After a face-off with part of the Greek pantheon, Thor obtained another enchanted relic (Megingjord, a belt of strength and endurance), exiled Loki from Asgard, and met with Enchantress (who wants one of her sons returned from the dead). And while Thor may not know it yet, the Minotaur has been resurrected. Oh dear.

As last month’s issue revealed, the Minotaur is back, this month joined by Radioactive Man and a few more obscure villains. Writer Al Ewing plays his hand close to his chest in Immortal Thor #16: the issue focuses on building action and creating mystery, while character work takes a back seat. Artist Jan Bazaldua’s art is generally strong, but at times awkward and underdeveloped. In one multi-page conversation scene, Thor holds his hammer out directly in front of him in almost every panel, as if frozen. By contrast, the action scenes of the issue are quite dynamic. 

The story’s best page is unfortunately also its first. The page depicts the original Human Torch, Jim Hammond, who appeared the first Marvel comic (Marvel Comics #1) exactly eighty-five years ago (October 1939). Bazaldua’s artwork, which Matt Hollingsworth colors in sepia with the exception of its glowing central figure, is captivating. Ewing’s accompanying narration describes Human Torch as “the first of the gods,” toying with the popular romantic notion of superheroes as “modern mythology.” It’s a brief and enthralling homage that tragically gives way to plotting baddies and conventional fights all too soon. 

Immortal Thor #16 promises an enchanting exploration of superheroes as modern mythology and mythology-as-superhero-story. However, it ends up being something far more formulaic. 

Immortal Thor #16: An Age of Marvels

Writing – 8/10 Storyline – 7/10 Art – 7.5/10


Color – 8/10 Cover Art – 9/10



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 Immortal Thor #16 promises an enchanting exploration of superheroes as modern mythology and mythology-as-superhero-story. However, it ends up being something far more formulaic. #Thor #ImmortalThor #MarvelComics  Read More