
Few can truly live up to their namesakes the way that Juggernaut can. A virtually indestructible, unstoppable, and relentless living engine of destruction, Juggernaut is hands down one of the most powerful beings in existence. He’s thrown down with Hulk. He’s battled Asgardians. He’s punched extraplanar demons. He’s battled the X-Men, Spider-Man, and too many other heroes to count.

Juggernaut is one of the rare characters that can truly instill fear in the heart of a person on sight alone. The magical powers imbued within him by the demon god Cyttorak make him unkillable (which is a problem for anyone on the wrong side of his temper). It’s a great time to highlight some of his greatest and most powerful feats to celebrate Juggernaut’s awe-inspiring and mind-shattering power as he continues his new path with the X-Men in the From the Ashes era.


Marvel’s Newest Juggernaut May Be the Best Yet

One of Marvel’s deadliest mutants is quickly figuring out how far she can push her supercharged superpowers, and it is absolutely terrifying.


Juggernaut’s First Appearance Was One For the History Books

The X-Men Barely Survived

The X-Men had barely begun their tenure as Earth’s most capable team of superpowered mutants when Professor X’s past came barreling into their lives. Cain Marko, the embittered step-brother of Professor X, came to pay a violent visit to the X-Men’s base of operations. Professor X warned the X-Men of who and what Cain was and how there was nearly nothing they could do to stop his incredible advance.


Creative Team

Year of Release

Uncanny X-Men #13

Stan Lee, Jack Kirby


Juggernaut’s first appearance spells out every detail that anyone would ever need to know about him: he’s huge and angry, and there is no stopping him. The combined powers of the X-Men, the traps they set up on the school grounds, and not even the full might of the Danger Room could even put a scratch on him. Luckily, the rampaging villain could be subdued, but Juggernaut’s attack set a scary precedent for what the X-Men would have to deal with in the future.


Juggernaut Brought the Pain to a Whole Host of Superheroes

How Many Heroes Does It Take to Stop the Juggernaut?

Image via Marvel Comics

It’s another bad day to live in New York City when Black Tom Cassidy and Juggernaut decide to pay a visit. While Black Tom launches an attack on Gideon and Sunspot up in a skyscraper, Juggernaut hangs back on the street, keeping X-Force busy. Not even the arrival of Spider-Man can slow the avatar of Cyttorak down as Juggernaut fights an entire team of superpowered heroes all by himself.


Creative Team

Year of Release

X-Force #3

Rob Lieffeld, Fabian Nicieza


This is classic ’90s style and action at its absolute best. Warpath is landing blows to Juggernaut’s face, Shatterstar is doing his classic leap-frog pose in the air, and Spidey is thwipping webs left and right. And through it all, Juggernaut takes it in stride. It’s a true display of his power, considering he’s singlehandedly holding back upwards of six superheroes simultaneously without breaking a sweat. Juggernaut doesn’t get much scarier than this.


Sorry New Warriors, Your Best Wasn’t Good Enough

Juggernaut Showed Them the Meaning of “War”

Image via Marvel Comics

The Acts of Vengeance event was in full swing, and not even the Mighty God of Thunder was safe from harm. With Thor temporarily out of action, it fell to the brand-new team of teenage heroes, The New Warriors, to put Juggernaut down. The only problem for them was that they couldn’t. At all.


Creative Team

Year of Release

The Mighty Thor #412

Tom DeFalco, Ron Frenz, Joe Sinnott


The New Warriors might not elicit the same level of awe when compared to the Avengers or Defenders. Still, having six superheroes, including Nova, Firestar, Namorita, and Speedball, all at once giving their all is nothing to sneeze at. However, regardless of what they hit Juggernaut with, regardless of the two mack trucks that were thrown at him, and despite all their best efforts, no one could stop Juggernaut. Juggernaut was even able to swat Speedball out of the air, which was absolutely wild.


