Like many of Marvel Comics’ Uncanny X-Men, Cyclops has a ridiculously convoluted family tree. Even when compared to those of his fellow Children of the Atom, Scott Summers’ bloodline has been a point of focus for many both within continuity and without.
As figurehead of the X-Men, Scott’s history has oft times been one of the franchise’s driving forces, and his family tree is no different. And it turns out that same family tree is one of the most powerful in all of Marvel Comics’ lore.
Adam-X (Half-Brother)
Created by Fabian Nicieza & Tony Daniel
The genetically engineered child of the mad Shi’ar Emperor D’Ken and the late Katherine Summers, Adam Neramani a.k.a. Adam X is the long-lost heir to the Shi’ar throne and the half-brother of Cyclops as well as Havok and Vulcan. With these political considerations in mind, his link to the Summers’ family tree was psychically erased to uphold the stability of the Shi’ar throne.
Gifted with the mutant ability to “ignite” the blood of his enemies by sending an electric surge the oxygenated blood, Adam-X is one of the most “x-treme” mutants around, but he won’t be frequenting any Summers family barbecues anytime soon.
Fontanelle (Ancestor)
Created by Fabian Nicieza & Steve Skroce
Yet another example of psionic power within the ever-expanding Summers and Grey bloodlines, Gloria Dayne is the half-sister of Scott Summers’ paternal great-grandfather. As the morally flexible Fontanelle, this malevolent mutant telepath is known for using her gifts to sift through the dreams of her subjects on behalf of her elseworlds employer, New Sun.
Although Dayne’s telepathy isn’t quite as powerful as the psychic skills of Emma Frost or Jean Grey, Fontanelle is still a formidable mentalist, having given Scott’s fellow X-Man, Gambit, more than a few headaches in her time, though she has yet to tangle directly with Cyclops.
Black Womb (Ancestor)
Created by Fabian Nicieza & Anthony Williams
One of Cyclops’ most repugnant relatives, Amanda Müeller a.k.a. Black Womb is the eldest branch of the Summers Family tree on this list, and one of its most sinister. Born in the 19th Century with the mutant gift of immortality, Müeller worked hand-in-hand with Mister Sinister, conducting mutagenic experiments on her “miscarried” pregnancies and eventually spearheading the Black Womb Project.
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The X-Men are among Marvel Comics’ most powerful and versatile heroes, but not every mutant superpower is strictly offensive in nature.
Immortal but not immune to the non-lethal effects of aging like immobility or wrinkled skin, Müeller is Cyclops’ paternal great-great-grandmother, and the mother of Gloria Dayne a.k.a. Fontanelle. And it’s thanks to her that Mister Sinister’s obsession with Cyclops’ bloodline persists to this day.
Ruby Summers (Alt-Universe Daughter)
Created by Peter David & Valintine De Landro
Hailing from the same timeline as the fan-favorite X-Men icon named Bishop, Ruby Summers is the elseworlds daughter of Cyclops and his fan-favorite love interest, Emma Frost. This future mutant freedom fighter follows in both her parents’ powerful footsteps, gifted both with an organic ruby form resembling her mother’s diamond-hard carapace as well as her own optic blasts that are shades blacker than those emitted by her father, Cyclops.
Functionally immortal thanks to her gemlike skin, Ruby is actually in her eighties, maintains the appearance of a woman in her mid-twenties thanks to the ageless properties of her crystaline mutation.
Genesis (Grandson)
Created by Fabian Nicieza & Rob Liefeld
The son of Cyclops’ far-flung future progeny, Cable, Tyler Dayspring is the grandson of Scott Summers and an incredibly formidable mutant warrior in his own right. Able to sense the memories of others, Tyler a.k.a. Genesis can in turn weaponize these projections much the same way that the New Mutant known as Mirage can bring the fears of her opponents to life.
Additionally, as the son of Cable, Tyler Dayspring has been trained in countless military tactics and combat styles, making him an ultimate soldier of the future – even if that ultimate soldier betrayed everything Cable stood for by attempting to usurp Apocalypse himself.
Havok (Brother)
Created by Arnold Drake & Don Heck
A steadfast member of the X-Men and a mutant icon in his own right, Alex Summers, better known as Havok, has been fighting for mutant rights almost as long as his older brother, Cyclops. An Alpha-Level Mutant, Alex has the ability of ambient energy conversion.
A steadfast member of the X-Men and a mutant icon in his own right, Alex Summers, better known as Havok, has been fighting for mutant rights almost as long as his older brother, Cyclops.
As his body constantly absorbs cosmic energy that he can process and manifest into intense bursts of superheated plasma, Alex remains immune to Scott’s abilities just as Cyclops is immune to his. And though Havok has used these powers on behalf of the X-Men, X-Factor, and even the Hellions, he’s never quite managed to escape Cyclops’ shadow, despite his own undeniable firepower.
Hyperstorm (Alt-Universe Grandson)
Created by Tom DeFalco & Paul Ryan
Born to Rachel Summers and Franklin Richards in a timeline resembling the mutant-hunting dystopia of Days of Future Past fame, Jonathan Reed Richards alias Hyperstorm callously wields the all-powerful legacies of two of Marvel’s greatest heroic dynasties. As a mutant himself, Hyperstorm wields the Supreme Power, virtually infinite psychic energy drawn from hyperspace that gives him near godlike abilities that allow him to face off against Galactus.
Given such destructive potential, Hyperstorm could potentially be placed higher on this list, but considering the limited number of appearances in which to gauge his true potential, the rotten apple of the Summers’ Family Tree can’t hold a candle to Cyclops’ more clearly established powerhouse relatives.
