
Daredevil has a very tumultuous history when it comes to dating. However, one of his earliest and most stable relationships is with none other than Natasha Romanoff/Black Widow. Sadly, after the events of Avengers: Endgame, Natasha and Matt Murdock’s iconic chemistry will most likely never make it to the MCU.

Natasha and Matt first crossed paths in Daredevil #81, written by Gerry Conway, with art by Gene Colan and Bill Everett. Both characters have had memorable relationships throughout the decades of comic history.

Matt has been romantically involved with Elektra Natchios, Karen Page, Kirsten Duffie, Milla Donovan (who he married), and Heather Glenn – his current girlfriend in the Disney+ series, Daredevil: Born Again. Natasha had equally high-profile relationships with Clint Barton (Hawkeye) and Bucky Barnes. However, Matt and Natasha were one of the earliest comics relationships that not only pushed societal boundaries but paired two of the most notable solitary heroes.

They Remained In Each Other’s Lives For Decades After They Broke Up

Released in 1971, Daredevil #81 introduced Natasha to Matt’s life in dramatic fashion when she saved him from drowning. The two quickly teamed up to fight their common enemy, the Owl, but their relationship turned from street-level team-up to professional rather quickly. The life of a Black Widow operative was a dangerous one, and when Natasha defected from the USSR, her enemies wasted no time in trying to bring her down. As a lawyer, Matt wound up defending Natasha in court after she was set up by her former Soviet ties for a murder she didn’t commit.

Soon after the court case, their relationship shifted from professional to romantic in nature. Mattfamous for his love and devotion to Hell’s Kitcheneven left New York to move to San Francisco with Natasha. At that time, in the 1970s, it was a cultural taboo for an unmarried couple to live together. However, Marvel Comics tackled the subject with Matt and Natasha, both of whom had no qualms about their “unconventional” situation. Though their relationship did not last, Matt and Natasha’s chemistry never fizzled out.

The gritty, street-level tone of Daredevil: Born Again would lend extremely well to Black Widow’s world as well.

In 2004, Daredevil #61 – written by Brian Michael Bendis with art by Alex Maleev – Natasha surprises her ex, showing up in his apartment. Though the two had not been a couple in years, there was still an undeniable spark between them. Natasha endlessly intrigues Matt because of the steadiness of her heartbeat. As someone who relies on his enhanced senses, Daredevil is easily able to discern whether someone is lying, excited, or frightened just by the beat of their heart. However, Natasha is an exception to his ability, with her steady heartbeat being one of his “favorite sounds in the entire world.

The MCU Versions of Daredevil and Black Widow Would Be Just as Compatible as Their Comic Counterparts

Charlie Cox And Scarlett Johansson Play Matt Murdock And Natasha Romanoff, Respectively

Custom Image by Alex Valentino

It isn’t hard to imagine the MCU versions of Black Widow and Daredevil in a romance. The gritty, street-level tone of Daredevil: Born Again would lend extremely well to Black Widow’s world as well. Natasha shone brightest in Captain America: The Winter Soldier, which also shared a similar tone with Daredevil: Born Again, as it was rooted in real world drama combined with heavy hand-to-hand combat scenes. Natasha’s fighting style is known for physicality and flexibility, much like Daredevil. The two even share a choice of weapons with double batons.

However, since Natasha met her demise in Avengers: Endgame – an event that could not be reversed by Tony Stark’s Infinity Gauntlet snap – it is unlikely that fans of Natasha and Matt will ever see the relationship brought into the MCU. Despite rumors swirling that the original Avengers are poised to return in Avengers: Doomsday with Robert Downey Jr’s Doctor Doom, Scarlett Johansson has been adamant that Natasha’s story is done in the MCU. In a recent interview with InStyle, Johansson addressed the Doomsday rumors:

Natasha is dead. She is dead. She’s dead. Okay? They just don’t want to believe it. They’re like, ‘But she could come back!’ Look, I think the balance of the entire universe is held in her hand. We’re going to have to let it go. She saved the world. Let her have her hero moment.

If fans of the MCU have learned one thing over the years, it’s not to trust anything the actors of beloved characters say. For years, Robert Downey Jr. denied that he would return to the MCU after Tony’s sacrifice in Endgame. Both Tobey Maguire and Andrew Garfield also denied that they would reprise their roles as Peter Parker/Spider-Man. Even Charlie Cox himself denied that Daredevil would ever return as a part of the MCU after its Netflix days. However, all of those statements were eventually proven to be false.


Black Widow’s New Costume is Exactly What The MCU Needs When She Returns To Film

Black Widow just received a badass redesign that serves as the perfect blueprint for future MCU appearances, fixing a longtime issue with her suits.

While the actors cannot comment on surprise appearances for upcoming projects,Natasha’s return certainly would not be the first resurrection in the MCU and undoubtedly wouldn’t be the last.Perhaps the Natasha Romanoff who sacrificed herself in Avengers: Endgame will not return, but with the multiverse wide open, another version of Black Widow from a different timeline/dimension is entirely possible. Bringing Natasha back could open the door for Daredevil and Black Widow to finally have their long-overdue MCU relationship as one of the earliest comic couples.

Source: InStyle

Black Widow

First introduced as an antagonist to Iron Man, the Russian assassin Natasha Romanoff eventually defected to the US and joined Marvel’s roster of heroes. Working as a member of S.H.I.E.L.D. and the Avengers, Black Widow has appeared in countless comics and several films in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (played by Scarlett Johansson).


The Daredevil franchise centers on the Marvel Comics superhero Daredevil, also known as Matt Murdock, a blind lawyer with heightened senses who combats crime in New York City’s Hell’s Kitchen. Since his comic debut in 1964, Daredevil has expanded into various media, including film, television, and video games.

“}]] Daredevil and Black Widow are a great couple.  Read More  
