
The X-Men are some of the most popular superheroes out there. They have a unique status as a super-team, as unlike other groups like the Avengers or the Justice League, they were created as a unit from the beginning. This means the original five were created together rather than each hero having distinct creators. Subsequent generations of the team have all been imagined and designed together, which requires a difficult balance that needs to be struck when it comes to their costumes. They must be unique enough to stand out but uniform enough to feel like a team.

Every member of the X-Men has had about a half-dozen costumes each, if not more. As such, it makes sense that a few of these amazing designs have fallen through the cracks. However, these costumes are still memorable and deserve a little love. X-Men costumes can be great for a lot of reasons. They can suit the character and pay homage to their styles and influences. Or they can denote a shift in attitude or era. Some costumes are fun because of what they represent in the series. Whatever the reason, plenty of unsung heroes are hanging out in the X-Men’s wardrobes.


How To Start Reading X-Men Comics

The X-Men’s comic history might seem daunting, but storylines like the Dark Phoenix Saga and even the Krakoan Age are great starting points.

10 Alex Ross’ X-Men Concept Art Deserved A Spotlight

Unfortunately, His Designs Never Got A Chance to Shine

Alex Ross is a well-known name in the comic community. He’s a legend for his incredibly photorealistic paintings. He’s got a lot of incredible covers under his belt, and some of his designs are unmatched. Around the advent of the first X-Men movie, a significant relaunch was coming for the X-books. Part of that was the idea of a new look that Alex Ross happily attempted to provide.

These designs are incredible, given how they tie each character together. The all-black bodysuits, combined with the multicolored Xs, give the team a look that is both unified and unique. Perhaps the most apt comparison is the Power Rangers, who also sport near-identical multicolored outfits. Each costume has unique little flairs, like Jean’s hood, Nightcrawler’s collar, and Scott’s visor.

The Costumes Came From an Evil Vampire, But They Made Them Work

During the Krokoan Era, quite a few cool miniseries explored the wide world of mutant heroics. One fun group was the newest iteration of the X-Terminators, who came together to fight a new vampiric menace. During a strange brawl, the new crew was kidnapped to a space station.

They had to don Halloween costumes, which they weren’t initially happy about. However, there is no denying that the X-Terminators made the costumes their own.

The entire vibe of the book is just these heroines having fun on a low-stakes adventure. Unlike most stories in the Krakoan era, this comic was very low-stakes. It mostly featured Boom Boom, Dazzler, Jubilee, and Wolverine having fun and being pals, which is a fun change of pace. Plus, they killed a bunch of vampires looking like they robbed a Party City, which is not easy to forget.

8 The Original Iceman Costume Deserves More Hype

The Snowy Look is Surprisingly Adorable

Iceman is one of the original X-Men and has been an important part of the team ever since. He often doesn’t have a memorable costume since he usually covers his body in ice before battle. However, his first appearance sported a very different look. Initially, Iceman was downright snowy despite his moniker. While his evolution is cool, this is an underrated look.

Sure, the snow isn’t as intimidating, but look at how cute the snow is! He looks downright cuddly with a fresh layer of frost on. Granted, this isn’t the most effective look for a crime-fighter, but considering Bobby has spent his entire existence ping-ponging between being the X-Men’s little brother and an Omega Level threat, he could use a little time in his old duds.

7 Angel’s Post-Schism Look Took Cues From His Name

It Gets Overshined by His Archangel Era

Angel, like most of the X-Men, was dead for a while. When Warren was reborn by the life seed (don’t worry about it), he initially had no memories of his previous life. He also briefly believed he was an actual biblical angel. While this was certainly an interesting period for the character, one of his most defining aspects from this period was the awesome costume he got. It combined some of his best looks, taking his flowing blonde hair and metal death wings to make a graceful and deadly character.


Gambit & 9 Other X-Men Who Deserve Their Own Miniseries

Marvel Comics still has a long way to go in giving some of its most deserving X-Men, like Iceman and Thunderbird, their own miniseries.

There is a lot to love about Angel’s design. First, it uses the white and blue often associated with the character. Plus, the little halo logo is nice, and it is always fun when X-Men get logos that aren’t just big letters. The tabard that comes down between his legs is a nice touch and definitely gives the suit a more regal, dignified feeling. The result is rather clean but usually overlooked in favor of Angel’s more iconic Archangel persona.

6 The New X-Men Did Street Wear Right

No One Else Has Truly Nailed the Concept

Grant Morrison is about as close to a household name as one can get when it comes to comic writers. They have created some truly genre and character-defining stories that have since seeped into the cultural consciousness like never before. A perfect example is their take on the X-Men, which pares the group back to basics and rebuilds their status quo from the ground up.

