
What exactly is it that Marvel’s star-spangled hero Captain America really represents? Since World War II, Steve Rogers has been fighting the good fight in the name of truth, liberty, and freedom. But more than anything else, what is it that Rogers truly stands for?

When taking a glance at Captain America, it’d be easy to say he stands for an ideal such as patriotism. But Marvel fans know that Cap isn’t dedicated to a flag or any one nation. So what is it then that Captain America really stands for? An iconic moment during a pivotal moment in Marvel history says it all.

Steve Roger’s Greatest Speech Embodies the Hero’s Best Aspect

In The Amazing Spider-Man #537 by J. Michael Straczynski, Ron Garney, Bill Reinhold, Matt Milla, and Cory Petit, Peter Parker is on the run after revealing Iron Man’s prison in the Negative Zone and unmasking himself to the world. At a motel, Peter is hiding from Iron Man and the pro-Registration faction of heroes while Captain America sends out the Human Torch to locate Peter so that they can protect him. Johnny leaves a flaming trail in the sky that catches Peter’s attention, and Spider-Man sets up a meeting with Captain America.

Spider-Man and Captain America meet in secret on top of a building and Steve compliments Peter for being brave enough to reveal his identity to the world. The two discuss the war between heroes and how the media has framed them both as traitors to the government. Peter asks Steve how he deals with the whole country being against him, so Captain America tells a story about how an essay by Mark Twain taught Steve that a country is the common voice of the people.

Captain America goes on quoting Twain, highlighting a part that says everyone must decide for themselves what is patriotic and right based on their convictions. After he finishes reciting his favorite quote, Steve gives his own interpretation on the writing, saying that no matter what the press, politicians, or mobs have to say, their nation was founded on the idea of standing up for what they believe. Captain America inspires Spider-Man by saying that while the whole world may be against them, it’s their job to not give up and fight for what they believe in.

Captain America Stands for Defiance in the Name of What’s Right

Steve Rogers is a Symbol of Never Giving Up When Facing Adversity

The “Civil War” storyline was a complex time in Marvel history, and no one embodied the resistance to authority better than Captain America. While there were arguments to be made for the Superhero Registration Act, Rogers vehemently opposed making superheroes extensions of the government and violating their personal liberties by forcing them to unmask. But a schism shook the superhero community when Iron Man and other heroes began enforcing the SRA, even arresting their comrades.

This quote showcases why Captain America was the best person to oppose the SRA. But beyond “Civil War”, this speech embodies the spirit of Steve Rogers. One might erroneously think Cap would be onboard with whatever the American government decides, but nothing could be further from the truth. Steve has always been a patriot who loves his country, but he’s never been about blind obedience. He’s against corruption, bad faith, and bullying wherever it emerges, even if that puts Captain America up against those who run the country he loves so dearly.

Captain America has lived long enough to know that what’s legal isn’t always what’s right and, as his speech shows, he decides what’s right based on his convictions. When he knows something to be good and right, he will defend it with all his life, even if that makes him a villain in the eyes of his friends and his country. He might go by Captain America, but Steve is ultimately a symbol of what the country’s ideals should be, not what they are at a given moment.

Captain America is Always Going to Fight for What He Believes to Be Good

Standing Up In the Face of Power is the Essence of Captain America

In wearing the flag’s colors, some may think they have an idea of what it is that Captain America stands for. But nothing captures Steve’s heart, his determination, and his undying dedication to fighting in the name of what he believes is right better than his speech to Spider-Man. Anyone who’s ever asked themselves what it is that Captain America stands for needs only listen to the most impassioned speech he’s ever given.

“}]] The truth behind what Captain America represents.  Read More  
