As proof that nothing in comics is sacred or untouchable, Marvel Comics is officially teasing the unthinkable: the resurrection of Gwen Stacy.
Marvel’s new teaser image makes the shocking suggestion clear, hinting that Gwen Stacy will be resurrected in May 2025. As seen in the teaser below drawn by Paco Medina and Morry Hollowell, an ominous shadow overcasts the gravesite of “loving daughter,” Gwen Stacy, with a shovel in front of it mounted into the ground. Marvel has not revealed who this shadow could belong to, nor what comic this image is a teaser for.
“The Night Gwen Stacy Died,” depicted in The Amazing Spider-Man #121 by Gerry Conway, Gil Kane, John Romita Sr., and Tony Mortellaro, shocked the world upon its 1973 release. While she’s since been replaced by an alternate reality’s Spider-Gwen, the original Earth-616 Gwen Stacy has remained one of the few comic characters to never revive in full flesh and bone. What is clear, though, is that if the original Gwen Stacy does actually return among the living, then Marvel solidifies that no comic character truly stays dead.
Marvel Teases The Resurrection of Gwen Stacy
“Nothing is Sacred” in May 2025
This artwork teasing the potential of Gwen Stacy coming back from the dead may be Marvel’s most secretive project in recent memory. Beyond the citation for the artists behind the art, the art itself, and the “Nothing is Sacred” tagline, Marvel has kept tight-lipped about everything revolving around what this image could mean for Marvel’s future. With the tagline, there’s no solicit summary beyond, “Stay tuned next week for more information from Marvel Comics.” Even then, there is no inkling of a hint as far as what comic this secret could be taking place in.
Marvel Has a Big Spider-Verse Problem, And Gwen Stacy Is Paying the Price
Gwen Stacy is the break-out star of Marvel’s Spider-Verse, but the publisher seems to struggle with fitting her into mainline comics continuity.
While there is currently an ongoing Amazing Spider-Man comic book helmed by Joe Kelly and Ed McGuinness for the 8 Deaths of Spider-Man storyline transformation, the series is set to be relaunched in April by a revamped creative team compiling Joe Kelly, John Romita Jr., and Pepe Larraz. April, of course, is a month before the May 2025 tentative date the teaser alludes to, so this could be the new series’ story arc for that rebooted series. Alternatively, this Gwen Stacy artwork could be a teaser for an all-new Spidey series, or, in a complete curveball, be a series unrelated to Spidey’s adventures.
Our Take on Gwen Stacy’s Potential Marvel Return
The Death Fallacy in Comics Continues
In either case, the potential return of Gwen Stacy highlights that no one really stays dead in comics, a common assumption across the comic community. In the 52 years since her death was first published, Gwen Stacy has never officially been revived. There have been storylines in which her death has been evoked as either a source of inspiration for Spider-Man to continue his heroism or a point of guilt that he never saved her. She’d return as a memory, a temporary ghostly spirit, a multiversal superhero from a parallel world, or more recently, a figment of Peter Parker’s fantasy.
Gwen Stacy has remained one of the few exceptions to the rule regarding death and resurrection in comics, and now, if she’s really returning, she becomes the rule
However, the real, original Gwen Stacy has stayed dead this whole time. Marvel has stayed true to the most significant death in Peter Parker’s life, and arguably, the most significant death in the Marvel Universe, if not comics history. Gwen Stacy has remained one of the few exceptions to the rule regarding death and resurrection in comics, and now, if she’s really returning, she becomes the rule. Upon the release of the teaser, readers have been quick to develop mixed reactions for the thought of Gwen Stacy returning to Marvel, but those same readers will need to anticipate what happens.
Marvel’s secret storyline is scheduled to publish in May 2025, but Marvel promises to offer more details starting next week.
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