Jessica’s desperate quest to find Gerry is confirmed in Spider-Woman #2 when it is revealed that Hydra kidnapped and erased his existence from memory.
Green Mamba is only the latest in a long line of Avengers children to go evil, like the villainous James Stark from the acclaimed
Avengers: Twilight
ongoing series.
Warning: contains spoilers for Spider-Woman #3The young Gerry Drew, son of Spider-Woman, has been missing – seemingly from both reality and people’s memories – since his mother Jessica was returned to the Web of Life after End of the Spider-Verse. The shocking Spider-Woman #3 has revealed the tragic truth of Gerry’s disappearance, unveiling that Hydra’s new villain Green Mamba is an aged-up version of Jessica’s beloved son.
Jessica Drew has been on a desperate quest to find her baby Gerry, convinced that Hydra had kidnapped him and erased his existence from memory, and her hunch was confirmed in Spider-Woman #2.
Spider-Woman #3, from writer Steve Foxe and artists Carola Borelli and Arif Prianto, continues Jessica’s personal battle against Hydra within the greater Spider-Verse “Gang War,” and the issue shockingly ends with Diamondback revealing that the villainous Green Mamba is none other than Gerry Drew.
Spider-Woman’s Son Gerry Is Hydra’s Villainous Green Mamba
Gerald “Gerry” Drew was born to his mother Jessica in a black hole during a Skrull invasion, entering the Marvel Universe in 2016’s Spider-Woman Vol. 6 #4. Jessica was immediately enraptured by Gerry, and everything she has done since then has been to protect her precious boy. Gerry quickly showed his superhuman abilities, taking strongly after his mother with many of her spider-based powers as well as both her powerful pheromone and venom blast powers, hinting he would eventually grow up to be an influential hero… or villain.
Spider-Woman #3 reveals that when Jessica was severed from the Web of Life, Hydra took it upon themselves to kidnap baby Gerry, since they have a habit of tracking superpowered babies to use for their own sick purposes. Hydra has a long history of terrorizing Spider-Woman, so it is no surprise that they targeted her child in an attempt to strengthen their power, and also ruin Jessica’s life. Jessica was convinced that Hydra had kidnapped baby Gerry and was using his DNA to empower Hydra soldiers, creating villains like Green Mamba for their army, never thinking that Mamba could actually be Gerry.
Jessica’s Worst Nightmare Is Becoming A Terrible Reality
Now though, Jessica most likely wishes that were the case, after the horrifying reveal that Green Mamba was Gerry aged up using monstrous Hydra technology, and brainwashed into becoming a powerful pawn for the evil organization to use against Jessica. Gerry transforming into a twisted villain – especially one who has attacked her multiple times – is a worst-case scenario for Jessica as a hero and a mother, and she is understandably heartbroken and shattered. Green Mamba is only the latest in a long line of Avengers children to go evil, like the villainous James Stark from the acclaimed Avengers: Twilight ongoing series.
Jessica Drew finally knows where her missing baby is, and there is a chance she will never get to hold him in her arms again. If Spider-Woman is going to defeat Hydra and Diamondback, she will be forced to fight against her beloved son, whose pheromone and venom blast abilities may be even more powerful than her own.
Spider-Woman #3 from Marvel Comics is available in stores now.
“}]] Gerry is all grown up… and tragically evil. Read More