This superhero group nearly made its live-action debut on TV. Marvel scrapped an Eternals TV show from acclaimed screenwriter John Ridley.

Back in the days when Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. was must-watch TV and the Marvel Netflix shows were as interesting as the movies, Marvel was on the prowl for more content. This boom would eventually lead to shows like Inhumans and Cloak & Dagger hitting the small screen. John Ridley was one of the creatives brought in to develop a show, which he has revealed focused on the Eternals.

“It’s not in the works anymore,” Ridley told Comic Book Club. “It was a television version of The Eternals… But good.”

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Of course, the show didn’t come to fruition, and it appears the dissolution of Marvel TV is to blame, but the Eternals still found life in the MCU. Chloé Zhao was brought on to direct 2021’s Eternals, which featured some powerhouse actors, including Angelina Jolie and Salma Hayek. However, despite all the star power, Ridley thought he had the better vision for the property.

“My version was the good version,” Ridley added. “It was so f**king weird. There was my version, a good version, which is good to me, which — that doesn’t mean anything. There was the version that [Marvel] ended up doing which I don’t think… that version was particularly good. I’ll be honest.”

A select few would probably agree with Ridley, as Eternals struggled to find critical success after its release. Regardless, it’s fair to say that, had the characters ended up on ABC and crossed paths with the Inhumans, they wouldn’t have had much of a future in the MCU.

If you’re looking for more MCU content, here’s a story about how Echo’s Kingpin will become the street-level Thanos of the MCU.

 This superhero group nearly made its live-action debut on TV. Marvel scrapped an Eternals TV show from acclaimed screenwriter John Ridley. Back in the days when Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. was must-watch TV and the Marvel Netflix shows were as interesting as the movies, Marvel was on the prowl for more content. This boom would eventually lead to shows like Inhumans and Cloak & Dagger hitting the small screen. John Ridley was one of the creatives brought in to develop a show, which he has revealed focused on the Eternals. “It’s not in the works anymore,” Ridley told Comic Book Club.  Read More  
