Skinz also has a deadly toxin secretion power and super strength, making him a formidable and gross new character in the Marvel Universe.
Skinz has officially overtaken Deadpool as Marvel’s grossest ‘healer’, showcasing just how revolting and powerful his abilities truly are.
Warning: Contains SPOILERS for Captain America #9!Deadpool has a well-earned reputation in Marvel Comics as having the grossest healing factor ever. In fact, Deadpool’s ‘healing factor’ isn’t one at all, it’s a ‘dying factor’, which makes the entire process even more unpleasant. Not to mention the obviously unsettling visual of seeing Deadpool regrow/reattach a limb. However, it seems Deadpool has been usurped as Marvel’s grossest ‘healer’ with the introduction of a character who has a nearly identical ability, but way more disturbing.
In the 9th issue of Captain America by J. Michael Straczynski and Jesús Saiz, Steve Rogers is sent on a mission by the living embodiment of life to bring her four people that can help in the ongoing conflict with her brother, an embodiment of death. One of those four is located in Chile, so Captain America takes off after him – and that person is a mutant named Carlos Alvarez Garcia aka Skinz.
While it’s unclear at the moment exactly how Skinz will be utilized in the wider story arc, what is clear is his power set, as he not only tells Captain America all about his mutation, but also shows him in extremely unsettling fashion.
As shown in this issue, Skinz can heal from any injury and regrow lost limbs in seconds, which more or less looks exactly like Deadpool’s regenerative abilities – but that’s far from the extent of his power. Garcia can also shed his skin, making a nearly perfect copy of himself that ‘dies’ at a much faster rate than humans (it will begin to decompose in a matter of hours). However, before it rots away completely, Skinz can puppet this ‘copy’ remotely, making it do things like fire weapons at enemy soldiers, and even greet Captain America upon his arrival.
Deadpool & Wolverine Ultimate Crossover Begins with the Perfect Insult
Deadpool and Wolverine are taking off on an all-new team-up crossover in Marvel Comics (before the MCU), and it’s beginning with a hilarious insult.
Skinz Has a Useful Version of Deadpool’s Worst Healing Factor Side Effect
Deadpool #45 by Daniel Way and Salva Espin
While Skinz’s ability to create another (arguably) living version of himself with his healing factor may seem like a new ability, Deadpool actually proved that he could do the same with the introduction of Evil Deadpool in Deadpool #45. Unfortunately, Deadpool’s version of this power happened totally by accident, and the version of himself that he inadvertently created turned into a murderous villain who wanted nothing more than to see the original Wade Wilson dead.
Evil Deadpool was a collection of Wade’s discarded dismembered body parts that came together to create a new Deadpool. Wilson didn’t create this foe on purpose, but he created him nonetheless, just like Skinz with his body doubles. However, Skinz’s version is actually useful, as he has complete control over his rapidly rotting skin-puppets all the way up until they cease to exist after mere hours of creating them. While the idea of shedding one’s skin to then control like a puppet is revolting, it’s at least useful – unlike Deadpool’s healing factor side effect.
Skinz Has 1 Horrific Power Deadpool Doesn’t: Toxin Secretion
Skinz’s healing factor is more useful, and way grosser than Deadpool’s, but that’s not all this new Marvel mutant can do. Carlos’ body also creates a deadly acid toxin that he shoots from his hands, which is powerful enough to melt someone’s face off in mere seconds. Plus, Skinz reveals to Captain America that he has super strength, along with his toxin secretion power and healing factor/skin-puppet ability. In other words, this new hero might have unsightly powers, but he’s proven to be an incredibly deadly mutant – one even Deadpool himself may not be able to beat.
Skinz made his Marvel Comics debut in this Captain America issue, and he’s important enough for the living embodiment of life to want to recruit to face off against death itself, meaning Skinz is about to become an immensely important character in the Marvel Universe very soon. In fact, he has already left an impressive mark on the franchise, as Skinz has officially usurped Deadpool as Marvel Comics’ grossest ‘healer’.
Captain America #9 by Marvel Comics is available now.
The Merc with the Mouth first appeared in an issue of New Mutants in 1990, and since then has gone on to get his own series and a massive cult following. With his incredible powers of healing and regeneration, Deadpool was initially depicted as an X-Men villain, but went on to become an anti-hero. After getting his own movie series starting in 2016, the third Deadpool movie finally brings the wisecracking, fourth-wall-breaking character into the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
“}]] Marvel Comics reveals the grossest healing factor (not Deadpool). Read More