
While Marvel and DC’s forthcoming crossover will be epic, it does not necessarily bode well for the comics industry. The news that the two publishers would collide later this year was the highlight of last weekend’s Comics Pro retailer summit. The news was greeted with surprise and enthusiasm from the comics’ community, but the crossover, like its predecessor, comes at a dark time for the industry.

JLA/Avengers was written by Kurt Busiek and drawn by George Perez.

At the 2025 Comics Pro retailer summit, the two publishers’ respective editors-in-chief, CB Cebulski for Marvel and Marie Javins for DC, announced the crossover. Details such as creative teams are being kept under wraps, but the publishers stated the event will be published in a series of one-shots later this year. This will be the first meeting of the two publishers since 2003’s JLA/Avengers miniseries. Furthermore, the impending crossover comes on the 30th anniversary of the original Marvel vs DC event. That event came at a time when the comics’ industry was at a crossroads, and history is now repeating.

Marvel and DC First Crossed Over Nearly 50 Years Ago

These Meetings Were Between the Publisher’s Biggest Characters

The first Marvel vs. DC hit shops in 1995, but the groundwork had been laid nearly 20 years prior. By the mid-1970s, Marvel and DC had emerged as the two major comic book companies in North America. Naturally, fans debated how each company’s heroes would fare against the other. Match-ups between Marvel and DC’s stables seemed a far-out possibility, until 1976’s Superman vs The Amazing Spider-Man. The one-shot, written by Gerry Conway and drawn by Ross Andru, was historic and was followed by a sequel five years later, as well as a crossover between Batman and the Hulk.

The success of these books helped lay the foundation for the main event: Marvel vs DC.

After these opening shots, crossovers between Marvel and DC were few and far between, but memorable. In 1982, the publishers released Uncanny X-Men and the New Teen Titans, a meeting between the company’s two hottest properties. A sequel was proposed, but never materialized. The crossovers lay dormant until 1994, when two one-shots, featuring Batman meeting the Punisher, were released to great acclaim and high sales. A flurry of other one-shots, including a meeting of Galactus and Darkseid, were published throughout 1994 and 1995. The success of these books helped lay the foundation for the main event: Marvel vs DC.

Marvel vs DC/DC vs Marvel Rejuvenated Comics in America

Unfortunately, Changes in Editorial Put Future Crossovers On Ice

Marvel vs DC/DC vs Marvel was a sales success upon its release. Written by Peter David and Ron Marz and drawn by Dan Jurgens and Claudio Castellini, the four-issue miniseries pits the two publishers’ major characters against each other. Thor fought Shazam, Wonder Woman sparred with Storm and Robin fell in love with Jubilee, among other highlights of the series. Perhaps the coolest thing to come out of the Marvel vs DC crossover was the Amalgam Universe, a new universe consisting of character mashups, such as Doctor Strangefate and Dark Claw, a Batman/Wolverine mashup.

Neither seemed interested in crossing over with the other, and indeed, the relationship between the two publishers, cordial and civil just a few years prior, turned hot again.

The miniseries, in addition to launching the still popular to this day Amalgam Universe, also led to even more crossovers, including a sequel. Yet by the early 2000s, the editorial climate at each publisher had changed. Marvel installed Joe Quesada as Editor-in-Chief, with Dan DiDio filling a similar position at DC a few years later. Neither seemed interested in crossing over with the other, and indeed, the relationship between the two publishers, cordial and civil just a few years prior, turned hot again. After the release of JLA/Avengers in 2003, the crossovers ceased.


Marvel vs DC Officially Named the Most Important Hero in Each Universe

Marvel and DC have a plethora of established heroes who have proven to be the best of the best, but only 2 stand above the rest as the most important.

Now, 22 years later, the publishers are laying down any grudges they may have had and are coming together to save the industry–again. The Marvel and DC Universes have changed considerably in the past 30 years. For one, new characters, such as Ms. Marvel at Marvel and Jon Kent at DC have debuted, and meetings between any of them are sure to be exciting and worth the wait. The two publishers will also no doubt put their best talent on these one-shots as well. Marvel and DC’s new meeting will be the comics’ event of 2025.

30 Years Ago, Comic Books Were Facing a “Do or Die” Moment

A Lot Is Riding On Marvel and DC’s New Crossover

When Marvel vs DC went on sale in stores in 1995, the comics’ industry was in crisis mode. A speculator boom, which earlier in the decade had led to record-breaking sales as well as an increase in material being published. During 1993, at least four new shared universes were created, and existing publishers ramped up their output. Yet by 1994, the market had begun to recede. This, coupled with a collapse of the direct market distribution system, led to publishers and retailers going out of business. Clearly, something had to be done, and Marvel and DC stepped up.

While the new crossovers between Marvel and DC will be epic, and sure to be a runaway sales success, there is a lot riding on them. Right now, the comics’ industry is facing a serious existential crisis. Diamond Distributors, who have held a monopoly for nearly 25 years, recently filed for Chapter 11 Bankruptcy. This move sent ripples through the industry, forcing some publishers to alter schedules and even lay off personnel. Diamond is in the process of sorting themselves out, but if they fail at it, then the industry faces an even darker go of it.

The New Marvel vs DC Will Be A Huge Hit–But Will it Save Comics?

Movies Starring Marvel and DC Characters Are All the Rage–But Will It Translate to Sales?

A new crossover between Marvel and DC could be just what the comics’ industry needs. Sales will be through the roof, and the event is also sure to generate excitement among the public as well. The first Marvel vs DC was covered by the mainstream media, and given that comics have exploded in popularity in the 30 years since, this one has the potential to be an even bigger event. A steady stream of films starring Marvel and DC characters has increased these characters’ visibility, and inspired new rounds of debates over who would win in a matchup.


A New Marvel/DC Crossover? 5 Years Later, The “Secret Crisis” May Finally Be Here

Marvel and DC Comics have announced brand-new crossover one-shots that could finally pay off the “Secret Crisis” teases from 5 years ago.

All of this ensures that Marvel and DC’s new crossover will be a big event, one that can potentially turn the comics’ industry’s fortunes around. Creatively, comics are at a peak right now, even if sales are down. Both publishers have an excellent line-up of artists and writers who will spin gold out of meetings between Superman, Spider-Man, Wolverine and Batman. Yet this excitement needs to translate into big sales and media coverage. If not, the comics’ industry, as fans know, may come to an end. Marvel and DC saved the industry once before, and they may do it again.

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