Hulk vs. Juggernaut: Marvel Officially Revealed Which Powerhouse Is Stronger

During their latest throwdown, Marvel casually confirmed whether the Juggernaut or the Hulk is really the strongest powerhouse in the Marvel Universe.


Juggernaut Showed an Asgardian Dragon What the Ground Felt Like

And He Did It With a Smile, Too

Image via Marvel Comics

When Conan the Barbarian is on a team, there’s a high chance that there will be more than just bad guys in masks to deal with. For the Savage Avengers, that was 100% the case when the Cimmerian undertook a quest for great treasure. As the team of superpowered beings battled alongside Conan, an Asgardian dragon named Sadurang stepped up and joined the fray.


Creative Team

Year of Release

Savage Avengers #14

Gerry Duggan, Patch Zircher, Java Tartaglia


This wasn’t another random space alien. This wasn’t some guy in a super suit. This wasn’t even another ultra-powerful being like Hulk or Gladiator. This was an entire dragon. And not just any dragon, but an ancient Asgardian sorcerer dragon, no less. Which, as impressive as that sounds, meant nothing to Juggernaut when he grabbed it and slammed it so hard into the ground that he made a giant crater.


Juggernaut Ate an Orbital Blow From Captain Universe Himself

Few Could Boast the Same

Image via Marvel Comics

Captain Universe exists – fittingly – as one of the universe’s most powerful beings that only appears in times of great need. Only those whose hearts and intentions are pure and just may wield the incredible power of the Enigma Force. So when William Nguyen becomes Captain Universe and attacks Juggernaut out of revenge, he not only hits him hard, he drags him up into space and hits him back through Earth’s atmosphere straight into the ground.


Creative Team

Year of Release

Amazing Spider-Man #629

Roger Stern, Lee Weeks


Miraculously, Juggernaut survived the attack. This wasn’t just another slam through a building or a blast that rents a steel door in half. This was a cosmic-powered blow delivered from outer space. Juggernaut was stunned when he hit the ground, but the fact that he wasn’t a smoking pile of raspberry jelly when Spider-Man found him says everything you need to know about his strength and resilience.


Who Better to Face Juggernaut’s Wrath Than the Being Who Granted Him His Power?

Even Cyttorak Fell Before Juggernaut

Doctor Strange found himself in another life-or-death bind, and the only way he could live to fight another day was by summoning the only person he could think of to help him: Juggernaut! Cain Marko was the only person strong enough to aid Doctor Stange in his quest throughout the Crimson Cosmos. The biggest issue with this decision is that the then-depowered Juggernaut had a mighty big bone to pick with Cyttorak.


Creative Team

Year of Release

Doctor Strange, the Sorcerer Supreme #44

Roy Thomas, Geof Isherwood


Juggernaut leaped at Cyttorak and knocked the deity out, stealing his Crimson Gem back for himself in a move that should have surprised no one. Overcome with power, Juggernaut turned on Doctor Strange and Nova (Frankie Raye, not Richard Rider.) Ol’ Juggy’s immense power wasn’t enough to stop Doctor Strange from returning the Crimson Gem to Cyttorak, who had some opinions on his avatar. Juggernaut’s ability to lay out the very being that gave him his powers still needs to be respected.


10 Best X-Men Crossovers, Ranked

The X-Men may be Marvel’s strongest mutant team, but that hasn’t stopped them from crossing over into countless other universes!


Not Even The Power Cosmic Itself Was Able To Stop Juggernaut

It Was a Good Effort, Though

Image via Marvel Comics

Nothing’s ever easy for Wolverine. Not even when he’s sitting in a bar trying to enjoy a quiet drink alone. But things go sideways fast when he stumbles across the future version of Frank Castle, who happens to be the Cosmic Ghost Rider. The Juggernaut crashes through the wall, and it’s the same old action all over again.


