Marvel Comics has revealed what the future holds in store for Wanda Maximoff and it all begins next February with the launch of Scarlet Witch & Quicksilver! Learn more about the surprise new series here…

Marvel Comics recently brought the Scarlet Witch’s latest solo title to a close, but Wanda Maximoff will return next year in the pages of Steve Orlando’s surprise new four-issue limited series, Scarlet Witch & Quicksilver

Honouring the brother and sister’s 60th anniversary, it promises to mark an exciting evolution for Orlando’s hit run on Scarlet Witch. Having revitalized Wanda Maximoff as a solo superhero with a captivatingly fresh status quo and a fascinatingly fearsome new rogues gallery, he now adds Pietro to the mix with a new chapter in the twins’ storied legacy.

Joining him will be Scarlet Witch artist Lorenzo Tammetta, with superstar artist Russell Dauterman returning to grace the series with spellbinding covers. 

Since making their 1964 debut in Stan Lee and Jack Kirby’s X-Men #4 as part of Magneto’s original Brotherhood of Evil Mutants, Wanda and Pietro Maximoff have shaped the Marvel Universe as we know it with key roles in some of comic book’s most earth-shattering storylines. Now, these two pop culture icons will re-cement their unbreakable bond to confront old rivalries and new mysteries, including a revolutionary new take on The Wizard.

The Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver have been heroes, friends, family heads and occasionally villains, but, above all, they are twins who look out for each other. So when Wanda receives a letter from the recently deceased Magneto that would upset Pietro, she burns the letter before her brother can read it.

But her choice drives them apart at the worst possible time: a new threat heralded by the Wizard – with a horrifying eldritch upgrade – is coming for their heads, and if they can’t find a way to repair their damaged bond, it will cost them their lives.

“We’ve been doing so much work with Wanda and we wanted to spotlight the diversity of her powers and the dynamic things she can do… and it’s really exciting to do the same, and give the same love, to Pietro during the 60th anniversary,” Orlando says. “But, it’s not just about his powers! It’s about who he is and bringing him back into this chosen family narrative we’re doing.”

“So, you won’t just see Pietro back in the book, you’ll see Pietro with members of the extended Maximoff family that he hasn’t gotten a ton of time to spend with before!”

Below, you can check out Dauterman’s cover for the first issue of Scarlet Witch & Quicksilver along with some early interior artwork. 

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 Marvel Comics has revealed what the future holds in store for Wanda Maximoff and it all begins next February with the launch of Scarlet Witch & Quicksilver! Learn more about the surprise new series here…  Read More  
