
Spider-Man is getting an all-new origin story in the upcoming Disney+ series Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man. The animated series follows Spider-Man during his early days as a costumed crime-fighter, charting his growth into an Avengers-level superhero in an alternative version of the story seen in Captain America: Civil War and Spider-Man: Homecoming. In the universe of Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man, it is Norman Osborn, rather than Tony Stark, who acts as Peter Parker’s mentor. The first trailer for Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man has given fans a look at Peter’s early interactions with Norman Osborn, as Osborn helps Spider-Man in his heroic career.

Osborn’s role as a mentor figure for Spider-Man in the new animated series is a stark departure from traditional portrayals of the character. Throughout his comic book and on-screen history, Osborn has been best known to Marvel fans as Spider-Man’s archenemy, the Green Goblin. While it’s possible Osborn will ultimately still end up on a villainous path in Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man, his initial shift to one of Spider-Man’s allies is the starting point for various changes the series is making to Spider-Man lore. The trailer for the series reveals how Osborn’s role has led to a change of origin story for one of Spider-Man’s iconic alternate suits.

Norman Osborn Creates Spider-Man’s Future Foundation Suit

Norman Osborn Replaces The Fantastic Four as the Creator of Spider-Man’s Hi-Tech White Suit

The new trailer for Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man opens with a look at Spider-Man swinging through New York in his homemade Spidey suit. This look deviates from his mainstream MCU counterpart’s original homemade costume, incorporating a sports jersey and web-shooters connected by tubes to a backpack. Towards the end of the trailer, Peter encounters Norman Osborn, who has discovered Peter’s secret identity. A framed photo in Osborn’s office shows him standing side-by-side with Captain American, establishing that Osborn is an apparently trustworthy individual in this reality. Osborn tells Peter that he will help him “achieve greatness,” as the trailer cuts to Peter in a flashy new Spider-Man suit.

The new suit, which is white with black detailing, will be familiar to fans of Marvel Comics as Spider-Man’s Future Foundation suit. In the comics, this suit was developed for Spider-Man by Reed Richards’ Future Foundation, a school for superhumans, headed by The Fantastic Four. Spider-Man was invited to join the Future Foundation in accordance with the last wishes of Johnny Storm, who was believed to be dead at the time and who had requested Spider-Man take his place in the Fantastic Four. The Future Foundation suits were made of third generation unstable molecules, meaning their appearances could be altered at will. This allowed Spider-Man to change the Future Foundation suit to his classic red and blue suit, a black stealth suit or other designs.

In the comics, this suit was developed for Spider-Man by Reed Richards’ Future Foundation, a school for superhumans, headed by The Fantastic Four.

Given the hi-tech nature of the Future Foundation suit, it’s not surprising to see it being repurposed for Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man as the suit Norman Osborn creates for Peter Parker. Having Osborn create Spider-Man’s Future Foundation suit is a huge change from the comics, though. It is not clear whether the similarities between Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man‘s Oscorp suit and the comics’ Future Foundation suit will stretch beyond appearance, either.

The suit designed by Osborn is likely a hi-tech step up from Spider-Man’s original homemade costume, but it could possess different abilities from its comic book counterpart. If the suit is still made from unstable molecules, it may end up becoming all the various costumes Peter wears in Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man, including the classic Spidey suit and the comics’ “Identity Crisis” suits.

Norman Osborn’s New Role in Marvel’s Next Spider-Man Series

Is Norman Osborn the Green Goblin No More?


Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man Fan Art Puts the Oscorp Suit Front and Center After New Trailer Release

The Oscorp Suit is front and center in a piece of Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man fan art.

Norman Osborn is taking over from Tony Stark as Peter Parker’s mentor in his superheroics. In the MCU’s Earth-616 universe, Stark created Peter’s first proper Spider-Man suit, as well as the Iron Spider suit. It therefore makes sense that Osborn would also be taking over this role in Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man. While Stark created the vibrant red and blue Spider-Man suit in the 616 universe, inspired by Peter’s homemade costume, it makes sense that the more severe Osborn would give Peter the more pragmatic, monotone Future Foundation suit. The costume’s hi-tech comic history also makes it a natural choice of Spidey suit to have Osborn create in the new series, as he has always been portrayed as a scientific genius.

Although the resources of Oscorp will surely be invaluable for Peter Parker as he goes from a fledgling vigilante to the superhero fans know and love in Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man, his new mentor should probably be making his Spider Sense tingle. Norman Osborn might be portrayed as an altruistic individual in the new animated series, but it’s unlikely he will remain that way.

The wall-crawler’s enmity with Osborn tends to be a constant throughout the multiverse. Whether Osborn is initially helping Spider-Man sincerely or with an ulterior motive, there is a good chance his villainous alter ego will put in an appearance before Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man is over. If so, Peter’s Oscorp-made suit might become more of a liability than an asset.

Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man swings onto Disney+ on January 29, 2025.

“}]] Spider-Man is returning to television in a new Disney+ series from Marvel Studios, and the first trailer teases a new origin story for the web-head.  Read More  
