
Avengers: Twilight #3 hits the halfway point of the Chip Zdarsky/Daniel Acuna miniseries, and in doing so it leans heavily on the conflicts that power the series – especially the ideological struggle between characters. Desperate to restore order to the world, Captain America breaks into the prison formerly known as the Raft to retrieve the body of his fellow Avenger Iron Man. But in doing so he’ll have to confront Iron Man’s son James, who’s stepped into his father’s metallic boots…and isn’t willing to let Steve Rogers’ revolution go on any longer.

Zdarsky’s script once again tackles some heavy topics, most notably via Steve and James’ interactions. Steve knows that war often means sacrifice, but he is willing to make those sacrifices for the freedom of others. James, on the other hand, is willing to sacrifice others for peace. That difference in their dynamic is what makes Avengers: Twilight #3 such a compelling read; the fact that it all builds up to a climax with some gasp-worthy moments is the cherry on top. I also have to give Zdarsky props for the way he puts a new spin on a beloved Avenger.

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Marvel Comics

Acuna’s artwork continues to be phenomenal, as well. When Steve and James fight, there’s some real weight to every punch thrown – especially when one of the combatants is covered head-to-toe in shining silver armor. There’s also a profound sadness in the way Steve moves; even though the super soldier serum is once again flowing through his veins, the weight of the past is far too heavy for him to carry. Acuna’s designs for this new world feel timeless and futuristic at the same time; James’ shining silver Iron Man armor feels like something his father would have constructed, while Ms. Marvel still sports a red and black costume that hearkens to her original outfit – and looks just as impressive when she “embiggens”.

If there’s one thing I wish Avengers: Twilight #3 would have touched upon, it’s the massive reveal from Avengers: Twilight #2. Granted this is only the halfway point, but that was a big reveal and it definitely deserved to be explored more. Hopefully, the rest of the series will start to touch upon that, because there’s some prime story material for Zdarsky and Acuna to cover.

Avengers: Twilight #3 asks what its heroes are willing to sacrifice, expertly blending moral dilemmas with blockbuster action. Zdarsky and Acuna are at the top of their game here, and the back half of the series is set up to be just as engaging – if not more – than the first.

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In this article:Avengers, Marvel

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“}]] Avengers: Twilight #3 asks what its heroes are willing to sacrifice.  Read More  
