It appears the cat is out of the bag as far as the next Amazing Spider-Man writer as a person going by Zee on Twitter revealed a teaser that places Joe Kelly as the next era’s writer. Just last week, it was revealed Zeb Wells and John Romita Jr. were closing out their run starting in September, so it’s no surprise a new writer was already being teased up in teasers.
You can see the image Zee posted below, with an emblem clearly stating Joe Kelly is next up after Zeb Wells. The emblem is slapped onto a retailer preview for Moon Knight: Fist of Khonshu #0, which was teased earlier today.
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Kelly has done a lot at Marvel over the years, and possibly most notably was his hilarious Deadpool run. Could this mean Spider-Man leans into the funny with this new run?
Many would admit Wells and the previous long-running writer Nick Spencer put Spider-Man through the paces for some of his darkest stories, so it could be a relief to see things change to a comedic angle.
What do you think, readers? Is Joe Kelly a writer you’re looking forward to taking over the series? Let us know in the comments.
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“]] Zeb Wells is stepping down with writer Joe Kelly taking over on ‘Amazing Spider-Man.’ Read More