
The following contains major spoilers for Thunderbolts: Doomstrike #1, on sale now from Marvel Comics.

Doctor Doom has just turned the former Winter Soldier into the most wanted man on Earth.

Thunderbolts: Doomstrike #1 opens to a decidedly dreadful encounter between Bucky Barnes and the world’s new self-proclaimed supreme leader, Doctor Doom. When Bucky makes the decision to lead a strike team against Doom’s orbiting nuclear arsenal rather than bowing to his reign, it sets off a chain of events that leads to an armed warhead heading straight for the sleepy suburban town of Shelbyville. Despite all his best efforts to avert disaster, there is nothing Bucky can do to prevent an absolute catastrophe, nor to prevent Doom from using the tragedy to paint Marvel’s very own Revolution as a terrorist.


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Colors by YEN NITRO

Letters by VC’s JOE SABINO

Design by CARLOS LAO


Variant covers by IVAN TAO and LEE GARBETT & SUNNY CHO

First seen all the way back in the opening story from 1940’s Captain America Comics #1, “Meet Captain America,” by Joe Simon and Jack Kirby, James Buchanan Barnes was introduced as a young orphan who found a home for himself at the United States Army’s Camp Lehigh. Upon seeing Captain America in action, James became obsessed with the idea of fighting the good fight alongside his personal hero. After donning a costume of his own, he was given the chance to do just that as Bucky. Tragically, Bucky would seemingly lose his life in the same explosion that plunged Captain America deep into the icy waters of the English Channel.

Instead, Bucky was recovered by the Russian military, who repaired, brainwashed, and repurposed the former hero into one of the greatest assassins of all time – The Winter Soldier. For decades, the Winter Soldier operated from the shadows, existing as more of a myth than a man. When Captain America finally caught up to the Winter Soldier in the modern day, the truth of what happened to Bucky became painfully clear, driving Steve Rogers to do everything he could to help his former friend recover from what had been done to him. Luckily, Bucky was able to shake off the majority of his brainwashing, ultimately taking control of his life and embracing his place as the Winter Soldier on his own terms.


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During Captain America’s war against the Outer Circle, a secretive organization that had been manipulating world events from behind closed doors for more than a century, Bucky was right there to join in the fight. Along the way, the heroes uncovered the full extent of the Outer Circle’s influence, as well as the fact that fighting them head-on was always going to be a losing battle. Instead, Bucky took it upon himself to murder one of the Outer Circle’s members, the Revolution, before usurping that mantle for himself and using it to destroy the operation from the inside. While this put him at odds with Captain America for a time, it has proven to be one of the best moves that Bucky could have made, especially considering how much further harm he prevented by doing so.

Thunderbolts: Doomstrike #1 is available now from Marvel Comics.

Source: Marvel Comics

“}]] Doctor Doom’s new global regime has just announced the identity of its most wanted man, and Bucky Barnes might not be able to escape it.  Read More  
