
(Image Source: Marvel / Yasmine Putri)


Raven Darkholme has been many things in her long life. A detective. A spy. An assassin. A villain, by most measures. A hero to some. Most frequently, she’s been a target. The one thing the woman called Mystique has never been is predictable, as her new solo series showcases.

The action of Mystique #1 shifts between multiple points of view. Half the book centers on Raven Darkholme herself, as she searches for a device called Protozoa. She also strikes a blow against anti-Mutant bigotry, killing one financier and stealing her fortune.

(Image Source: Marvel / Declan Shalvey)

The other half of the book centers on Nick Fury Jr. who is asked to hunt Raven down by no less an authority than his father. The elder Fury fears that, freed from the moral obligations of Krakoa, Mystique may reestablish herself as a global threat. Unfortunately, it may already be too late for the younger Fury to stop her.

Those who only know the character of Mystique from the Fox X-Men films are educated along with Fury. The Raven Darkholme of the comics is a far less conflicted and more amoral character. This is made abundantly clear throughout the issue.

(Image Source: Marvel / Declan Shalvey)

The Mystique of the comics has no qualms about killing innocents in order to deliver her idea of justice to the guilty. Despite this, it is hard to dismiss her as a complete villain. Her targets are those who would ignore the genocide of the Mutant people or profit from it. She is still an anti-hero, at best, and stretching the definition to the breaking point. Then again, redefining herself as needed is what Mystique does.

Declan Shalvey does an amazing job as the writer and artist on this issue. The aesthetic is streamlined and shadowy, as befits Mystique’s world and her fighting style. There is some confusion in the fight scenes, but that is by design. Raven Darkholme is a master at confusing her enemies and there are many moments where the reader may not realize who she is on the page.

All in all, Mystique #1 is a perfect introduction to the post-Krakoa era of X-Men and one of Marvel Comics‘ most unique characters. Those who only know her from the movies should prepare for a shocking yet pleasant read. Those who already know her from the comics will be pleased to know time has not softened Raven Darkholme and she’s just as vicious as ever.

Grade: 4/5

Mystique #1 arrives in comic shops everywhere on October 16, 2024.


“}]] Mystique #1 finds the shape-shifting mutant reminding the world why it should hate and fear her and doing it in style.  Read More  
