
Doctor Strange‘s cape has been an important tool in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, although a brand new release has recently highlighted an innovative way the cape can be used that I’d like to see replicated in Strange’s future appearances. While Benedict Cumberbatch has revealed that Doctor Strange not be in Avengers: Doomsday, the MCU hero’s Marvel future will certainly see him playing an important role in future stories. This presents many promising opportunities for the character going forward, including the return of Strange’s iconic MCU cape.

The whole world of magic in the MCU has seen Doctor Strange using incredible spells throughout his time in the universe, but his stories have worked best when they have allowed other characters like Wong and America Chavez to share the spotlight. However, there also seems to be a unique character throughout the franchise that has barely been explored – namely, the hero’s cape, which is shown to have its own sort of personality. After a new appearance, I can see so many ways this cape could play a major role in the MCU future.

Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man Makes Doctor Strange’s Cape A Sidekick

The Animated Series Makes Creative Use Of Strange’s Cloak

In the premiere episode of Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man, Doctor Strange has a short but crucial appearance that features his cloak heavily. During the scene, Strange appears in a portal behind a symbiote monster, which he must defeat. As he does, the monster attempts to wreak havoc upon the school and its students. To help him fight back, Strange talks to his cloak and tells it what to do, especially in a notable scene where it flies off to help a student.

In this way, Strange treats his cape here like it is his sidekick. The cape acts independently of Strange, and seems to be in communication and collaboration with the hero. Rather than being reduced to a cloak that has been blessed with magical powers for Strange to use, the cape here acts as a distinct entity that is working toward the same goal. This has been seen to an extent in the MCU, although it has never been examined this clearly or with this much energy.

The MCU’s Live-Action Doctor Strange Hasn’t Used His Cape Enough

Doctor Strange’s Cloak Should Have Even More Of An MCU Presence

In the MCU, Doctor Strange’s incredible powers have been a bit difficult to fit into certain stories, and this has meant that some of his abilities have not been used to their fullest potential. Details with the Eye of Agamotto have been a large focus, and the tools surrounding the Book of Vishanti were important to Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness. Still, his Cloak of Levitation has arguably not been given the focus that its use in this animated series has shown can be a great deal of fun, and can also add to Strange himself as a character.

This is not to say the cloak has never been used in the MCU. In Spider-Man: No Way Home, it saves Ned, and there is even a scene in Doctor Strange where it wipes tears from Strange’s face, showing that there is a level of emotionality inside the cloak. However, the characterization of this item has been limited. The Cloak of Levitation can actually be a fully fledged character inside of these Doctor Strange stories, and there are ample opportunities to use it that way in future projects and appearances.

Avengers: Secret Wars And Doctor Strange 3 Should Use His Cape More

As Well As Any Other Doctor Strange Appearances In The Future

Fortunately, I believe there are many opportunities ahead for Doctor Strange to use his cape in his upcoming appearances. Cumberbatch’s Strange was originally cast as a bit of a dour character and, while there has been some levity brought to his appearances, the humorous characterization of his cape can help further this, especially as Strange faces some dark story chapters following the ending of Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness. In addition, the cape is an incredibly powerful magical artifact, and there are certainly countless ways it could be a big help in the likes of Avengers: Secret Wars.

Some Marvel characters and details have to take some time to find themselves, and it is fine that certain important features of Doctor Strange’s stories, including the characterization of his cape, haven’t been given the focus those details might deserve. There will hopefully be many more appearances of Benedict Cumberbatch as Doctor Strange, and allowing his cape to appear as more of a character in the future could bolster those appearances. In his own sequels and in Secret Wars, Strange’s cape could play a significant and compelling role.

I was disappointed to learn that Doctor Strange will no longer appear in Avengers: Doomsday, although I was very excited to see him in Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man. The character has tended to pop up in all kinds of different Marvel projects, and it will be exciting to see where he appears next. Following this recent appearance, there are so many opportunities to use his cape in fun and engaging ways that make the Doctor Strange stories even better, and I hope that that continues to be true in his future.

Upcoming MCU Movies

“}]] Doctor Strange’s cape is a character unto itself.  Read More  
