2023’s The Marvels is officially the lowest-grossing film in the MCU, resulting in massive financial loss for Marvel Studios. A sequel to Captain Marvel (2019), the film was a massive disappointment to the fans and it questioned actress Brie Larson’s future in the franchise. However, fans believe that it’s not the end for her because Marvel might release a film titled Captain Marvel 2, which will be the actual sequel to the 2019 movie.
(L-R): Iman Vellani as Ms. Marvel/Kamala Khan, Brie Larson as Captain Marvel/Carol Danvers, and Teyonah Parris as Captain Monica Rambeau in Marvel Studios’ THE MARVELS. Photo courtesy of Marvel Studios. © 2023 MARVEL.
The Marvels (2023) focused on the film’s titular team which consists of Brie Larson’s Carol Danvers, Teyonah Parris’ Monica Rambeau, and Iman Vellani’s Kamala Khan. With a Captain Marvel 2, Marvel can easily continue Carol Danvers’ story, leaving behind The Marvels. Apart from this, Larson hinted in her latest interview that fans might get to see more of Captain Marvel.
Brie Larson talks about Captain Marvel’s future at MCU
Brie Larson in The Marvels
In a recent interview with Entertainment Tonight, actress Brie Larson talked about her character, Captain Marvel / Carol Danvers’ future in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. The actress said,
“I think there is still so much inside of Carol – I feel like getting to be on this team just cracked her open in a way that she hadn’t been and I really loved that for her,” adding, “I just loved her letting the shoulders drop a little bit, and not need to feel like all the responsibility was on her – So I think that there is just so much more to go. She is just a great character to continue to grow with. It’s like, as I am growing she is growing.”
Many fans believe that Captain Marvel’s future in the franchise is in danger due to the failure of 2023’s The Marvels. As of December 8, The Marvels has grossed roughly $197 million on a budget of $274 million, officially making it the lowest-grossing film in the MCU.
Will Brie Larson return as Captain Marvel?
Brie Larson in a still from The Marvels (2023)
Due to the failure of The Marvels, it makes sense why Marvel wouldn’t want to spend money again focusing on Captain Marvel. With rumors about Larson’s removal from the franchise cooking up, the actress directly acknowledged it in her interview with ET. When asked about her future in the MCU, the actress said,
“I don’t want Marvel to come for me – but there is something. There is definitely something, to answer your question, that I would want to say, but I am not going to so.”
Many fans have come up with the theory that Marvel intentionally named the movie The Marvels so that they could come up with the real sequel called Captain Marvel 2, which will focus on Danvers and not The Marvels’ team.
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Some fans are sure that actress Brie Larson will return to the MCU despite the massive failure of 2023’s The Marvels. Read More