Morrison’s X-Men are not only heroes but, for the first time in the comics, teachers. As such, their uniform is much less spandex and much more multi-purpose. Unlike the movie designs of the same era, these looks are not afraid to embrace a little comic camp. They’re wearing bomber jackets with big yellow Xs, for crying out loud! However, it’s a very clean look that lends itself well to the story being told.

5 The Training Uniforms Are Overhated

The Classics Are Classics For A Reason

The X-Men training uniform is the “standard issue” suit that almost every mutant hero wears at one point or another. The simple yellow and black design is incredibly iconic and was sported by the original five X-Men throughout their first run.

Various heroes have worn the training uniform, including the New Mutants and, most famously, Kitty Pryde, who wore it even while her teammates had unique costumes.

The training uniform is good, but it is pretty obviously outshone by the unique designs. As fun as it is seeing everyone match, there is a reason why people prefer to portray the X-Men with their own looks. It is way more fun to give the characters diverse color palettes and silhouettes, making it easier to distinguish them at a glance. However, the training uniforms are still underrated and have defined the characters for years.

The Whole Dying-Star-Encased-in-Metal is a Great Vibe

Now, Xorn’s actual identity is a massive spoiler for the entire Grant Morrison run on New X-Men. Even without diving into specifics, Xorn has one of the coolest looks among the X-Men and rarely gets discussed. His metal head is said to encase an actual star, giving him the mutant ability to heal injuries. As if the helmet’s skullish faceplate and mechanical detailing weren’t enough, the design goes even further.

Cyclops rescued Xorn from a secret prison, so the powerful mutant wears heavy chains in an X across his chest. This symbolizes both his previous persecution and his new home. Plus, he has one of the trademark New X-Men jackets, whichties the whole look together. Xorn taught the special class, a group of mutants with highly visible and challenging mutations, and it’s no wonder why, given his apparent mutation.

3 Juggernaut’s Newest Look is Perfect

Cain Marko’s Finally on the Side of Angels

The Juggernaut, Cain Marko, is easily one of the most iconic Marvel villains ever. He’s tangled with all their biggest heroes, like Spider-Man, the Hulk, and the X-Men. Although the Juggernaut and the X-Men are often on opposite sides, they have worked together before. The Krakoan era brought together heroes and villains, including Juggernaut, to forge their new society.


Every X-Men Team Led By Cyclops, Ranked

Cyclops was the first leader of the X-Men, though he has grown to become one of the top defenders of Xavier’s dream during the “From the Ashes” era.

Juggernaut officially joined the X-Men in the new “From the Ashes” line of comics as part of Cyclops’s team. He sports a mostly black suit with a stunning red X across his helmet. As Cain points out, this isn’t just a logo but a target that plants him firmly on the side of mutants against their would-be oppressors. While he has only worn the look for a few issues, it will likely leave a lasting impact.

2 Cyclops Wore a Great Look After AvX

The X Visor Really Takes it Up a Notch

Despite operating as a hero for most of his life, Cyclops had a bit of a fall from grace. After leading the X-Men to war with the Avengers and being possessed by the Phoenix Force, Cyclops formed a new, more morally grey group of X-Men. Cyclops donned a darker black costume with red detailing and an iconic X-shaped visor to lead this team.

This is far from Cyclops’s most popular look, but it is great. The suit is reminiscent of his more iconic and nostalgic dark blue bodysuit, but the new, larger visor prevents the head from looking too goofy. Plus, having the X be the focal point for Scott’s destructive power and his vision for the future is a great example of design and story coming together.

1 Everything Emma Frost Has Ever Worn

She’s Just Too Fabulous as Marvel’s White Queen

Love her or hate her, Emma Frost has always been a fashion icon. A character rarely has as many costume changes as the White Queen, even amongst a fashion-forward group like the X-Men. It feels like every time Emma crops up, she’s wearing a new, fabulous, and, of course, all-white outfit. While there is certainly a theme to her looks, there is no denying that they are all amazing.

Emma usually rocks a jacket, bustier, and giant boot combo. However, she’s also branched into dresses, bodysuits, and traditional superhero garb. What makes Frost’s looks so iconic is that she’s still ready to brawl no matter what she is wearing. Whereas other heroes like to rock functional battlesuits, Emma is ready to scrap even in her Sunday best.

“}]] While members each have their underappreciated style, the X-Men as a team have also worn a few costumes that have become underrated over the years.  Read More  
