
Batman can be pretty brutal in battle, but he has one golden rule – Batman doesn’t kill. He has held fast to this rule and he has done his best to hold others to it as well. Batman’s entire life is about following a rigid structure which doesn’t always work with some of his allies. And when they let Batman down, he has no trouble letting them know about it.

Marvel‘s heroes have embraced more lethal solutions as the years have gone on. Many top-tier Marvel heroes will kill when the chips are down. If Batman were in the Marvel Universe, many of them would get a stern talking to, and some would get worse than that. Batman’s heroic morals are the most important thing to him, and he has no problem letting anyone know when they break his rules.

10 ShadowKat’s Murder Spree After The Hellfire Gala Would Draw Batman’s Ire

First Appearance:

Uncanny X-Men #129


ShadowKat has the power to become intangible band can turn people and things intangible with a touch.


10 Important Lessons Marvel Heroes Constantly Forget

While some Marvel heroes may be the best there is at what they do, there are a few integral lessons every character learns that they always forget.

Kate Pryde grew up in the X-Men, starting her superhero career not long after puberty. Kate has been through a lot in that time, but the Hellfire Gala was a breaking point for her. She watched the mutant homeland violently taken from her people. When he fell through an otherwise inoperable Krakoan gate to the Israeli Krakoan embassy, she found herself surrounded by enemies. Kate knew she had to keep her new ability a secret, so she used her ninja training to attack the Orchis troops.

Kate Pryde slaughtered them, partly out of a desire to keep a secret but also for a measure of revenge. While Batman would understand the need to keep this new secret, he wouldn’t be very happy with the massacre. ShadowKat was trained by the demonic ninja Ogun and Wolverine as a ninja assassin, so killing was always something she had a capacity for. However, Batman wouldn’t care about any of that, and he would let ShadowKat know how he felt about the killings, and probably her training as well.

9 The Winter Soldier Kept Killing After His Redemption

First Appearance:

Captain America Comics #1


The Winter Soldier has peal human abilities due to the Infinity Formula and a powerful cybernetic left arm

The Winter Soldier started his superhero career as Captain America’s partner Bucky, but that wouldn’t last. Cap and Bucky were defusing a drone bomb in midair and Cap lost his grip, falling into the water and watching the bomb explode. Bucky didn’t actually die, instead losing his arm in the explosion before he was retrieved by the Soviet military. Bucky was transformed into the Winter Soldier, a cybernetic arm-equipped killing machine who worked in secret for the USSR until its collapse. Eventually, Cap discovered the truth and helped Winter Soldier rejoin the side of the angels.

The Winter Soldier got a chance as Captain America and became an Avenger. However, becoming a hero didn’t stop him from killing. His story is much like Jason Todd, a partner Batman thought dead who returned as the villainous Red Hood before being redeemed. Batman constantly looked down on Red Hood’s lethal methods, which is exactly what Batman would do with the Winter Soldier. The Winter Soldier should know better, and Batman would hold him to a much higher standard.

8 Psylocke’s Continued Killing Would Disappoint Batman Immensely

First Appearance:

X-Men (Vol. 2) #17


Psylocke is a top-level telepath who can use psionic energy to manifest weapons. She also has limited telekinesis


25 Years Ago, Batman’s Historic No Man’s Land Saga Began

A look back to 25 years ago, when the historic Batman crossover event, “No Man’s Land,” kicked off its year-long run

The current Psylocke isn’t the original Elizabeth Braddock. Instead, it’s the former ninja assassin known as Kwannon, whose mind and body were swapped with Braddock. Kwannon spent years in Braddock’s British body before dying of the Legacy Virus. However, she would return and regain her original body when Braddock also returned to hers. Kwannon kept the name Psylocke and joined the X-Men in the Krakoa Era. She worked on her own and with the Hellions and the Avengers Unity Squad, rising to the rank of Great Captain of Krakoa.

