

The New West Coast Avengers features an unlikely team with Ultron on board seeking redemption.
Marvel announced Gerry Duggan as writer and Danny Kim as the artist at Comic-Con panel.
Spider-Woman and Firestar are wary of Ultron’s change of heart in the new
West Coast Avengers.

The murderous android Ultron will seek redemption as a part of Iron Man and War Machine’s new West Coast Avengers team. At Marvel’s “Next Big Thing” panel at San Diego Comic-Con, the publisher announced a slew of titles, including West Coast Avengers. The team, led by Iron Man and War Machine, will feature villains seeking redemption, including the Avenger’s long-time adversary Ultron–but some doubt his sincerity.

Marvel announced West Coast Avengers today at San Diego Comic-Con. The book, which will be written by Gerry Duggan and drawn by Danny Kim, While Marvel did not reveal much in the way of plot details, they did state that villains would be joining the team as a way of rehabilitation. Outside Ultron, no other villains were announced for the team, but Ben Harvey’s cover, shared here, shows Spider-Woman, Firestar and Iron Man on the team.

How Ultron ends up on the West Coast Avengers is still unknown, but not all of his teammates are sure about his intentions.

Ultron May Be the Ultimate Evil in the Marvel Universe

Only One Version of Ultron Was Remotely Good

Furthermore, as Marvel pointed out in the panel, Ultron may be beyond redemption, especially in light of his violent past.

The name Ultron strikes fear and terror into the hearts of Marvel’s heroes. Created by Hank Pym, Ultron is seemingly immortal: every time he is defeated, he returns in a new, and deadlier, form. Save one notable incarnation, every version of Ultron is programmed with the same directive: to destroy all organic life-forms. Ultron has shown no remorse and no pity, which may justify some of his new teammates’ suspicions. Furthermore, as Marvel pointed out in the panel, Ultron may be beyond redemption, especially in light of his violent past.

Ultron appeared in the 2015 film
Avengers: Age of Ultron
. Actor James Spader provided the voice.

While most versions of Ultron have been evil, one was in fact good. Ultron Mark-12, debuting in 1985’s Vision and the Scarlet Witch #1 is the sole outlier in a legacy of violence and brutality. While Ultron Mark-12 began life as evil, he quickly developed a moral code. He sought a relationship with his “father” Hank Pym, who was initially mistrustful, echoing the concerns Spider-Woman and Firestar have in the present day. Pym came to accept Mark-12, but it was not meant to be, as he sacrificed himself to save his father and the other West Coast Avengers.

Can Ultron Truly Be Redeemed? Or Will His Legacy Follow Him Forever?

Ultron Must Push Back Against His Teammates’ Doubts–Assuming His Intentions Are Good

Now, Ultron is apparently seeking redemption once again, and has joined with his former enemies War Machine and Iron Man to achieve it. However, Ultron will be fighting an uphill battle. Ultron has a blood-soaked history, and some heroes have long memories. While Ultron’s intentions remain unknown for right now, his presence on the West Coast Avengers will give the team a major power boost. Ultron’s road to redemption will be a long and rocky one, and one he may never obtain.

Source: Marvel

West Coast Avengers #1 is on sale November 27 from Marvel Comics!

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