Cable (Son)
Created by Chris Claremont, Rick Leonardi, Louise Simonson, & Rob Liefeld
The ultimate endpoint of Mister Sinister’s experimentations with the Summers’ Family Tree, Cable, a.k.a. Nathan Dayspring Summers is an Alpha-Level Mutant with more unutilized potential than accurately can be conveyed. Infected with the Techno-Organic Virus as a baby, Nathan has rarely been able to fully exercise his considerable telepathic and telekinetic mutant abilities, but fans have gotten a glimpse of Nate’s true power more than once.
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In one such instance, Cable – fully unburdened of the T.O. virus and wielding his full abilities – managed to go toe-to-toe with the Silver Surfer himself and hardly broke a sweat. Nate may generally prefer to use really big guns, but the real big guns are locked into his genetic code.
Goblin Queen (Ex-Wife)
Created by Chris Claremont & Paul Smith
Madelyne Pryor may not like it, but at this point, the Goblin Queen is a key member of the Summers Family, and one of its most powerful members. A clone of Jean Grey gifted with a portion of the once and future Phoenix’s stunning psionic might as well as demonic, sorcerous abilities of her own, the Goblin Queen is also the biological mother of Cyclops’ son, Cable.
Having a strained relationship with both her ex-husband and her “sister,” Pryor prefers to keep her interactions with her extended family to a minimum, apart from an on-again, off-again romance with Scott’s brother, Havok.
Askani (Daughter)
Created by Chris Claremont, John Byrne, & John Romita Jr.
Cyclops and Jean Grey’s daughter form the Days of Future Past timeline, Rachel Summers a.k.a. Askani a.k.a. Marvel Girl a.k.a. Phoenix has donned her share of identities with more than enough power to always back up her chosen name. A former host of the Phoenix Force, Rachel inherited her mother’s incredible telepathic and telekinetic abilities, but she’s far more than Jean Grey Jr.
Unlike other members of her family, Rachel also possesses limited time manipulation abilities, using her chronoskimming powers to send her consciousness and others into the minds of past and future versions of themselves. And given her status as a multiversal anomaly, Rachel Summers’ power is truly one of a kind.
Stryfe (Cloned Son)
Created by Louise Simonson & Rob Liefeld
The corrupted clone of Cable himself, the Nathan Summers variant named Stryfe describes himself as an Omega Level clone – a fitting moniker considering the power levels at his disposal. Sharing the same genetic potential as his “brother,” Cable, Stryfe was never infected by the techno-Organic virus that limits Dayspring’s powerful psionic abilities.
As such, Stryfe offers a fuller idea of Cable’s true power levels and is a world-class telekinetic in his own right with telepathic power levels that make him one of the strongest psychics on Earth. And his time spent as Apocalypse’s heir makes him Cyclops’ most ruthless offspring.
Vulcan (Brother)
Created by Ed Brubaker & Trevor Hairsine
The long-lost third Summers brother, Gabriel Summers is an Omega Level mutant who specializes in the manipulation and absorption of energy on a scale that can hardly be quantified. Immune to the abilities of his brothers Cyclops and Havok, the vainglorious Vulcan can control and manipulate virtually all forms of energy including Cyclops’ optic blasts, the entire electromagnetic spectrum, and even energies that are magic in nature.
With a traumatic and alien childhood that culminated in years of presumed death thanks to Charles Xavier, Vulcan is far from the most stable member of Scott’s extended family – and that makes him one of the most dangerous.
Hope Summers (Granddaughter)
Created by Mike Carrey, Ed Brubaker, Peter David, Chris Yost, & Craig Kyle
The Mutant Messiah known as Hope Summers was long-touted as the last hope for salvation that remained for mutant kind, and considering her power levels, it’s no surprise why. An Omega-Level power mimic, Cable’s adopted daughter can replicate, regulate, and synergize the abilities of any mutant in her vicinity.
These abilities made her indispensable to the Krakoan Resurrection Protocols, and since her ascension to the White Hot Room following her death and rebirth as the Phoenix Force from which she was first born, her Omega-Level abilities have moved beyond those of a mutant to that of a cosmic force.
X-Man (Alt-Universe Son)
Created by Jeph Loeb & Steve Skroce
Arguably the most powerful mutant ever born, Nate Grey is the genetic son of Cyclops and Jean Grey from the Age of Apocalypse timeline. Grown without the Techno-Organic limits placed on his Earth-616 counterpart, Cable, X-Man’s telepathic and telekinetic abilities are unparalleled and are even said to potentially be in the same weight class as beings like a Phoenix-powered Jean Grey and the Sentry himself.
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Cyclops is considered one of the X-Men’s greatest icons, but Scott Summers’ romantic history is more chaotic than any of his fellow mutants’.
Initially, his powers were so great that they threatened to burn him out from within, but after several years of power fluctuation and an encounter with the Life Seed, Nate became more powerful than ever – even having surpassed the moniker of Omega-level mutant.
Jean Grey (Wife)
Created by Stan Lee & Jack Kirby
As one of the most powerful entities in Marvel Comics, it’s no wonder that Jean Grey a.k.a. The Phoenix is Cyclops’ most powerful relative. Formed from the life energies of every mutant from across the history of the multiverse, the Phoenix’s abilities are nothing short of godlike, and its indelible connection to Jean Grey herself makes her nothing less than a god.
Even when separated from the Phoenix Force, Jean is an Omega-Level telepath and an Omega-Level telekinetic thanks to her unparallelled X-Gene and is considered to be the greatest telepath in the Marvel Universe. Jean Grey’s potential is legitimately limitless, and even without the Phoenix Force, Jean Grey is Cyclops’ strongest relative and one of Marvel Comics’ most powerful heroes ever.
“}]] Scott’s family tree is crazier than most. Read More