Marvel is introducing an awesome new Hulk with unique powers and a striking design – there’s only one problem… he’s the wrong color. And while the right color is just my opinion, I’d argue that Marvel’s own lore backs me up. Over the years, Hulk has taken on several different colors, from blue to silver to yellow. However, almost none of them have been permanent. Only the Red Hulk and Gray Hulk have really established themselves as lasting characters distinct from the Green Goliath – now, we have a rare chance for another.
Following on from the success of Hellverine – an unholy combination of Wolverine and Ghost Rider – Marvel is introducing the Hell Hulk. This towering behemoth is a Red Hulk infused with satanic powers, burning with infectious hatred and rage.
However, I honestly think Marvel is missing a huge trick by introducing another Red Hulk when it could have something even better.
Marvel already established what color Hulk turns when he’s infused with demonic energy – and there’s a major benefit to staying consistent.
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Hell Hulk Radiates Murderous Rage, Causing Others to Kill
In Benjamin Percy and Raffaele Ienco’s Hellverine #6, Marvel will introduce the Hell Hulk, teased as a mix of “unbridled rage and demonic hellfire.” Hell Hulk is a result of a shadowy government organization dedicated to weaponizing demonic energies. In a press release, Percy states:
Project Hellfire is a shadow program dedicated to studying and developing the science and technology of Hell. Their labs – located deep beneath the Pentagon, in a facility known as the Pentangle – have discovered something worrisome. All around the globe, in isolated pockets, people are being driven to murderous rage, a threat to themselves and others. An investigation reveals a common factor unites these cases: the presence of the HELL HULK, a monster who gives off infectious waves of infernal power. A larger pattern is being uncovered, and only Hellverine can unpuzzle its meaning and put a stop to a demonic conspiracy that threatens the world.
The basic pitch for Hell Hulk shows Marvel is right on target with this character – especially in his power to infect others with murderous rage. This is actually a power that Bruce Banner’s Hulk has possessed on a few rare occasions, but one which Marvel hasn’t really explored in its dark potential. Hulk is defined by his rage, so pointing that anger outwards is a smart way to redefine that theme in a new light. It’s also a smart development of the Red Hulk’s natural ability to exude more heat the angrier he gets, even though I definitely don’t think Hell Hulk should just be a new type of Red Hulk.
Hell Hulk can still switch colors, even though Marvel already debuted the red version. In fact, it would follow Hellverine’s example.
Marvel’s cover art makes it clear that the Hell Hulk will be as physically imposing as Bruce Banner’s other half, but he’s also perfectly designed as an enemy of the Wolverine family (the current Hellverine is Logan’s son, Akihiro.) One of the defining themes of Wolverine lore is how Logan struggles with his rage, losing his humanity when overcome by his emotions and becoming the killing machine that Weapon X tried to make him. Akihiro has his own take on this struggle – his rage has made him a callous force of evil in the past – so a villain who forcibly imbues rage is the perfect challenge to the Hellverine’s humanity, especially as he struggles with the demonic Bagra-ghul – the source of his fiery new powers.
Hulk Isn’t Just Green: All 11 Colors of Hulk in Marvel Lore Explained
Hulk’s green skin may be iconic, but his red, blue, yellow, white and black forms all deserve love too – here’s what you need to know.
I’m Betting This New Red Hulk Isn’t General Ross…
In Which Case, Making Him Red Is a Mistake
It’s clear that the Hell Hulk will be a new Red Huilk, which suggests this is a transformed Thunderbolt Ross. Adding to this is the Hell Hulk being the product of the Pentangle. Since the MCU’s Captain America: Brave New World debuted Harrison Ford’s Ross as the president, a government link would seem to point in that character’s direction. However, it would be a bad move for Marvel to transform Ross, who is currently starring in his own Red Hulk miniseries, battling against Doctor Doom. Marvel would be making a mistake by trading a popular and successful Red Hulk for the Hell Hulk – a new character who could well end up sticking around.
Given Hellverine’s breakout success, there’s no chance Marvel isn’t hoping Hell Hulk captures fan imagination to the same extent, so why not debut him as a separate character from the beginning?
That’s especially the case when Marvel already has another Red Hulk in Robert Maverick. A little-known character, Maverick is a heroic general who worked with Avengers Idea Mechanics and the USAvengers, utilizing a gadget that gave him an ‘Hour of Power’ as Red Hulk. Exposure to this energy eventually gave him the powers permanently, and he’s currently battling Sam Wilson over in Sam Wilson: Captain America, where he just sprouted suspiciously demonic wings.
It’s also possible Hell Hulk is a totally new character. Given Hellverine’s breakout success, there’s no chance that Marvel isn’t at least hoping Hell Hulk captures fan imagination to the same extent, so why not debut a separate person from the beginning, allowing the publisher to do anything it wants with them going forward without impacting other projects? That’s certainly the smartest way to handle such a breakout success, and I’d argue it’s why this Hulk needs his own color.