Creative Team

Year of Release

Wolverine: Black, White, and Blood #3

Donny Cates, Chris Bacchalo


Knowing that he messed with the preordained outcome of the fight simply by being in the bar, Cosmic Ghost Rider intervenes in Wolverine and Juggernaut’s fight. A blast of pure Power Cosmic sends Juggernaut through the wall and into the street. Juggernaut takes a full blast from the Power Cosmic – the same power Galactus and Silver Surfer wields – and shrugs it off. Very few beings on Earth can say they can do the same, no matter how strong they are. But not everyone’s put together like Juggernaut, though.


The Rampaging Hulk Met His Match With Juggernaut

Juggernaut Could Have Won, Too

Image via Marvel Comics

The World War Hulk event is one of the single most powerful moments in the Hulk’s entire existence. Crashing back to Earth with white-hot rage on his mind, the Hulk tore through virtually every superhero on the planet. His warpath invariably brought him face-to-face with the X-Men, who could do nothing to stop the Hulk. When the X-Men couldn’t cut it, Juggernaut stepped up, ready to prove why nothing could stop him.


Creative Team

Year of Release

World War Hulk: X-Men #3

Christos N. Gage, Andrea DiVito, Laura Villari


For the Juggernaut to trade blows and lock hands with the Hulk at arguably one of his strongest incarnations sums up everything about Juggernaut’s power. And even though Hulk technically beat Juggernaut by redirecting his unstoppable charge through a wall and allowing him to speed off into the distance, it doesn’t change the fact that Hulk could still not hurt or knock him out. Had Juggernaut not been shot off so unceremoniously, there’s a good chance he could have put the rampaging Hulk on the backfoot.

It Shook Him To His Core

Image via Marvel Comics

Fear Itself was a major event in the Marvel Universe when the villain known as Sin found the Hammer of Skadi and transformed into the Herald of the Serpent. As if that wasn’t bad enough, seven objects fell to Earth, each containing the power to transform an individual into a being of immense destructive power. It only makes sense then that Juggernaut would come into contact with one of these artifacts and become Kuurth, Breaker of Stone.


Creative Team

Year of Release

Uncanny X-Men #541

Kieron Gillen, Greg Land, Jay Leisten, Justin Ponsor


The Juggernaut is already incalculably strong. Add in the power of the celestial artifact and his power became almost limitless. This was proven definitively when Juggernaut (as Kuurth) threw a hammer made of metal at Magneto, the Master of Magnetism. Magneto scoffs at first as he attempts to stop the hammer but is stunned even though he can’t halt it. Luckily, he was pulled out of harm’s way, but the fact remains: Magneto, the man responsible for knocking out all electronic devices on Earth through his power alone, could not stop a piece of metal. This was a chilling moment to watch for anyone who knows the true scope of Magneto’s power.


The 40 Strongest Marvel Superheroes, Officially Ranked

Marvel has no shortage of powerful characters, but when it comes down to the strongest superheroes, their reputations precede them.


Even The Mighty Thor Fell Before Juggernaut’s Power

He Slowed Mjolnir Down to a Crawl

It was previously mentioned that Juggernaut faced the entire New Warriors team alone. This happened because, mere moments before, he singlehandedly took down Thor in a moment the Asgardian Avenger will never forget. The cars that were thrown and the trains that were thrown amounted to nothing compared to the single hammer that was thrown.


Creative Team

Year of Release

The Mighty Thor #411

Tom DeFalco, Ron Frenz, Joe Sinnott


Mjolnir, Thor’s iconic and indescribably powerful hammer, can level mountains and stop gods in their tracks. But when it was hurled at Juggernaut, it stopped dead and gave him a little tap. Not even the strongest weapon thrown by the strongest Avenger was able to hurt Juggernaut. And to add insult to injury, Juggernaut returned the favor by grabbing hold of Mjolnir and riding it back directly into Thor’s Face. For Thor, the hero that Stan Lee himself once confirmed to be the strongest hero of them all, to take such a beating from Juggernaut is the ultimate representation of the supervillain’s power.

“}]] Juggernaut is an unstoppable and unequaled force, both as a member of the X-Men and as their enemy, as shown by these comic moments of raw power.  Read More  