Psylocke doesn’t kill indiscriminately but she has no problem doing so, which is what would cause Batman to give her a piece of his mind. Kwannon got another chance with the X-Men to make up for her earlier life as a killer. The fact that she kept killing would make Batman think that Psylocke was wasting her chance at redemption. This wouldn’t sit with the Dark Knight, and he’d have no problem letting her know.

7 Elektra’s Proclivity To Kill Using Daredevil’s Mantle Would Hit Home

First Appearance:

Daredevil (Vol. 1) #168


Elektra doesn’t have any superpowers but has shown a proclivity for dark ninja magic since her resurrection

Daredevil and Elektra have had many adventures together, mostly working as a team but sometimes as enemies. Elektra became an assassin to get a chance to avenge her father’s death, and eventually found herself working for the Kingpin. Elektra’s love for Daredevil would see her stop being a criminal, and she soon proved that not even death could stop her. Elektra became a superhero in her own right, working with SHIELD at times, and eventually even took over as Daredevil.

Like other former assassins turned superheroes, Elektra doesn’t kill at the same level as before, but she still does. Elektra got a chance to become an A-list superhero like Daredevil, and Batman would definitely see that as a problem because Elektra was still killing. It would remind him of when Azrael took over as Batman and the interim Caped Crusader’s violence tarnished the mantle of the Dark Knight. Batman wouldn’t take kindly to Elektra using someone else’s mantle and continuing to kill.

6 Gamora’s Training Lessened Her Value of Others’ Lives

First Appearance:

Strange Tales #180


Gamora has superhuman strength, speed, agility, and durability, as well as a regenerative healing factor and limited precognitive abilities from when she possessed the Time Stone

Gamora is the most dangerous woman in the universe, trained by Thanos to be his personal assassin. Gamora is a whiz with her sword but is equally deadly with pretty much any weapon she can get her hands on. She has worked with many of the universe’s most powerful heroes and walked away from the terrors of her past with the Mad Titan. However, one thing hasn’t changed – Gamora’s deadly methods. Gamora can rip her way through pretty much anyone in front of her and has earned her reputation.

Batman would see someone who should know better when it comes to killing, yet keeps walking the same road. That wouldn’t sit well with the Dark Knight, and he’d take it up with Gamora despite her increased power levels. Of course, since it’s Gamora, she’d probably take violent exception to Batman looking down on her, which would lead to an amazing fight.

5 Batman Would Hate Deadpool For Many Reasons

First Appearance:

New Mutants (Vol. 1) #98


Deadpool has a powerful regenerative healing factor and superhuman physical enhancements

Deadpool is the Merc with the Mouth, and most heroes find him pretty annoying even at the best of times. However, he is highly skilled so they put up with him, even the ones who don’t like his deadly ways. Deadpool’s history is full of death, he’s just changed the targets of his blades, guns, and explosives. Wade Wilson’s healing factor and skill make him pretty much unstoppable, and he’s proved that in just about every battle he’s ever fought.

Even before Batman saw Deadpool kill anyone, the Dark Knight would be annoyed with Wade Wilson. Of course, the minute he saw Deadpool casually and remorselessly kill anyone, Batman’s annoyance would turn into rage. Deadpool’s cavalier attitude to killing and the fact that he makes jokes about it would cause Batman to go off on the mercenary. Batman is serious about not killing, and Deadpool’s attitude about it would enrage the Caped Crusader.

4 Batman Would Hunt Down The Punisher

First Appearance:

The Amazing Spider-Man #129


The Punisher has no superpowers but is an expert soldier, proficient with many implements of war

The Punisher is only nominally a superhero, as he sometimes works with other heroes and helps them. However, Punisher has always been a mass murderer since the beginning. His targets are often the worst people around, but that doesn’t change the facts – Punisher is a serial mass murderer. Batman would more than look down on the Punisher – he would hunt him down and stop him in any way possible.

The Punisher uses guns, which is something that Batman would hate, and that would be enough for Batman to keep tabs on the man in the skull shirt. The minute Batman saw the Punisher gun down a bunch of criminals, it would be over. The Punisher has a pretty good record against superheroes, but Batman is on a totally different level. He would trounce the Punisher for being a killer.

