original Web-Head in crossover events. The 2099 universe soon exploded, with Doctor Doom and Punisher of 2099 and events that starred a version of Captain America wielding Mjolnir.
First Appearance
Spider-Man 2099 #1
Notable Comics
Doom 2099, Punisher 2099, Ravage 2099, X-Men 2099
The 2099 universe is such an inventive reality, exploring an alternate future of the prime Marvel Comics universe, where writers and artists can explore an array of new characters, building off the foundations of Earth-616, despite 2099 technically taking place in its own universe.
Spider-Man’s 10 Best Symbiote Suits, Ranked
Spider-Man has bonded with the Venom symbiote on more than one occasion, though other variants have had their own run-ins with the alien costumes.
The Best Animated Marvel Universe
X-Men ‘97
Beyond the alternate universes housed in Marvel Comics, many fans fell in love with Marvel’s heroes and villains thanks to the array of animated projects released in the 1990s. X-Men: The Animated Series launched the animated Marvel universe, providing a faithful adaptation of iconic storylines like the Dark Phoenix Saga.
First Appearance
X-Men: The Animated Series “Night of the Sentinels”
Notable Projects
Spider-Man: The Animated Series, The Fantastic Four (1994), X-Men ’97
Years later, Spider-Man: The Animated Series presented an experienced Spider-Man in college, culminating in an epic Secret Wars-inspired crossover, followed by the critically acclaimed X-Men ’97 series. More than the Ultimate Universe, this animated universe felt like a love letter to longtime fans and Marvel’s mythology.
The Avengers Fall To A Zombie Plague
Marvel Zombies
The Ultimate Universe houses some really cool versions of classic Marvel characters. It introduced new versions of the X-Men, the Avengers/Ultimates, and two celebrated takes on Peter Parker. However, Marvel Zombies combined two genres into one: superheroes and comic horror.
First Appearance
Marvel Zombies #1
Robert Kirkman, Sean Phillips & June Chung
Fans of the horror genre loved Marvel Zombies, creating a dark world where the heroes struggled to survive. Despite their incredible powers, even the strongest Avengers fell to the zombie plague. With heartbreaking moments like Spider-Man falling to his zombie urges, Marvel Zombies is an incredibly creative alternate world, perfect for horror comic fans.
10 Battleworld Universes That Could Appear in Avengers: Secret War
Leaked concept art teased a few potential Battleworld scenes in the MCU, leading fans to theorize about a few possible Secret Wars adaptations.
Spider-Man & The Fantastic Four Through The Years
Life Story
At first glance, the Life Story universe wasn’t too different from Marvel’s Earth-616. However, the biggest difference that sets the Life Story universe apart from any other, making it a worthier read than the Ultimate Universe, is the sliding timescale.
First Appearance
Spider-Man: Life Story #1
Chip Zdarsky, Mark Bagley, John Dell & Frank D’Armata
In both the Spider-Man: Life Story and Fantastic Four: Life Story comic series, readers actually get to see heroes like Peter Parker, Iron Man and Captain America age in real time. The consequences of events like Civil War carry on through the decades, and fans get an emotional goodbye to Spider-Man after a long, full life well lived.
Scarlet Witch’s Mutant Paradise
House of M
The Marvel Ultimate Universe presented a new version of the X-Men, but they still faced similar troubles as their Earth-616 counterparts. Mutants were still hunted and feared, chased by Sentinels. The Ultimate X-Men still faced villains like Magneto. However, mutants thrived in the House of M reality created by the Scarlet Witch.
First Appearance
House of M #1
Brian Michael Bendis, Olivier Coipel, Tim Townsend & Frank D’Armata
Yes, House of M required some massive reality-altering, but mutants finally lived in a world dominated by homo-superiors. Wolverine ultimately discovered that this world was a lie, but many mutants would have lived in ignorant bliss if it meant the ability to fully express themselves as mutants.
The 10 Best X-Men Storylines Since 2020, Ranked
The X-Men have been delivering fan-favorite content for years, and even the last five years have given readers stories and events worth remembering.
The X-Men Flee The Sentinels In This Dark Marvel Future
Days of Future Past
Age of Apocalypse put the X-Men on their heels, combating Apocalypse in a world dominated by villains. However, fans who want to see their heroes pushed to the limit should read “Days of Future Past.” The X-Men aren’t just on their heels, they’re underdogs pushed to their limits.
First Appearance
X-Men #141
Chris Claremont, John Byrne, Terry Austin & Glynis Wein
The Ultimate X-Men faced many struggles, but nothing compared to the combined might of the Sentinels, hunting the mutants to near-extinction. Wolverine and Kitty Pryde shined in “Days of Future Past,” serving as the perfect protagonists for this apocalyptic future that was bad for the X-Men but incredibly entertaining to read for fans.
Marvel’s Cinematic Universe Is One Of Its Best
Marvel Comics houses so many incredible alternate universes, but one of the best alternate Marvel realities exists on the big screen. Despite its several stumbles and missteps, the Marvel Cinematic Universe did what no other film franchise has ever done before: connecting dozens of films and TV series into one cohesive timeline.
First Appearance
Iron Man (2008)
Notable Projects
Marvel’s The Avengers (2012), Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015), Avengers: Infinity War (2018), Avengers: Endgame (2019)
The MCU popularized many of the Marvel superheroes who are now household names. Captain America, Thor and Iron Man are now a-list heroes, and their journeys across the MCU have resulted in incredible payoffs, from Cap wielding Mjolnir to Tony Stark’s iconic “I am Iron Man” line.
The 10 Oldest X-Men Characters of All Time, Ranked from Youngest to Oldest
The X-Men have been around for decades, but some team members have been around for much longer than that, surprising fans with how long they’ve lived.
Marvel & DC Comics Merge
Amalgam Universe
There are few universes more inventive and creative in comics than the Amalgam Universe. Marvel and DC respectively house the greatest superheroes and villains in comics, but the Amalgam Universe combines them both.
First Appearance
Marvel Versus DC #3
Ron Marz, Dan Jurgens, Claudio Castellini, Joe Rubinstein, Paul Neary & Gregory Wright
From Spider-Boy, the combination of Ben Reilly’s Spider-Man and Kon-El’s Superboy, to Doctor Strangefate, the amalgamation of Doctor Strange, Professor Charles Xavier and Doctor Fate, Amalgam Comics is such a fun universe to explore, with unique concepts that are far more intriguing to read about than the Ultimate Universe.
Apocalypse Rules The X-Men Universe
Age of Apocalypse
The Ultimate Universe was an exciting new publishing initiative for Marvel Comics, but they could have gone even more wild with the differences, creating strange new worlds and scenarios for the heroes to navigate. One of the best alternate Marvel universes came a decade earlier in the Age of Apocalypse event.
First Appearance
X-Men: Alpha #1
Scott Lobdell, Mark Waid, Roger Cruz, Steve Epting, Tim Townsend, Dan Panosian, Steve Buccellato & Electric Crayon
Charles Xavier was dead, Magneto led the new X-Men, and mutants like Cyclops and Beast worked for Apocalypse, who now dominated most of America. This was the kind of drastic change that made Age of Apocalypse so memorable, with many fans hoping to see further stories told in that dark universe.
“}]] Marvel has found success with two different Ultimate universes, though that doesn’t mean fans have forgotten about the AoA, MC2 or Marvel Zombies. Read More