The following contains major spoilers for The Ultimates #10, on sale now from Marvel Comics.
Two Marvel icons have become a single horrifying threat in the new Ultimate Universe.
The Ultimates #10 drops the eponymous team of heroes into the middle of Castletown, a sprawling, American suburb made up entirely of members of the neo-Nazi organization known as the Red Skulls. There, the team encounters all manner of threats including an entire army of soldiers all modeled after none other than Frank Castle, aka the Punisher. Of course, these roving menaces are far from the kind of antiheroes Frank was, especially not when so many of them are as unhinged as John Walker.
Wolverine’s Worst Enemy Is About to Become Marvel’s Next Evil God
Wolverine is staring down a supercharged version of his oldest enemy, and there might not be any stopping Romulus’ ascension to godhood.
Written by DENIZ CAMP
Design by JAY BOWEN
Main cover art by DIKE RUAN & NEERAJ MENON
John Walker is one of Marvel’s most storied characters, not to mention one of its most wildly unpredictable. First seen in the pages of 1986’s Captain America #323 by Mark Gruenwald and Paul Neary as the Super-Patriot, John had undergone treatments administered by the Power Broker in the hopes of embarking upon his own career as a costumed superhero. Unfortunately, John’s narcissistic streak quickly led him to playing the role of a villain, even if he was given the opportunity to take up the mantle of Captain America for some time.
John Walker is best known by the moniker of the U.S.Agent, which he first appeared as in 1989’s Captain America #354 by Mark Gruenwald and Kieron Dwyer. After years of failing to leave a real legacy behind under other mantles, Walker finally found something that not only fit, but evoked exactly what kind of character he is at his core. Over the nearly four decades since then, John has fought alongside and led teams such as the Thunderbolts, stood firm in the face of more than one alien invasion, and even made it clear that he would never try to put himself between any other Captain America and their shield.
The Hulk’s Kid Sidekick Is Hunting for an MCU Icon
The Hulk’s most unlikely ally is in desperate need of help, and only the former Sorcerer Supreme himself can save her from her own powers.
The Punisher and U.S.Agent are just the latest in a long line of characters to be completely reimagined in Marvel’s latest Ultimate Universe. While this reality shared a similar history to that which Marvel fans know best, it was irreparably altered by the villainous Reed Richards known as the Maker. With complete foreknowledge of world events and the personal lives of the heroes and villains who would have otherwise inhabited it, the Maker effectively remade the world in his own image. In doing so, the Maker left the reality of Earth-6160 almost entirely devoid of heroes, at least up until the likes of the Ultimates rose up to seal him away.
The Ultimates #10 is on sale now from Marvel Comics.
Source: Marvel Comics
“}]] The Ultimate Marvel Universe just turned one of the MCU’s most unhinged villains into a whole new kind of Punisher, and he is terrifying. Read More