WARNING! Spoilers for Iron Man #6
A defining moment in Iron Man‘s history is his decision to stop selling weapons so that they won’t fall into the wrong hands. Now, Tony Stark has broken that rule by agreeing to sell weapons to Doctor Doom. In a shocking change to his status quo, Iron Man is setting aside his morals and manufacturing weapons of mass destruction once more, willingly arming one of Marvel’s most diabolical villains.
In Iron Man #6 by Spencer Ackerman, Julius Ohta, Alex Sinclair, and Joe Caramagna, Tony Stark is faced with the opportunity to overthrow Doctor Doom – by providing him with weapons. As bad as aligning himself with Doom looks for Stark Unlimited and for Tony himself, all is not what it seems on the surface, as it’s part of a larger plan.
Regardless, it can’t be denied that Iron Man’s announcement goes against his core belief of not giving weapons to those who can inflict harm with them, and this controversial decision signals a massive shift for Tony Stark moving forward.
Iron Man Has Officially Become Doctor Doom’s Weapons Dealer
In a Major Plot Twist, Tony Stark Betrays His Ethical Code for Doom
As it turns out, Iron Man has an ulterior motive in becoming Doctor Doom’s sole weapons provider. Doctor Doom has taken over the Marvel Universe, and since the heroes haven’t been able to defeat him through their usual method of fighting, Iron Man has taken a different route behind their backs. Tony pays a visit to the commander of the Latverian Patriotic Front, an organization that plans to take Doom down from the inside, and offers him money to fund his efforts. However, the LPF doesn’t want money, and instead requests for Stark missiles to be sold to Doom.
Has Iron Man Lost Himself? Marvel Certainly Thinks So and So Do I
Iron Man has been put through the physical and emotional wringer in his new series, and one moment proves just how far Tony Stark has fallen.
The commander explains that his allies will be the ones with access to the weapons, which will then be used to keep Doom in Doomstadt through a siege. By locking him away from the outside world, everything else will be restored, and the people of Latveria will remove him from power once they’re sealed off from the outside world. Iron Man is, naturally, wary of this plan at first due to the risks of arming Doom. Still, Tony ends up agreeing to the LPF’s terms and announcing that Stark Unlimited will be re-entering the weapon manufacturing business, even if it goes against everything he personally stands for.
Iron Man Is Embarking on a Dark Path to Defeat Doctor Doom
Tony Stark’s Doctor Doom “Alliance” Stirs Up Controversy with the Avengers
Iron Man himself isn’t the only one wary of his tentative team-up with the Latverian Patriotic Front. Black Widow, a fellow Avenger, voices her own concerns about whether they can be trusted and insists that Tony would be better off sticking with the Avengers. Unfortunately, Tony doesn’t appear to be taking his friend’s advice, as he’s elected to dismantle Doom’s empire through a more covert method. Despite his better judgment, Iron Man has betrayed his stance against weapons and done the one thing he vowed he never would by willingly granting Doctor Doom access to Stark Unlimited’s most dangerous technology.
Iron Man #6 is available now from Marvel Comics!
“}]] Iron Man is selling weapons to a shocking villain. Read More