
Thanks to Marvel Comics, the X-Men have been releasing new series and storylines for generations. While the characters have undergone changes and reboots, the community is alive and well, enjoying each new story as it comes. Even in the last five years, there have been countless memorable and beloved stories. Since 2020, the X-Men have survived cataclysmic endings and new beginnings.

The last decade has been impactful for the X-Men and its readers, first with the Krakoan era and then the fall of Krakoa. These stories open the door for new opportunities and adventures. The tales of X-Men cross teams and generations, pulling in new fans and finding new ways to move forward.


X-Men: Xavier’s Secret Showed Readers a New Side of Professor X

The Truth Comes Out in the Wake of Krakoa’s Fall


X-Men: Xavier’s Secret

Release Year



Alex Paknadel, Diógenes Neves, Arthur Hesli, VC’s Clayton Cowles

Charles Xavier, aka Professor X, has long been seen as the pillar and natural leader for all mutants, not just the X-Men. However, if there’s one thing readers learned during the Krakoan era, it’s that not everything is as it seems. The Quiet Council of Krakoa made many difficult decisions during the height of that era, and some of those decisions foreshadowed a darker story down the line.

X-Men: Xavier’s Secret rips Charles Xavier down from the pillar he’s been placed upon, and Cyclops and Jean Grey are right alongside him. The story delves into their actions and responses during the fall of Krakoa. Most importantly, the story takes a closer look at some of Xavier’s actions and calls over the years.


X-Men: The Trial of Magneto Was a Fascinating Look at Magneto and Scarlet Witch

A Murder on Krakoa Reveals a Dark Secret

Image via Marvel Comics


X-Men: The Trial of Magneto

Release Year



Leah Williams, Valerio Schiti, Lucas Werneck, Edgar Delgado, Clayton Cowles

Magneto’s role in the X-Men comics has always been complicated. Since his introduction, Magneto’s role has evolved and changed. These days, he’s a solid ally of the X-Men, but that doesn’t mean he comes without complications. For example, X-Men: The Trial of Magneto reminds readers of Magneto’s past, including the fact that this is not his first trial.


The 30 Most Powerful Ultimate Universe X-Men, Ranked

The X-Men boast some of the world’s strongest mutants, but the Ultimate Universe X-Men have proven themselves even more powerful.

During the events of X-Men: The Trial of Magneto, Scarlet Witch is found dead on Krakoan soil. It’s an absolute PR disaster, with the Avengers ready to raid Krakoa for answers. Magneto stands accused of Scarlet Witch’s death, despite or perhaps because of his long history with the character. The story is full of dark twists and political tension, thanks to those involved.


X-Men: From the Ashes Followed Up One of the Greatest X-Men Eras

An X-Men Crossover Event Following the Fall of Krakoa


X-Men: From the Ashes

Release Year



Tom Brevoort, Jed MacKay, Ryan Stegman, Gail Simone, David Marquez, Eve Ewing, Carmen Carnero, Alex Paknadel, Diógenes Neves

The fall of Krakoa may have been inevitable, but it carried with it great weight and change. It stands to reason that the first big story following this destruction would be called X-Men: From the Ashes. The story was a massive crossover event, touching on over a dozen X-Men titles, including X-Men, Phoenix, X-Force, Storm, Wolverine, and Uncanny X-Men.

X-Men: From the Ashes puts mutantkind back into the world of humans and danger. While many teams group together to make the best of it, many more mutants are discouraged and lost by all they have lost. This is a new beginning for mutantkind, and not all are thrilled about the hand they have been dealt. In addition to covering many titles, the story introduces villains old and new to increase the already high tensions.


X-Men: Red Takes Place On Mars

The X-Men Engage In a Battle to Save the Red Planet

Image via Marvel Comics


X-Men: Red

Release Year



Al Ewing, Raphael Draccon, Carolina Munhoz, Yildiray Cinar, Marcelo Costa, Jacopo Camagni, Madibek Musabekov

The Krakoa era opened the door to many unique teams and spin-off series. One such series was X-Men: Red, which puts Storm back in the role of leader. There’s just one important detail to note: Storm isn’t ruling Krakoa; she’s in charge of Arrako, a mutant civilization founded on Mars, hence the inspiration for the series name.


10 X-Men Variants Way Cooler Than The Original

The original X-Men headlined one of the best-selling comic books ever, though some of the team’s iconic variants have proven to be even more popular.

X-Men: Red explores the differences between the people of Krakoa and Arrako, offering plenty of interesting parallels that make it worth multiple read-throughs. The situation is delicate at best, even before characters like Abigail Brand arrive with their own plans. On the bright side, Storm is the best person for this challenging job.


Inferno Tells the Story of Moira MacTaggert’s Betrayal

This Four-Issue X-Men Miniseries from Jonathan Hickman Is a Must-Read



Release Year



Jonathan Hickman, Valerio Schiti, Jerome Opena, Stefano Caselli, R.B. Silva

Inferno was a four-issue miniseries that debuted in 2021, not to be confused with the 1989 run of the same name. It’s a dramatic must-read for fans of Hickman’s X-Men run during the Krakoa era, serving as his farewell before the story changes hands ahead of its climactic conclusion.

Inferno is a compelling read that forces the many cracks in Krakoa to the surface. Moira’s true intentions are finally revealed after she spent years posing as an ally to the X-Men. Meanwhile, Mystique proves once again that she’ll stop at nothing to bring her love, Destiny, back to life.


