
Daredevil has gone toe-to-toe with a number of deadly villains over the years, from the Kingpin and all the assassins he has in his pocket, to an ancient ninja clan hellbent on killing him called the Hand. Throughout that time, Daredevil’s exploits have been captured beautifully in the many comic book volumes collected throughout his Marvel Comics history. And above them all, one page is perhaps his greatest ever comic art, and it was recreated perfectly in jaw-dropping cosplay.

In an Instagram post by users Arcangelo Mai Nominato (handle: guerrieroindomabile) and Wens Universe (handle: wens.1998), a Daredevil cosplayer is featured doing more than posing for the camera in a movie-quality costume, they’re actually recreating a scene from a Daredevil comic.

As the caption describes, Daredevil is countering shuriken being thrown at him from a Hand ninja lurking off-camera. The image itself shows ‘four Daredevils’ representing movement during one action scene – and it definitely has the desired effect. Fans looking at this cosplay can feel the ferocity and grit emanating from this street-level hero as he’s taking on a gang of villains who want nothing more than to see him dead. Plus (in a point that almost goes without saying), the Daredevil suit itself is absolutely perfect, as if it was pulled straight from the MCU.

Daredevil Cosplay Perfectly Captures the Energy & Look of the Original Scene

Daredevil Vol. 2 #49 by Brian Michael Bendis and Alex Maleev

The movement and still-frame choreography featured in this cosplay is so engaging that one would think the cosplayer was inspired by a moment from the MCU’s Daredevil series, but not so. Indeed, this is pulled directly from Daredevil #49 and given the live-action treatment. From the layout, the movements, the attack, and the counterattack, this cosplay truly brought Alex Maleev’s artwork to life in spectacular – and incredibly comic accurate – fashion.

This cosplayer makes comic accuracy look effortless, as they perfectly pulled this scene from the comics into live-action, proving that it can be done. Too many times do the movies mess up or unnecessarily change an iconic moment from the comics during any given adaptation. But this cosplay shows that comics can act as something of storyboards for a live-action film or show and yield truly epic results.

This Daredevil Cosplay Highlights How Iconic Alex Maleev’s Artwork Is

Perhaps the coolest part of it is the fact that it’s honoring the artwork of a truly iconic Daredevil artist, Alex Maleev. While Maleev has obviously done more in his career than work on a single Daredevil book, this run is certainly one of his best. Daredevil Vol. 2 gave fans the gritty, dirty, and hardcore version of the Man Without Fear that they know and love from the live-action series. While Maleev didn’t invent ‘gritty Daredevil’, he certainly perfected it, and his work is more than worthy of this level of recognition.

In fact, given how much influence Alex Maleev’s Daredevil had on the live-action series, this cosplay suddenly becomes so much cooler than it already was. The suit the cosplayer is wearing is straight from the MCU, and the scene they’re depicting came from Maleev’s creative talents, meaning this cosplayer effectively merged the two in a perfect tribute every Daredevil fan would love to see. Indeed, Alex Maleev produced perhaps the greatest piece of Daredevil art with this original scene, and the cosplay captured it perfectly.

Source: guerrieroindomabile/Instagram

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