
Marvel’s acclaimed Marvel Knights line of books, which was a series of Marvel titles produced by Joe Quesada and Jimmy Palmiotti’s Event Comics comic book company that did so well that Quesada was eventually named Editor-in-Chief of Marvel Comics overall, is returning this June, with a brand-new series set in a possible future titled Marvel Knights: The World to Come, and what has really got everyone (including us) hyped is that the series will be written and drawn by Marvel Knights legends Christopher Priest, Joe Quesada, and Richard Isanove!

This will be Quesada’s first series that he has drawn for Marvel (or anyone else) since Daredevil: Father back in 2004-07, and it will pair Quesada with Priest, who was one of the first comic book creators that Quesada worked with early in his comic book career, as Priest was the editor on the DC comic book miniseries, The Ray, which Quesada drew way back in 1992. Also of note, since Quesada has been working ahead on the series for some time now, Marvel has waited to solicit it until the company knew the series would be able to be released on time.


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Marvel’s press release for the new series describes it like this:

The King of Wakanda is DEAD, leaving unguarded the world’s most advanced technology, most precious metal, and a cryptic vault of dark secrets while triggering global conflicts among Marvel’s heroes, villains and mutants. With T’Challa gone and the future of the Marvel Universe teetering on a vibranium knife edge, a tribal challenge ensues for the Wakandan throne and its mysterious victor will emerge as the new leader of Wakanda and usher in THE WORLD TO COME.

Quesada described the series more in the press release, noting how the series evolved from the original Marvel Knights concept, “In September 1998, Marvel Knights Daredevil #1 hit the stands, followed by The Punisher, Inhumans, and Black Panther. Eight months earlier, Jimmy Palmiotti, Nanci Dakesian, and I, along with our creators, spent endless hours and sleepless nights producing the best books we could. We knew they looked different—edgier than anything Marvel was publishing at the time—but in a struggling comic book industry, there was no guarantee anyone would notice. We were confident they’d do well, but we didn’t anticipate the overwhelming fan reaction or the lasting impact Marvel Knights would have on Marvel. Fast forward to October 2017—my best bud, mentor, and Marvel Knights Black Panther writer (and, for my money, the best writer in comics), Christopher Priest, pitched me an idea rooted in his original Marvel Knights take on T’Challa and Wakanda. It was insane, beautiful, and edgy as hell. I told him I HAD to draw it—and that we should go even bigger.”

He added, “Priest delivered an opus—a journey that lets us—and fans—celebrate those original books while taking familiar characters to new and unexpected places. I haven’t had this much fun drawing a project since Marvel Knights Daredevil #1.”


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In their feature looking back on comics from 10/25/50/75 years ago, CSBG spotlights the 2000 return of Frank Castle to his classic Punisher setup.

In his own personal Substack newsletter, Quesada elaborated on his excitement over the new project, noting: The World To Come is the first series I’ve drawn since Daredevil: Father, and it feels great to draw sequentials again. During my tenure at Marvel, I often said that the thing I missed the most was not having the time to draw actual comics; in a way, it felt like phantom limb syndrome. Sure, covers are fun, but there’s nothing like drawing an actual story.”

He continued, “I love the feeling of visually guiding the reader’s eye from panel to panel and page to page, stretching the character’s anatomy to give a sense of motion while trying to convey their feelings through their expressions and body posture. There’s no other art form like it in the world. It also helps that I have the privilege of working with people more talented than I am. Christopher Priest is hands down one of the best writers in the industry, and Richard Isanove keeps reinventing what comic book coloring should look like. Oh, and my editor, Nick Lowe… yeah, he’s alright for a punk-ass kid.I’m involved or have been involved in almost every aspect of the entertainment world, but nothing satisfies me more than comics, and drawing this series, regardless of sales, reviews, etc., has been one of the highlights of my career.”

Marvel Knights: The World to Come #1 is set to released on June 4, 2025.

Source: Marvel

“}]] Marvel announces a return to its acclaimed Marvel Knights imprint of comics, and there’s one aspect of this new series that really has us hyped  Read More  
