There are many iconic villains in Marvel Comics. One of the biggest villains, both in scale and threat level, is Galactus, also known as the Devourer of Worlds. Despite his many appearances, there is still plenty to learn about this massive villain. As with any long-standing comic character, there’s a plethora of information to dig through, turning up some fascinating and overlooked details.
Galactus was first introduced in 1966 when he went up against The Fantastic Four. Since then, he’s come up against many heroes on several occasions, ensuring that the fandom will never forget his name. He’s a classic go-to villain when creators need to establish a world-ending threat, and with good reason.
Galactus Has Made Some Unlikely Herald Choices
The Devourer of Worlds Has Selected a Few Surprising Heralds
The Silver Surfer
Galactus is probably best known for two things – his tendency to devour the life force of planets and his Heralds. Most fans will picture the Silver Surfer as he’s the most famous Herald of Galactus. However, he’s far from the only Herald to serve the Devourer of Worlds. In truth, Galactus has made many odd decisions, especially choosing his next Herald.
Throughout the years, many named characters have stepped up to the title of Herald of Galactus.One more recent and better-known example is Thor, who was a Herald during Dan Jurgens’ Thor run. A more shocking choice is Dazzler, who was chosen to help track down a renegade Herald. Finally, there’s Aunt May. Aunt May is the Herald of Galactus in Marvel Team-Up #137, and yes, this does mean she was imbued with the Power Cosmic in the process.
The Infinity Stones Are a Mere Snack for Galactus
Galactus Once Tried to Eat the Infinity Gems
Thanks to MCU events like Infinity War, even casual fans are aware of the dangers the Infinity Gems pose. Giving such power to Galactus may feel like a hat-on-a-hat situation, but Galactus had seemingly good justifications for wanting the stones. He was hungry! During Thanos #4 (2004), Galactus came up with a brilliant plan to solve his unceasing hunger once and for all.
10 Marvel Villains Powerful Enough To Protect The Universe
While Marvel foes like Doctor Doom and Apocalypse could use their incredible abilities to save the world, they often have more selfish goals in mind.
As it turns out, even beings as powerful as Galactus can be manipulated.What he thought was a grand scheme to eat the stones and end his hunger forever was a larger game of manipulation. The entity known as Hunger tricked Galactus into gathering the Infinity Stones, knowing they would be powerful enough to free him and leave him free to consume as he wished. His plan was thwarted, so he and Galactus were both left hungry.
Galactus’ Armor Is Also a Limiter
The Armor Helps to Contain and Limit Galactus’ Cosmic Effects
Galactus’ armor acts in reverse; instead of protecting what’s inside, it protects what’s outside
The armor helps to contain energies and powers
The armor is made from the Power Cosmic
It may be tempting for readers, especially newer readers, to look at Galactus’ purple armor and giggle. While the color design is not always the most threatening design, the armor itself serves a vital purpose that benefits the rest of the universe. Galactus is essentially the Power Cosmic, which is a concise way of expressing how powerful he is. As such, his mere presence carries great risk and danger.
10 Marvel Villains Who Were Done Dirty By The MCU
The MCU has had many great villains and heroes over the years, but there were many other baddies that never got the attention they deserved.
The armor Galactus is famous for wearing isn’t there to protect the wearer but rather everyone and everything around him. It helps contain the Power Cosmic and reduces unintended destruction and damage. Galactus created the armor using the Power Cosmic, so it can disappear if his concentration is lost.
The Devourer of Worlds Was Once Consumed
Even Galactus is Not Immune to the Threat of Zombies
Marvel Zombies
Release Year
Robert Kirkman, Sean Phillips
They say what goes around comes around, and Galactus certainly got what’s coming to him in Marvel Zombies. It all starts with a zombie plague originating on the planet Earth. One thing led to another, and in the blink of an eye, the planet was overrun – heroes and all. Unfortunately for the wider universe, the zombies were not content to be contained on a single planet, spreading the devastation further and further.
The famous Silver Surfer made the mistake of visiting the planet sometime after the Earth had fallen to the zombie plague. Things went as expected, with the Silver Surfer falling to the superpowered undead army. Galactus was only shortly behind his Herald, and even he was not immune to being devoured by a hoard of zombies, which is a little ironic.
Galactus Has Shifting Forms
Galactus Has Been Portrayed in Many Forms
Galactus appears the way he does because it is the best way for the human mind to perceive him
He has also been portrayed as a giant eyeball
Galactus has a few more comical appearances, such as being an Elvis impersonator
Galactus is best known for appearing in his iconic purple armor. While this armor serves a purpose, it isn’t the only form that Galactus can take. The simple truth is that Galactus is a primal force in Marvel Comics, which means he’s a force so powerful and massive that the average being cannot comprehend his true form. So, he appears more understandable to all who look at him. For the people of Earth, that usually means he takes the form of a giant man in purple armor.