X of Swords Shows Mutants Battling for Krakoa Like Never Before

This Was the First Major Crossover Event In X-Men’s Krakoa Era

Image via Marvel Comics


X of Swords

Release Year



Tini Howard, Jonathan Hickman, Benjamin Percy, Vita Ayala, Zeb Wells, Ed Brisson, Gerry Duggan, Marcus To, Mahmud Asrar, Leinil Francis Yu, Pepe Larraz, Carlos Gomez, Viktor Bogdanovic, Matteo Lolli, Carmen Carnero, Rod Reis, Phil Noto, R.B. Silva

Set during the Krakoa era, X of Swords reminds readers that new threats will always emerge, even in the face of idealism and perfection. As the first major crossover event for Krakoa, it stands as a landmark moment. It’s also memorable for its dramatic battles, which included many unexpected combinations of heroes.


Every X-Men Comic Currently Running

From Marvel’s main X-Men comics to Fall of X tie-ins, and limited series, every month offers dozens of adventures for new and dedicated fans to enjoy.

X of Swords pits the X-Men, now living in the newly formed Krakoa, against the First Horsemen in a series of unexpected battles. In total, 10 champions take up their swords to duel for the fate of creation. The First Horsemen have every reason to seek control of Krakoa and beyond, making the stakes understandably high, even with the small teams involved.


Hellions Proved That Even Villains Will Fight for Krakoa

Hellions Features Characters Like Psylocke and Mister Sinister



Release Year



Zeb Wells, Stephen Segovia, Tini Howard, Carmen Carnero, Roge Antonio, Ze Carlos

The early 2020s were largely defined by the Krakoan era, including stories like Hellions. This series focuses on a unique mix of characters brought together to live in peace on Krakoa. For the first time, all of mutantkind has a reason to coexist, even those once considered enemies of the X-Men.

Hellions assembles known villains and offers them a chance to prove their worth—and stay busy. Created by the Quiet Council, the Hellions team includes John Greycrow, Wildchild, Empath, Nanny, Orphan Maker, and Psylocke, all led by Mister Sinister, of all people, working on secret missions for the good of Krakoa. Hellions is a fascinating take on many fronts, including the opportunity for neglected characters to get a chance to shine.


Hellfire Gala Was the Beginning of the End for Krakoa

This X-Men Story Was the Disastrous Event of the Season

Image Via Marvel Comics


Hellfire Gala

Release Year



Gerry Duggan, Jonathan Hickman, Pepe Larraz, Matteo Lolli, Russel Dauterman

The Hellfire Gala is most commonly marked as the beginning of the end. To put it more accurately, it is a cataclysmic event that kicks off a series of events, forcing the X-Men and all mutants through a change they can’t undo. The story begins with a yearly gala hosted by the famous Emma Frost. It was meant to be an opportunity to bring the world’s greatest heroes together, from the X-Men to the Avengers.


The 6 Best Obscure X-Men Villains, Ranked

The X-Men have one of the best rogues galleries in Marvel Comics history, but some of their very best foes are also some of their most obscure.

Naturally, some organizations couldn’t resist the temptation. Orchis agents infiltrate the gala, reigning destruction wherever they strike. The Hellfire Gala is as traumatic as it is impactful, landing blows on readers’ hearts and rewriting the world for the X-Men.The events in this story have already left a mark, giving readers reason to question what will happen next.


Fall of the House of X/Rise of the Powers of X Is Where the Krakoa Era Begins to Crumble

These X-Men Stories Directly Follow the Hellfire Gala

Image via Marvel Comics


Fall of the House of X/Rise of the Powers of X

Release Year



Gerry Duggan, Kieron Gillen, Lucas Warneck, Pepe Larraz, Jethro Morales, Stefano Caselli, R.B. Silva, Luciano Vecchio

Nothing good lasts forever, especially in the world of comic books. The beautiful era of Krakoa was always doomed to fail; readers knew that from the beginning. Fall of the House of X/Rise of the Powers of X shows the first cracks as the house begins to crumble, taking everything the mutants built with it. While the two are technically separate series, they’re so intertwined they may as well be one event.

The Fall of the House of X/Rise of the Powers of X takes place following the Hellfire Gala, after everything has already begun to go horribly wrong. Krakoa is falling, the resurrection protocols are failing, and the safety net is vanishing. It’s a dark era to read, but it will have a lasting impact on all characters involved.


Reign of X Took Mutantkind to New Heights

Reign of X Was One of the Best Krakoa Era Stories


X-Men: Reign of X

Release Year



Gerry Duggan, Pepe Larraz, Javier Pina, Ze Carlos

In 2019, the world of mutants changed forever with House of X and Powers of X. While those stories reshaped mutantkind, Reign of X cemented those changes, at least for a time. Looking back, it’s clear when Krakoa began to crumble, but there was a moment when the X-Men were at their peak.

Reign of X is a heavy-hitting series that lived up to the expectations set by its predecessors. It explores the balance of light and dark within mutantkind, proving that even in the best of times, both forces are always at play. The story highlights well-known X-Men and the lengths they’ll go to for change and peace.

“}]] The X-Men have been delivering fan-favorite content for years, and even the last five years have given readers stories and events worth remembering.  Read More  
