
The concept of an all-powerful figure assuming power and transforming Earth into their vision of utopia is nothing new in superhero comics. From Miracleman to House of M, readers have seen these autocratic utopias rise and fall, again and again. Never has that promise seemed as sincere as Doctor Doom’s assumption of power in One World Under Doom, though. Following a debut in which Doom delivered on world peace, universal education and universal healthcare, he continues to expand the merits of his regime in One World Under Doom #2. Doctor Doom has never looked more heroic than in these pages, even as every superhero in Marvel Comics prepares to fight back.

One World Under Doom #2 is published by Marvel Comics and written by Ryan North with art by R.B. Silva, colors by David Curiel, and letters by Travis Lanham. The second issue in Marvel’s newest event miniseries continues to explore how Doctor Doom is reshaping Earth after taking control of the entire planet. Doom announces his next global policy of open borders before debating the merits of his autocracy with his goddaughter, Valeria Richards. In the meantime, both the Fantastic Four and Avengers seek to uncover Doom’s true purpose and expose him as a villain.


One World Under Doom, Explained

Everything comic book readers need to know about Marvel’s One World Under Doom event that involves the Fantastic Four, Avengers and more.

Doom Defies Expectations in Reshaping Earth as a Seeming Utopia

One World Under Doom #2 Emphasizes the Goodness of Doom’s Plans, Not the Evil

One World Under Doom provides great material for a philosophical debate as it has yet to undermine Doctor Doom’s promise to the world. The second issue only affirms what heroes were perplexed by upon the announcement of Doom’s rule. The Latverian despot is, in fact, providing universal education and healthcare, an effective end to war, and global freedom of movement without relying upon mass violence or mind control. It’s a utopian vision whose promise is impossible to deny and only Doom’s presence suggests a hidden purpose or cost.


One World Under Doom #1 Review: Doctor Doom Offers Humanity a Global Panacea, But at What Cost?

Doctor Doom reveals his master plan as the new Sorcerer Supreme conquering Earth and presenting humanity and heroes alike with unexpected challenges.

Readers will know, based upon decades of comics in which Doctor Doom serves as the arch-villain for all of Marvel Comics, that the series’ protagonist cannot be trusted. Yet Doom is presented as the protagonist, and it seems in One World Under Doom #2 that both he and writer Ryan North are playing fair with the audience. A sequence between Doom and his beloved Valeria goes out of its way to emphasize that Doom is not lying about his intentions or actions. While it’s entirely possible that this is surface-level misdirection, it seems the series is more interested in considering autocracy in its idealized form.

This results in an interesting inversion of sympathies. Doctor Doom is as prideful and pompous as ever, but the benevolence of his actions cannot be denied as tens of millions of lives are saved in the earliest days of his rule. This effect is emphasized in a personal interaction when Doom transforms The Thing into a man once more. In the face of so much positive change, the greatest challenge confronting Marvel’s superheroes is how to grapple with denying the promise of a better world. Whether it’s the return of Benjamin Grimm’s humanity or the end of war, the greatest conflicts staged in One World Under Doom have more to do with values and ideology than might makes right.

Superheroes Stir Up Trouble in One World Under Doom’s Inverted Dynamics

Plenty of Action and Colorful Guest Stars Arrive Even as Doom Delivers a Pacified Planet

Doctor Doom and Valeria Richards appear in Toronto in a panel from One World Under Doom #2 by artist R.B. Silva, colorist David Curiel, and letterer Travis Lanham.

Although Doctor Doom is pursuing non-violence whenever possible, the Fantastic Four and Avengers ensure there’s still plenty of action in this event. Neither team possesses any more information than the reader, but they are both confident Doom’s plot must be stopped at any cost. The Fantastic Four’s plan to crash an appearance by Doom and provoke him to lash out doesn’t go as intended, but it provides plenty of action beats for the team.

Silva’s portrayal of The Thing going all out against an army of Doombots provides some impactful splashes and excellent sound effects. It’s the best the rocky hero has looked in recent Marvel publications, with an emotive face and form that still captures the iconic hero’s unique design. Expressions and details on human figures are lacking at times, with bright color effects making some panels appear washed out. The overall story is well told and the action is exciting, but digital effects and other alterations leave Silva’s work lacking in contrast to other recent publications.


Marvel Kills the Fantastic Four Ahead of MCU Debut

Marvel’s Fantastic Four will be reduced to nothing as they feel Doctor Doom’s wrath in the ongoing One World Under Doom event.

However, the most exciting elements found in One World Under Doom #2 can be found in its staging for future issues. The Avengers develop their own plans to undermine Doctor Doom with considerably more powerful figures and some unexpected allies. This issue’s cliffhanger reveal is bound to leave fans eager to see what happens next month. As new plans evolve and promise colorful chaos on the page, the question of whether Doom should be stopped is what makes these events matter.

One World Under Doom #2 doubles down on the event’s premise as it promises readers that Doctor Doom’s plan is exactly what is presented: global stability, safety, and welfare in exchange for submission. It’s an idealized form of autocracy, one freed from the constraints of human corruption and self-interest. Even if that sort of premise can only be applied in speculative fiction, it makes for a fascinating consideration of what we value. Readers may know that Doctor Doom is bound to fail by the end, but learning what will lead to that downfall and whether Marvel’s heroes are as righteous as they behave is ample cause to keep reading.

“}]] Doctor Doom continues reshaping the Earth, seemingly for the better, as the Fantastic Four and Avengers seek the truth behind his new scheme.  Read More  