Since Galactus can and will appear in many forms, it’s no surprise that his portrayal has changed occasionally. During Marvel Mangaverse, Galactus was portrayed as a giant tentacled eyeball, which is decidedly more unsettling than a full body. Conversely, What If… #34 turned Galactus into a human being and decided to take it further by having him become an Elvis Impersonator.
Galactus Was a Man Before Becoming a Primal Force
Once Upon a Time, Galactus Was a Man
Galactus’ name was once Galen
He was born on the planet Taa
He was reborn in a Cosmic Egg
It may be hard to believe, but before Galactus was a comic being, he was a human—or at least a humanoid. Galactus was born on the planet Taa and named Galan. Taa was part of the previous universe, the one that came before Earth-616. As such, it was always doomed from the start. Galan survived the destruction of his universe, also known as the Big Crunch, but at a price.
The Most Powerful Marvel Villains You’ve Never Heard Of, Ranked from Weakest to Strongest
Marvel Comics tends to create a dozen villains for every hero, which means many of these villains have been cast into obscurity, unable to compete.
Galan was bundled into the center of a Cosmic Egg, which contained all the energy necessary for a new universe. The Big Bang brought Galan along for the ride, and he was reborn as Galactus. It would be many more years before he became the entity readers are more familiar with, as his form was far from complete.
Galactus’ Diet Doesn’t Just Consist of Planets
Galactus Has Been Known to Make a Meal Out Of a Celestial
Cestials are powerful beings, and while not gods, they are god-like
Galactus doesn’t eat in a traditional sense, but instead, he will absorb energy or life force
Galactus has been seen draining the life force and life from Cestials
Galactus didn’t earn the title of World Devourer by sitting around doing nothing. However, it’s worth noting that Galactus doesn’t eat in the traditional sense. Instead, he absorbs a planet’s life force or energy, leaving it depleted. It’s also very important to understand that planets are not the only energy source strong enough to sustain a being as vast as Galactus.
In at least one instance, Galactus has been recorded consuming the life force of a Celestial. Celestials are easily considered one of the most powerful entities in the universe, and yet this mad Celestial didn’t stand a chance against the hunger of Galactus. The Celestial in question was powerful enough to survive even Galactus’ weaknesses, so it was a bit of an ironic turn of events.
Even Galactus Has Weaknesses
It May Be Hard to believe, But Galactus Has More Than One Weakness
Galactus has a confirmed weakness to the Ultimate Nullifier
Galactus is not immune to all laws of nature
It’s hard to imagine something as massive and all-powerful as Galactus having any weakness, but that would never make for an interesting story. Throughout Marvel’s history, countless heroes have faced against Galactus, forcing them to find his flaws. In Fantastic Four #50, one of Galactus’ biggest weaknesses is finally introduced: the Ultimate Nullifier.
The Ultimate Nullifier can completely rewrite reality to the point where Galactus could simply cease to exist. There would be nothing the Devourer could do to prevent it; he’d simply be gone. However, heroes don’t need to get their hands on the Ultimate Nullifier to defeat Galactus, as Galactus can be his own worst enemy. In at least one story (Hercules: Twilight of a God), Galactus consumed so much that his form collapsed into a black hole.
When Galactus Falls, Abraxas Rises
Abraxas is the embodiment of destruction
He wants nothing to exist in the Multiverse
Since Galactus is such a big bad in the Marvel Universe, some readers have likely wondered why the heroes don’t eliminate the threat once and for all. The answer is simple: the devil you know is better than the devil you don’t. A much larger threat lurks in Galactus’s shadow, and his name is Abraxas. While Galactus is hated for destroying planets, he at least serves a purpose.
10 X-Men Villains Fans Completely Forgot About
Not every X-Men villain can enjoy the same popularity as Magneto or Mister Sinister. These forgotten X-Men villains have been completely overlooked.
When Galactus consumes a planet’s life force, he does so to maintain balance. This is why the Heralds are so important to his story. Abraxas, however, is different, since his only goal is pure destruction. Absolutely nothing would survive Abaxas, as he is everything Galactus is not.
Galactus Has a Tendency to Merge Forms
Galactus Has Merged Forms At Least Twice
As a massive powerhouse of Marvel Comics, it may be odd to consider Galactus ever needing help. Likewise, it’s hard to picture Galactus ever having a reason to do something as drastic as merging with another entity. However, this has happened at least twice in Galactus’ history. During the events of Last Planet Standing, Galactus is decidedly defeated by the heroes of Earth. Unfortunately, the victory has the odd side effect of merging Galactus with his Herald, the Silver Surfer.
Oddly enough, that isn’t the only time Galactus merged forms. During a massive crossover event between Marvel and DC Comics, many heroes and villains were mashed together to create new storylines. One such combination was Galactus and Brainiac. This new villain traveled the cosmos and shrank worlds to study at a later date.
“}]] First introduced in 1966, Galactus is one of the biggest villains in Marvel Comics, and there’s still plenty for fans to learn about this character. Read More