




Marvel Comics To Publish Giant-Size Spider-Man As Well

Posted in: Comics, Comics Publishers, Current News, Marvel Comics, Spider-Man | Tagged: Giant-Size Spider-Man, Sean Galloway

Marvel Comics to publish Giant-Size Spider-Man as well as Giant Size-X-Men, in June 2025.

Marvel Comics to release Giant-Size Spider-Man #1 in June, following Giant-Size X-Men’s success.
Sean Galloway, known for Teen Titans Go, to create a dynamic cover for the issue.
Past iterations of Giant-Size Spider-Man series spanned decades; new edition breaks that tradition.
Intrigue surrounds whether it connects with Ms. Marvel’s X-Men adventures in Giant-Size X-Men.

Bleeding Cool broke the news to you that Marvel Comics would be publishing a Giant-Size X-Men in May. Then, it was revealed as a series of one-shots that carried on Ms. Marvel’s story from NYX and Timeslide. Well, in for a penny, I also get the scoop that Marvel will accompany this with a Giant-Size Spider-Man #1 in June.

The creative team is still unknown, but I have two notes I have been given. Sean Galloway of Teen Titans Go, Wednesday Comics, Adventures Of Superman and Mighty Morphin Power Rangers is doing a cover. And at one point the project was known as Marvel 616, referring to the parallel universe that the Marvel Comics Universe takes place in.

This is not the first time Marvel Comics has published a Giant-Size Spider-Man comic book. Giant-Size Spider-Man ran for six issues from 1974. Forty years later, Marvel put out Giant-Size Spider-Man Vol 2 #1. Another ten years later, Cody Ziglar and Iban Coello put out a new Giant-Size Spider-Man #1 at the beginning of 2024. But it seems that Marvel Comics isn’t restricting itself to ten-year gaps for this one any more.

Giant-Size Spider-Man #1s from 1974, 2014 and 2024

Whether it will have anything to do with Giant-Size X-Men giving Ms Marvel a trip through all manner of major X-Men events courtesy of Legion, I don’t know… As for my reliability on this, here are a few recent examples. Feel free to do your own research.

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Marvel Comics to publish Giant-Size Spider-Man as well as Giant Size-X-Men, in June 2025.

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Marvel Comics to publish Giant-Size Spider-Man as well as Giant Size-X-Men, in June 2025.

Separated At Birth: Lovestruck by Dennis Hopeless and Kevin Mellon and… Lovestruck by MC Foley, Don Handfield and Alonso Molina

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DC Comics’ Offerings Up, Up And Away For Superman Day, on Friday, the 18th of April, 2025

Toxic Avenger Vs Jesus Christ by Mark Russell and Richard Pace is out from Ahoy Comics in June 2025, as well as their May solicits.

“}]] Marvel Comics to publish Giant-Size Spider-Man as well as Giant Size-X-Men, in June 2025.  Read More  