Another piece of evidence that the new Hell Hulk is General Ross is his prior association with Mephisto, who branded Ross with the demonic Hell-Mark. While little has come of this since, it would be an easy way to establish how Red Hulk turned demonic. However, even if General Ross is the Hell Hulk, he shouldn’t stay that way…
Every Version of Red Hulk in Marvel Lore (Ranked Weakest to Strongest)
Red Hulk is one of Marvel’s most powerful characters, but since his 2008 introduction, there are many more versions than just General Ross.
Marvel Already Debuted a Demonic Hulk, Establishing a Unique Color
Making Hell Hulk Orange Is the Smartest Possible Path
In my opinion, Hell Hulk should be orange, and for two key reasons. First, Marvel already officially established that’s the color of a Hulk transformed by infernal energy. In 2011’s Deadpool Annual #1 (from John Layman and Juan Doe), Marvel debuted the Infernal Hulk. This is an alternate-reality version of Bruce Banner who became the Sorcerer Supreme, but was later consigned to Hell. After absorbing demonic energies, Banner became the orange Infernal Hulk, adding the ability to breathe fire and smash magic to his roster of powers.
Is it important that a new Hell Hulk match a forgotten Hulk variant from another reality? Not particularly, but it’s no secret that superhero fans love deep lore callbacks and consistent power ‘rules,’ so why not? More importantly, a new color of Hulk is huge news. It’s hard to overstate the hype surrounding the Red Hulk’s debut in 2008. The character’s fiery design and the mystery surrounding his identity was huge news, reported in mainstream media outlets, and brought countless fans back to comics to check out this new twist. Put simply, Hulk fans love encountering a new color of Hulk. Hell Hulk is an obvious opportunity to recreate that success.
The idea of the orange Hulk feels definitive, permanent and authoritative – something Hulk fans have to know about. As opposed to a temporary demon version.
Debuting a new, orange Hulk would be far bigger news than introducing a demonic variant. That’s partly because selecting a new color makes the decision feel impactful and permanent – there are only so many colors the Hulk can turn, and again, superhero fans love to categorize characters’ powers and abilities. Green Hulk grows stronger with rage, Gray Hulk keeps his intellect at the cost of some strength, and Red Hulk has heat powers – Orange Hulk imbuing others with rage is a slam-dunk addition to Hulk lore that fans would feel unable to miss.
The idea of the orange Hulk feels definitive, permanent and authoritative – something Hulk fans have to know about. In contrast, a Red Hulk temporarily infused with demonic energy doesn’t have the same impact, whether or not it deserves to. If the Hell Hulk has the potential to be a permanent addition to Marvel lore (and ultimately, that will depend on fan reception), giving him his own color is a must, especially because it’s consistent with past lore. Thankfully, there’s still a way to do it…
10 Strongest Marvel Characters Who Are Related to the Hulk (Ranked by Physical Strength)
Hulk has an extensive family in Marvel lore, with various kids, cousins and wives who have superpowers of their own. Here are the strongest!
Hulk and Hellverine History Show Hell Hulk Can Still Be Orange
In Fact, It Would Be a Cool Nod to Hulk History
While Akihiro is currently the Hellverine, the codename originally belonged to Wolverine – the first hero to be possessed by the Bagra-ghul. Akihiro inherited the name and powers when he was sought out by the demon, inheriting his father’s former identity. Initially, Akihiro looked exactly like his father’s Hellverine, but once he accepted the Bagra-ghul, his appearance changed. The same thing could be done with the Hell Hulk – if this new Red Hulk is General Ross, then Marvel will want its original Red Hulk back pretty soon. However, whatever demon has transformed him could still pass on to a new host, justifying a new appearance.
While this might sound like an awkward development, it would actually be an ideal tribute to Marvel lore. Bruce Banner’s Hulk was originally gray but – because of printing issues that made the coloring inconsistent – quickly turned green. This real-life decision was incorporated into Hulk lore, giving the Hulk his first alternate form, the gray Hulk (later naming itself Joe Fixit.) Hell Hulk starting out red and turning orange would evoke the same kind of transformation, and could even help establish the character as a permanent addition to Marvel lore – the same way that Akihiro becoming Hellverine confirmed the character would be sticking around.
That kind of permanence depends on Hell Hulk being a success and capturing the imagination of fans, and I’m really hoping he will. It’s always fun for fans when a new kind of Hulk gets to stomp around the Marvel Universe, expanding the character’s lore and the mysterious forces that give him his powers. The inversion of Hulk’s rage powers is a truly smart way to introduce a new villain, and Marvel’s supernatural lore is one of its most undeveloped areas. Hopefully, the new Hell Hulk is here to stay, whether or not Marvel agrees with me and turns him orange.
Hellverine #6 is coming May 14 from Marvel Comics.
“}]] There’s still time for Marvel to fix it. Read More