Mark Millar has told some big and incredible stories at Marvel Comics and a lot of his work helped shape what we’ve seen in the MCU. He worked on The Ultimates and Civil War, both of which were a huge inspiration to films like The Avengers and Captain America: Civil War.

In recent years, Millar has put his focus on his Millarworld comics and his deal with Netflix. A couple of years ago he teased a new Superman story and said he spoke to DC Comics about a six-part series. But, it seems he’s putting that story on hold and looking to return to Marvel for something huge.

During an interview with wordballoon, be said: “I actually met C.B. Cebulski [Marvel Editor-In-Chief] for lunch last week in London. He was over in London visiting the Fantastic Four [currently filming west of London], and he dropped me a line.”

He continued: “Marvel and DC had both made an open offer to me years ago and every year, they check in with me and say, do you want to do something? I had an idea when I was in Dubai last year…this Superman story came to me: the beginning, middle, and end of the whole thing.

“I mentioned it on Twitter a few days later, and Marie Javins [DC Editor-In-Chief] got in touch and said, ‘If you want to do this, do it.'”

Millar now intends to wait for Superman to enter the public domain before he tells that story and instead he’ll put his focus and attention on this Marvel Comics project which could be a game changer. At least that’s how he’s hyping it!

He explained: “I said to CB, I only want to do something at Marvel if I can make it bigger than Civil War or else what’s the point? I’m not going to come in and do an Iceman series or something like that.

“I only want to come in and do something that’s going to be bigger than Civil War, and the thing I have is way bigger than Civil War, and Civil War is the biggest-selling graphic novel Marvel’s ever had.

“The biggest in history. I said this is the one thing that could top it and I haven’t told him what it is. I’m going to hold off.”

Well, that certainly sparked my curiosity! It’ll be interesting to see what he’s got cooking up in that brain of his once he’s ready to make an official announcement and reveal the details.

 Mark Millar has told some big and incredible stories at Marvel Comics and a lot of his work helped shape what we’ve seen in the MCU. He worked on The Ultimates and Civil War, both of which were a huge inspiration to films like The Avengers and Captain America: Civil War. In recent years, Millar h  Read More  
