A new mutant universe is emerging as the acclaimed writer and artist Peach Momoko is set to launch Marvel’s upcoming Ultimate X-Men series, with the underrated Japanese X-Men hero Armor appearing to be the foundation of Momoko’s new mythos. First debuting in 2004’s Astonishing X-Men #4, Hisako Ichiki is a powerful and unique character, who has been underutilized during the Krakoan Era.
With the ability to manifest a psionic shield of nearly unbreakable exoskeleton armor – and power enhanced by drawing energy from her ancestral bloodline – Hisako is an invaluable X-Men member, and one of Wolverine’s many proteges.
While Marvel’s NYCC announcement of Peach Momoko’s new Ultimate X-Men revealed next to nothing about the series itself, Momoko’s cover for the first issue was unveiled, featuring a forlorn-looking Hisako with her armor surrounding her, and a mysterious person lurking in the background behind claw swipes.
Armor Is The New Face Of Marvel’s Ultimate X-Men
Hisako has become a fan-favorite X-Men hero because of her unique, powerful ability and her brave characterization. Armor is unafraid to join a fight, being inducted into the X-Men at a young age by Wolverine after being transported alongside her teachers to fight against Ord on Breakworld in Astonishing X-Men. Armor’s position in the X-Men follows a line of other young women who acted as “point-of-view” students to young readers, replacing the bombastic Jubilee who in turn replaced the iconic Kate Pryde. All three of these impressive young women were mentored by Wolverine, and it seems like Peach Momoko’s Armor will have some sort of relationship with her version of Logan as well.
Since the Krakoan Era, Armor has been on several important and interesting teams but has rarely appeared as a main character. Hisako was briefly part of the Krakoan New Mutants, acted as “the Shield” of The Six – Abigail Brand’s mutant S.W.O.R.D. circuit that retrieved mysterium from the White Hot Room – and was a member of two different iterations of the Secret X-Men, after losing the X-Men vote two years in a row. Most recently, Armor played a significant role as one of Lucas Bishop’s first War College students, but after so many years spent in the field, it was almost disappointing to see her still considered a mutant who needs training, as opposed to one who is field ready and prepared for almost anything.
Hisako Is The Perfect Hero To Start A New Era Of The X-Men
If Armor does turn out to be the true foundation of Peach Momoko’s new Ultimate X-Men, it was a brilliant choice by the talented writer and artist. After the success of Momoko’s Demon Days “Momokoverse,” it is no surprise she was chosen to write this new world of mutants, and Armor’s established history and status as an underutilized but beloved character make Hisako the perfect hero to start this new era of the X-Men. It will be fascinating to see what Peach does with Armor’s unique relationship to Wolverine, her Japanese ancestral-powered mutant ability, and her debut as a point-of-view character for readers.
Hisako Ichiki is an underrated hero not only because her mutant ability is unique and incredibly useful, but also because she can successfully inspire new young mutants to join the X-Men while gaining the respect and admiration of her older peers. Even though Marvel has revealed very little about Peach Momoko’s new X-Men series, it is clear that Momoko is planning to make the underutilized mutant Armor a central part of her story, and potentially the foundation of her Ultimate mutant mythos.
Ultimate X-Men #1 from Marvel Comics debuts on March 6th, 2024.
The new Ultimate X-Men will begin with Armor. Read More