Over time, some have wondered why the Watcher does not take action against Galactus–and it turns out there is a very dark reason why it has never happened. Uatu the Watcher and Galactus are two of Marvel’s oldest, and most powerful, cosmic entities. The two have met many times, but they have never fought, and 2011’s What If? #200 shows what will happen if they do, and Uatu is victorious.
In the story “What If I, the Watcher, Killed Galactus,” appearing in What If? #200 and written by Stan Lee and drawn by Dale Eaglesham, Galactus has come to Earth for the first time, as chronicled in Fantastic Four #48-50. Yet rather than just observe, Uatu takes action, killing Galactus. He is then hauled before his fellow Watchers for sentencing. Uatu’s fate is left unknown until the story’s end, when the Silver Surfer learns the Council of Watchers punished Uatu by turning him into the new Galactus!
Uatu The Watcher Was the Tip of the Iceberg That Was the Marvel Age of Comics
Stan Lee and Jack Kirby Broke the Mold Repeatedly, and the Watcher Was Proof
Uatu the Watcher was a new kind of comic book character when he debuted early in the Marvel Age of Comics. Fantastic Four was Marvel’s flagship title at the time, introducing mind-bending concepts and characters that left fans speechless, and ensured Marvel’s place in the pop culture canon. The creative team of Stan Lee and Jack Kirby unveiled characters such as the Molecule Man, Doctor Doom and Kang the Conqueror, all of whom broke the mold of established comic book villains. Stan and Jack also introduced equally impressive supporting characters, such as Uatu the Watcher.
Uatu the Watcher first appeared in Fantastic Four #13.
The Watcher stood out immediately from other Marvel characters, for a variety of reasons. First was his odd, otherworldly appearance. Uatu was an alien, and there was no doubt about it. His race was ancient, believed to be one of the first to arise in the universe. Uatu’s people spend their time observing the flow of history, chronicling major events that will shape the universe’s destiny. The Watcher can see across the entire universe, as well as into the larger multiverse, but what separates him from other characters is he can see everything, but do nothing about it.
The Watcher can see across the entire universe, as well as into the larger multiverse, but what separates him from other characters is he can see everything, but do nothing about it.
Various creators over the years have mined gold from the Watcher’s pledge of non-interference. Uatu’s struggles to stay neutral in the light of grand cosmic events has formed the backbone of some of his best stories, and nowhere was that more apparent in 1966’s Fantastic Four #48-50, which was the storyline that introduced Galactus to the world, and the story What If? #200 is rewriting. The planet eater made his first pass at Earth, and was defeated (barely) by the Fantastic Four. The Watcher, in his normal role, observed Galactus’ assault, and nearly got involved himself.
A Fight Between Galactus and the Watcher Would Be Catastrophic
The Watcher’s Fate May Seem Harsh, But It Is Necessary
The first confrontation that fans saw between Galactus and the Watcher left them wondering what might have happened had Uatu jumped into the fray. While Uatu is, in theory, bound by a pledge of non-interference, this has not stopped him from getting involved in the past, much to the chagrin of his people. Various Marvel publications, including the recent Reckoning War, showed just how powerful the Watchers really were, and left fans with no doubt that if push came to shove, Uatu could easily dispatch Galactus. While Galactus is extremely powerful, he does also have limits.
Marvel’s New Cosmic Villain Makes Galactus Look Like a Force for Good
Marvel introduces a new Spider-Man villain with nightmare-fueled cosmic powers that will make Galactus consuming Earth seem like an act of mercy.
And yet, as seen in What If? #200, it is in the Watcher’s best interest to never kill Galactus. While the story itself is not set on Earth-616, it nevertheless provides a fascinating reason why two of Marvel’s biggest cosmic titans have never fought. Uatu being condemned to become a planet eater himself is a harsh punishment, but as seen in various other Marvel titles, Galactus’ existence is necessary for the smooth functioning of the universe. In this light, the Watcher’s fate becomes one of the biggest cosmic ironies in the Marvel Universe.
“}]] A dark fate. Read More