The first Thunderbolts team was a group of villains pretending to be heroes until some of them decided they liked doing good. The name has been appropriated several times since then, with teams of antiheroes, amoral mercenaries, and former bad guys taking up the mantle. The one constant has been the team’s lethality. However, this June will see a New Thunderbolts* team with a mission requiring operatives who will not hold back, no matter what.
The New Thunderbolts* will be led by Black Widow and Bucky Barnes, who recently adopted the codename Revolution. As the series opens, the two discover a threat unlike anything either of them has seen. Someone has made demented duplicates of the Illuminati and they seek to rule the world their counterparts protected. To save the world, Natasha and the former Winter Soldier will need a team of those who can do the unthinkable to see justice done.
The New Thunderbolts* line-up is an impressive collective with a wide array of powers. However, they are all united by an understanding that sometimes death is necessary to save the world. Apart from Black Widow and Revolution, the team consists of Hulk, Namor, the Laura Kinney Wolverine, the sorceress Clea, and Eddie Brock with the Carnage symbiote.
“I love every iteration of Thunderbolts,” noted New Thunderbolts* writer Sam Humphries. “I’m thrilled to continue the franchise’s proud tradition of hard hitting action, powder keg personalities, and explosive surprises into a new era. This is a gang of seven of the biggest badasses and loose cannons from different corners of the Marvel Universe. Assembling a super team is like inviting the right combination of guests to a dinner party. So I imagined a dangerous, disastrous, unhinged Marvel dinner party, and went with that.”
“I’m having a blast working on this book with Mr. Humphries and the team,” added New Thunderbolts* artist Tom Lima. “Look at this lineup. It’s crazy. They’re not here to talk; they jump straight to the action! And that’s the most fun part to draw. None of them are known for taking it easy on the job, so I can’t either.”
New Thunderbolts* #1 arrives in comic shops everywhere on June 11, 2025.