3 Thor’s Willingness To Kill Would Be A Grave Disappointment For Batman

First Appearance:

Journey Into Mystery #83


Thor has superhuman strength and durability, as well as divine control over the weather. All of his powers are enhanced by his magical hammer Mjolnir, which also gives Thor access to flight, the ability to open portals, and various energies


Marvel’s Most Absurd Anti-Hero Completely Roasted DC Comics

Marvel’s resident living cartoon known as Slapstick took a giant-sized hammer to DC’s most beloved characters – and it was really funny.

Thor is the Norse God of Thunder. The Odinson has been fighting the enemies of Asgard for millennia, and that has involved a lot of killing. Thor has killed everything from mythological sentients like Dark Elves and Frost Giants to humans. Since becoming a superhero, Thor cooled it with the killing, but in recent years that’s changed. Thor has become someone who will do what needs to be done and has taken to killing again, but usually only out in the Ten Realms. However, when someone like the Sentry goes bad, Thor is ready to drop the hammer. Literally.

Batman would look at Thor, see a red cape and think of Superman. Batman would hold Thor to a higher standard, so when he discovered his darker limits, Batman would be extremely disappointed. The Dark Knight would know that Thor is on the pinnacle of the superhero mountain, which would make Batman lose respect not just for him, but also for the Marvel superhero community.

2 Batman Wouldn’t Appreciate Black Widow’s Tendency To Kill

First Appearance:

Tales Of Suspense #52


Black Widow has no superpowers, although she has been enhanced by the Red Room and dosed with the Infinity Formula, which gives her peak physical abilities and slows her aging to a crawl

Black Widow’s life has been defined by killing. She’s been an assassin for decades, having been trained in the Red Room. Black Widow worked with the Winter Soldier back in the Cold War but eventually joined the West and became a superhero. She is another person who mostly stopped killing when she first became a superhero, but when she started working more with SHIELD, she started spilling blood again.

Black Widow is the kind of woman that Batman would fall for – a strong and capable person who is an amazing acrobat. However, Batman would lose all interest when he realized that she was a killer. Batman is fine with Catwoman, for example, because her crimes don’t usually lead to death. Meanwhile, he’d never be with Talia al Ghul because she would never stop killing. Black Widow does a very dirty and sometimes necessary job, which would destroy her in Batman’s estimation.

1 Wolverine And Batman Would Definitely Come To Blows

First Appearance:

The Incredible Hulk #181


Wolverine has a powerful regenerative healing factor, superhuman senses, low level superhuman strength, and enhanced reflexes and agility


15 Batman Family Members Who Never Returned From The Grave

With comics following the tiring trope of riving dead characters, one would think Batman’s family of fan-favorites would be safe from permanent death.

Wolverine killed his first person when his mutant powers manifested, and since then he has added way more bodies to the pile. Wolverine is the best there is at what he does, and as time has gone on, that’s led to even more deaths. For a long time, Wolverine’s teammates stopped him from killing as much as possible, but as things got worse for mutants, that changed. Wolverine was called on to kill even by Cyclops to protect mutantkind. Wolverine has cut a bloody swath through the world over the decades, doing his best to at least kill for the right reasons.

Batman and Wolverine would definitely fight over the killing. Wolverine and Batman would generally be oil and water, so the minute Batman saw Wolverine kill someone, it would be on. There’s a good chance that if Batman got to know Wolverine, he might understand who Logan was and accept him more. However, they would likely be at each other’s throats, so it’s doubtful that understanding would ever happen.


Batman is one of the oldest comic superheroes, with nearly a century of comics, TV-shows, films, and video games. The mild-mannered Bruce Wayne becomes Gotham City’s caped crusader, protecting it from villains like The Joker, Killer Croc, The Penguin, and more. Batman is also one of DC comics’ “Big Three” alongside Superman and Wonder Woman, and together the three help keep the earth safe as founding members of the Justice League. 

“}]] Batman’s infamous “no-kill” rule is well known in the DC universe, but it might lead to some issues with Marvel heroes like Punisher and Wolverine.  Read More  
