
It’s time to thrash the night! The death of a loved one draws Dwayne Taylor back to New York City, though his days as NIGHT THRASHER are long over. But Dwayne finds the past difficult to outrun when SILHOUETTE, his ex-teammate from the NEW WARRIORS, seeks his help against a new criminal called THE O.G. And the mystery of the O.G.’s true identity and what’s to come will change Night Thrasher’s legacy forever! Don’t miss this bold new direction for a cult classic character who is leaving the ’90s behind him!

Written by: Jason HolthamArt by: Nelson DanielCover by: Alan QuahPage Count: 40 PagesRelease Date: February 14, 2024

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In this article:Marvel, Night Thrasher


“]] Don’t miss this bold new direction for a cult classic character who is leaving the ’90s behind him!  Read More  
