Welcome to the Bleeding Cool Weekly Bestseller List for last week, which sees Ultimate X-Men #3 top the charts, with Doom and Fall Of X
Ultimate She-Hulk in Marvel Comics’ Ultimate August 2023 Solicits
Posted in: Avengers, Comics, Comics Publishers, Current News, Marvel Comics, Spider-Man, X-Men | Tagged: ultimate, ultimate spider-man, ultimate x-men, ultimates
Marvel Comics continue to slice their solicits into parts this week, promising Ultimate She-Hulk in their Ultimate Comics solicits for August
Ultimate Black Panther #7 embarks on “War of the Kingdoms” with Moon Knight’s rise.
Ultimate Spider-Man #8 features the formation of Kingpin’s Sinister Six.
Ultimate X-Men #6 concludes its first arc with the team’s showdown against darkness.
Marvel Comics continue to slice their solicits into parts this week, such as their August solicitations for the Ultimate Comics books and promising Ultimate She-Hulk in The Ultimates and an Ultimate Kingpin Sinister Six in Ultimate Spider-Man. That’s five uses of the word Ultimate in one sentence and I need to stop. Okay, here are the Marvel Ultimate solicits for August and maybe we might Frankenstein a few more tomorrow.
ULTIMATE BLACK PANTHER #7Written by BRYAN HILLArt and Cover by STEFANO CASELLI”WAR OF THE KINGDOMS” STARTS HERE!While T’Challa has sought to grow his power, so too have the forces of Moon Knight… And with access to a unique new resource, Ra and Khonshu are stronger than ever! How will Wakanda stand in its resistance against the kings of the Upper and Lower Kingdoms? And is T’Challa prepared to bear the consequences of tapping into such dangerous wells of power?
ULTIMATES #3Written by DENIZ CAMPArt by JUAN FRIGERICover by DIKE RUANINTRODUCING…THE SHE-HULK!The Ultimates search for a means of destroying the Maker’s most powerful pawn, the Hulk! And in the process they uncover an army of Hulks hidden away from the world… with She-Hulk at the helm!
ULTIMATE SPIDER-MAN #8Written by JONATHAN HICKMANArt and Cover by MARCO CHECCHETTOKINGPIN’S SINISTER SIX!Kingpin gathers a team to deal with his masked-vigilante problem… But a group of super villains isn’t the only challenge Spider-Man will face! Meanwhile, Green Goblin joins forces with…Doc Ock?
ULTIMATE X-MEN #6Written by PEACH MOMOKOArt and Cover by PEACH MOMOKOTHE ACTION-PACKED FINALE OF THE FIRST ARC!Armor, Maystorm and the rest of the team hunt down the mysterious shadow! But is this group of scrappy teens prepared to face true darkness? And don’t miss the reveal of the final member of the group on the last page!
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Jonathan Hickman and Greg Capullo on Wolverine topped the traffic at Bleeding Cool yesterday, followed by Scarlett #1 orders from Image.
Marvel Comics continue to slice their solicits into parts this week, promising Ultimate She-Hulk in their Ultimate Comics solicits for August
Marvel Comics’ Venom War event, pitting Eddie Brock against Dylan Brock… and everyone else in the vicinity, from Al Ewing and Iban Coello.
This August, Marvel 85th Anniversary Special will head to the future of the Marvel Universe with familiar names from the past and present.
Comixology Originals has a new print publishing deal for some of its titles with Ablaze, that will include Parliament Of Rooks.
Welcome to the Bleeding Cool Weekly Bestseller List for last week, which sees Ultimate X-Men #3 top the charts, with Doom and Fall Of X
Jonathan Hickman and Greg Capullo on Wolverine topped the traffic at Bleeding Cool yesterday, followed by Scarlett #1 orders from Image.
Ash teams up with a Necronomicon Baby to save the timeline in Army of Darkness Forever #8. Can he conquer the past, present, and future?
Set sail for another magical My Little Pony adventure with My Little Pony: Set Your Sail #2, where trust issues run deep below the surface.
Marvel Comics continue to slice their solicits into parts this week, promising Ultimate She-Hulk in their Ultimate Comics solicits for August
Elvira Meets HP Lovecraft #4 sees Elvira trapped in a colorful nightmare with monsters and the Necronomicon. What could possibly go wrong?
“}]] Marvel Comics continue to slice their solicits into parts this week, promising Ultimate She-Hulk in their Ultimate Comics solicits for August  Read More Â